HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 55-TL '4 V 33CTION S. (VLQ. j J That said amounts so levied and assessed shall become due and payable upon the completion of the paving upon the portion of said Streets upon which said lot, lots, parts of lots, blocks or tracts of land, front and abutt and the amount of the tax hereby levied and assessed together with the cost of collecting and interest at even (7%) per cent per annum from the date same is colledtable until paid is hereby declared a lien a,,ryainst said lot , to is , part~ of to is , blocks or tracts of land, super for to all ot'rnr lig#s, claims, or titles except Cit:;, County and State taxes, and constitute a porsonal charge or cla im against the owner or owners of said lots , parts of lots, blocks or tracts of land. SLC^Ior- 3• A3,1 the cost of gradin and paving those portions of Cypress Street between the forth Side of Main�treet and the Sogth Side of leite Street as ere oocul?ied betwwen the rails of the track, of the Texas and I,-ew orle,ns Ra ilro ad Cou parry and a apace twenty fo= (24 ) inches beyond the outhe edge o f the rails of the tracks .of said Company located on said Street shall be borne by the said Texas and ITew Orleans I--ilr o2 -d Comp any, and all such costs of said improvements are hrerby assessed against the said T-exas and ITew orleans Railroa d yo,Iipany and shall be collected as other azsessments levied under this ordinance, providid such work shall be done in accordance with the City ordina.ees regulating the con tructipn of .psi lroads in the streets of the City of t3eauMont and the paving Lich streets traversed by the sane. 322TIOIT 4. The fact that the portions of the above named Streets as indicated are in bad condition and jeopardize the safety of the people traveling there- on creates an emergency and an imperative public n4cessity, necessitating tha suspension of the rale reQuiring ordinances to be read on three (0) several days before their passage, said rule is therefore hereby suspended and this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after it - passage and publication. passed this the 3rd Day of riay A. �. 1927 by the affirmative vote of all members of the Commission. r c .'-t N0114110(64 = SIA -d ) �) -v- 5-3-1°1217 , ETTTITLED AI' {�RB�TAT'CE LEVYING AND ASSESS ISTG AS A TAX LTPOTT THE LOTS, PARTS OF LOTS, BLOCKS OR TR iC TS OF LAND W121HE .11'0r! DIVIDED INTTO LOTS OR 3LOCI3, FRMYTING OR ABUTTING ON LUM STREET FROE THE EAST SIDE OF AVENUE B TO THE WEST SIDE OF PARK STREET; AN �'S' `12'2"!"12- FRO!.' THE STO in SIDE 0.7 1AIN STREET TO THE SOUTH SIDE OF TEVIS STRMT, TWO THIRDS (2/3) OF TIS 003T OF PAVING AITD GUTTER AIT.D IS'CIDEBTAL DRAINAGE AND ALL TH3 COST OF CURBING :.AID LYLE S T77' T T'RDi.: TE3 EnST SOL" 0^ AV3 uL C TO THE ,7 ST SIM 01" 21"LR,K ST3^ET, AIM SAID CYPRESS STREET 7ROI:1 THE i'Oi:Tr1 SID: 0" 1,�A1�T STREET TO THE SOUTH SIDE' OF TEVIS STREET APPORTIONABLE TO THE, F.EHEINAFTER ZraFERRP:D 'NU PRO- PERTY, LEVYING AND AS3L33IITG AS TAX UPON. THE TRACiiS 07 THE TEXAS AND IT, ORL MMS :tAILROLD C012ANY ALL THE COST OF PAVING B TYL-ENT ANTD TWO W FET OIT EACH SIZE OF TIM' TRACKS AND R. i ILS OF SAID C 01,,PANY JI +"r SAID TRACKS OCCUPY A PO CION OF CYP 233 STREET BETJEEN THE NTORTH SIDE OF MAN STRE3T AND T113 SOUTH SIDE OF TEVIS STII ET; AND D301w,RIN^ SAID TAY A L131T U-10.717 SAID 23Cy-2TY AN'D A P'�'_�S ONTAL DEBT U OS1 TFL: 0 �7T �; OR 0 fi 3RS TH21 H :OF ASID PRCVIDITTG A TI MMMT SLID = SHALL BEC O.'J3 DUE L: D PAYABLE , P:iOVI DIN G F 01R THC COLE' C T ICNT OF S L:L AND ALL COST Zi; CU QLD I.T C OLLEC TIOI' OF SALE IF :'O T PAID AT THE T L13 I T 3 �C C? : LS DUE A TD PAYABLE ; A'_TD PRG VI DIT' G THE RAT.. O F' IT' TLF2 S� SAID TAX SHL11 BEA-: FRO::= T711,24 1Ii:3 IT 330OL33) DUE U:'TIL PAID AND DECL.�2I717 AIT E RG MT- CY. Whereas, pursuant to the requirements of sub -division (hl of Sec- tion 68, of the vharter of the Jity of Beaumont, the City Commission of the City of BeauLiont caused to be published for the time and in the manner required therfor b- the City JWter, a notice of a gesolution of said vom- mission, passed heretofore on the 12th Day of April d. D. 1927 ordering a hearing to be given to the persons, firms, oorpgrations-and estates, their agents or attorneys, owning property abutting; on Lyle Street from the Last Side ov C to the Jest Side of park Street; a�d vypress Street from the North ide of L;.ain Streets to the Zouth ide of evis Street, and tm• thb owners of Railroads on said Streets; and ca3lin,, upon all persons interested in said matter to appear and show cause in conformity v& th the provisions of the Charter above referred to, why the assessment in said notice should not be made against said property and aga*t the owners thereof, which hearing was to be held in the Council Chamber of the + ity of Beaumont, , Texas at 4 O'Clock P. LF. on the 3rd Day of may A. D. 1957; aril Whereas, a full and fair hearing in conformity with the Charter end I= in each cases having been had in conformity with said notice, and the Commission having inquired into and determined all facts necessary to the ad- 4ndication of all special benefits aconu¢ing to such owners by mesas of ftek improvements, and said hearing having been duly closed; and It appe wring that the assessment as propo sed in the above mentioned resolution passed on the 12th Day of April 4. D. 1927 with the exceptions here- inafter noted are in all respect fair and equitable, and that there will be a full and adaquate and special benefit to the abutting property and the owners thereof covered by reason of the proposed pat.eriegt ::and. iitprovemeQ t in excess of the anount assessed against the abutting property and the resp ctive owners thereof. 0IT; VEMP CRE , HE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY C OLTIaSIOTT 01' THE CITY OF BEAUI.:ON T: 330 T IOF 1. E That there is hereby assessed against the several ovn.ers of property .j (-" , J J 1" ( 'c 1 cJ �_I jt��'y s&IA streets, (exclusive of the whole cost between curb lines of L-aproving said streets at their intersections with other Streets aid Alleys,)and all the ost of curbing said Lyle Street between. the 3ast Side of Avenue C and the lest Side of park 3trett; and Cypress Street between the ITorth Side of 'rain -Street anc the South ide of ievis Street, and against the tracks of the �'exas and TTew Orleans Railroad dompany where occupying said Oypress Street between the ITorth-Side of I,Iain Street and the 0o7th Side of Tevis Street, and against said Texas and ITew Orleans Railroad Dompany, all the cost of paving between and two (2) Feet on each side of the tracks end rei 1s, of said Lomp any. The lot, lots, parts of lots , blocks or tractir of land on which said tax is levied and assessed is hereinafter described together with the number of front feet on such lot, lots , parts of lots, blocks or tracts of land, the name or names of the owner or ovaiers thereof ana the propor- tionate amount of the cost of said paving and gutter, and the cost of said curbing to be borne and paid for by such owner or owners as shown by the statement prepared by the yity Jngine er of the Jit y of 4eau.uont , which said amount is hereby levied and assessed as a tax upon such lots ,p arts of lots, blocks or tracts of land as shown to -wit Y -`I'he State of Texas, , Countp .of Jefferson Before me, undersi ned authority, on this day personally appeared ------------------ to _________________to me, who being by me duly sworn, on his oath de- poses and says, that he is the ------�--of the BEAU NT E RPR , BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in- said county; that a copy of the within and foregoing was publis �,d in said newspaper, such publication being on the following dates: _ ~ ----- A. D. 112,7 and a newspaper copy of which is hereto at- -- ;tached. - S«YG :. n io and subscribed before me, this ----- day of �/ _ _ _ _ _ _ ----A.D. 192_ ----------------- - - - - -- -�. Notary Public, Jefferson County eras. M