HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 50-FAN ORDINAI;DE ENTITLED AIS? ORDINAIT03 Z7 VYING AND A.SSnESSING AS A TAX UPON TEE LOTS, PARTS Oi' LOTS, BLOCKS", OR 'TRACTS OF LAND ?'1HPRE HOT. DIVIDED INTO LOTS OR BLOCKS, I'RONTING OR ABUTTING ON TRINITY ST.. '+ T FROM THE NORTH SIDE OF CORCK- ETT STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE, OF TIM RIGHTOF WAY OF THE TEXAS AND ITEVI OPLL E _I�N a RAILROAD C ONPANY, TWO THIRDS (2/3) OF TH3 COST OF THE 'SAVING AND GU TT. ER AND INCID2T.TAL DRAINAGE 1.ND ALL TIRE COST OF CUILBING SAID `IWITITY STREET PRO21 THE NORTH SIDE OF iROCKETT STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE RIGHTOPti'1AY OF THE TEXAS AND NEW ORLEANS -"AILRAOD COY-PANY, APPORT IOITABLE TO TH13 H31MITAFTER R Fe BRED TO PROPITY; AND DECLARING SAID TAX A LIEN UPOIT SAID PROPMTY AND A PERSONAL DEBT UPON THE MrER OR 017117 RS THMEOF AND PMVIDII\r" A MITI: VMN SAID TAX SHALL BECOME DUE AND PAYABLE, PROVIDING FOR THE C OZZTC'^IOIT OF S AIV1Z AND ALL COST INCURRED IN COL1130TION OF SAME I.F NOT PAID AT THF' TII1jE -'IT BE-,' 0 OI,TES DUE AND rAYAB LE ; AND PROVIDING TIER RATE 07, INTEREST S J D TAX SEALL BEAR FRONT TIM T MI!iE IT B2001 7132"' DUE UNTIL PAID AND DECLARING AN ;I1r23RGEN CY. Whereas, pursuant- to the requirements of Sub -Division (h) of Section 68, of the charter of the 'Oity of Beaumont, the `ity Commission of the Oity of Beaumont caused to be published for the time and. in the manner required therefor by the Uity Oharter, a notice of the resolution of said Commission, passed heretofore on the 15th Day of Pebruary x. D. 1927 ordering a hearing to be given to the persons, firms, corporations and -estates, their agents or attornea ovaiing property abutting or_ trinity Street Fran the North Side of Jrockett itreet to the bout h Line of the nightofway of the Texas and New Orleans l'iailroad Company, and calling upon all persons interested in said matter to appear and show cause, in confoamity with the provisions of the Ohartex above referred to, why tlae assessment in said notice should` not be made against said property and against the owners thereof, which hear- ing was to be held in the council URL-ambszof the Jity Hall of Beaumont, Texas at 4 0' Clock P. I,,i. on the Fath Day of I,iarch A. D. 1927; and Whereas, a full and fair hearing in conformity with the 'Charter and law in such cases having been had in coaf'armity with said notice, and the Oommission having inquired into and determined all facts necessary to the adjudication of all special benefits aecrujing to such owners by mes of such improvements, and said hearing having been duly closed; and It appearing that the aesessmert as -oxo�osa�d in the above mention- ed resolution passed on the 16th Dai' of ''ebruary . 1927 with the excep- tions hereinafter nottd, are in all xee .ects fair -and equitable and that there will be a full and adaquate and special benefit to tha abutting pxo- perty and the owners, -thereof from and by reason of the proposed pavement rind improvement in excess of the amount assessed against the abutting pro- perty and the respective owners thereof. NOTJ, THEIZEI'ORE,BE IT ORD .11TED BY THE COT.21ISSICY OF THE CITY 0'.' BE UI'017T; SEC T TOY l . That there is hereby assessed against the several owners of pxoperty and against their respective property�abuttiting---oil ``i'ri�Zit-Y- txeet-fr=o;u-.,the _ yorth aide o -J '�rockett 4treet to the ""outs. bine of the Rightofvra, of the Te Las anal New Orleans Railroad Oompany, as a tax two thixdo (273) of the cost of paving and gutter and incidental drainage of said street, exclusive of th•a whole cost between curb lines of improvin` ss.id Street at its inter- section with other „lreets and -&lleys, and all the cost of curbing said. Trinity -1treet Fran the ,Toxt_h Side of Oreckett street to the South Line of the RightofWay of the '�exa s and ITeti,r Orley -ns Railro.ac.,, Oompany. `2^ 1 -,r2y ?I@Cl by the v l�j :'lt 1Y108L Oi' the 'ity of BOu.i7J:1011i.,. Which SaidaTf10L1Y1t is hereby levied arid assessed as a tai__ u0011 such lots , parts of lots, blocks o:c tracts o-" land 'as, 2inown fuo-wit- `?A -3- i,-C TI ON 2. That said amounts so levied and assessed shall become da?e and payable upon the completion of the paving upon the poet ion of 'said atreets upon which said lot, lots, parts of lots, blocks or tracts, of land, front and abutt , and the aanount of the tax hereby levied and assessed Loge er with the cost of collecting and interest at seven (7%)- per cent per ai mLun fr an the date same is collectable until paid is hereby declared a lien against said lot, lots , parts of lots , blocks or tracts of 1 and-, superior to all other liens, claims, or titlds except City,:ounty, and �tate-taxes, and constitute. a personal charge or claim against the ovgler or ovMers of said- lots, aidlots, parts of lots, blocks or tracts of land. SECTION 30 The fact that the portions of -the above named Street as indi- cated is in bad condition and jeopardizes the safety of the people travel- ing thereon creates an emergency and an iriaperative public necessity, neces- sitating the suspehsion of the rule requiring ordinances to be read on three' (3) Several days, before- their passage, said rule is therefore hereby suspended and this, -Ordinance shall take effect and be in'full force and effect from and after its passage and publication., - passed this the 1 Da of ! arch A. D. 1927 by the affirmative vote of all members of the- Commission. Mayor. 1 .. -The State of Texas, Counip of Jefferson Befor e, the u dersigned authority, on this day personally appeared------------------ - _________________ ----------- k own to me., who being by me duly sworn, on his oath de- poses and says, that he is the_ _ _ _ _ _ ------ _- of the BEAU diVT E BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a`newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and foregoing was published in said newspaper, such--•jhcation beingon the following dates: 5 %��---------A. D. 192_ and a newspaper copy of which is hereto at- tached. - Sworn to. and subscribed before me, this _ _ _ _ _ _ _day of ------ _ _ _ _A. D. 192_ _ ----\ D ---------------- - - - ------ Notary Public,' efferson Cou , Texas. 4