HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 42-Fl AN ORDINANCE r, -R i�T11vCT to tied TeX, -,'s'& New Orleans Railroad Company, its successors and ass! grns, the right and privilege to re—locate certain tracks in and across i:_ain Street, h=! am --Street " and Frank— lin Street, and also over and across Blockne (1) and Two (2) of the Old Town of Beaumont, and granting franchise and ease— :?lent for lo,=.dine and unloading for eight and one—half feet (8'') on each side of the center of -the "tracks in said Block One (1) and dock Tt�io (2) herein mentioned, with the right to maintain and operate its trains and cars thereover for a period to ex— pire at the same time with its franchise for the t rack in Main Street from near Bowie Street to Washington Street and prescribing the conditions to be fulfilled before said ordinance shall go in— to effect, and the time limit for the removal of said tracks and prescribing the con ditions thereof. BL IT ORDAINED BY '21HE CITY CODID ISUION OF TIM CITY OF B : AU :TONT SECTIO1,11 I. That the Texas and 'yew Orleans Railroad Company, its Suc— cessors and assigns are hereby granted the right and privilege to take up and remove those certain standard guage railroad tracks in I,.Iain Street and extending from the connection of its wharf track at a point in !.Iain Street, as follows: 1. That certain track approximately 65 feet northward from the north line of !Iilam Street and extending along i._ain Street crossing LIl lam Street and the southwest corner of 13lock No. Two (2). and across Franklin Street to a point in Block No. One () to the point of connection with the track first described in the next para— graph hereof -to be constructed by the Texas New Orleans Railroad Company. 2. The spur track 345 feet in length connecting with the above described P,ua.in Street track at a point approximately 145 feet northward from the north line of Franklin Street and extending south— ward across i.=ain Street, to the Southwest corner of ;dock Two (2),. Franklin Street and city property in Block Or,e (1). SECTION II. The Texas & New Orleans Railroad Company, its successors and assigns, are hereby granted the right and privilege to re—lay and construct said tracks and relocations, as follows: S-1GJv� �1 property of the City in said Block No. Two (2) generally parallel with and approximately 26 feet eastward from the east line of !,:lain Street to the south line, of said Plock No. Two (2) and continuing across Franklin Street to a connection with the Texas & New Orleans Railroad Company's tracfin Block No. One (1). 2. A standard guage railroad trac�l connecting with the above described tracr\in Block No. Two (2) at a. point approximately 155 feet northwestward from the south line of skid Block, and extend— ing in a generally southerly direction across Block No. Two (2) enter— ing Lain Street at a point approximately 45 feet northwestward from the north line of Franklin Street, continuing across !.lain and Frank— lin Streets and entering private property.in Block No—Eight (8) near the north corner thereof. The location of the tracks to be removed _. and relocated are shown on the Ilap hereto attached, those to be re— moved are marked in yellow and these to be constructed are marked in red. SECTION III. The Texas & New Orleans Railroad Company is hereby granted the right and privilege to maintain said tracks as relocated and con— structed and to operate its trains and cars thereover for a period terminating with the expiration of its franchise on its track in Iain Street from near Bowie Street to Washington Street-. SECTION T_V. The right and privilege to take up and remove said tracks and relocate the same and thereafter to maintain and operate said tracks in said new locations is granted upon the express condition that said railroad company shall within thirty (30) days after the final passage of this ordinance file with the City Clerk of the city of Beaumont in writing its regular acceptance of this ordinance. 1 855 -1. `c' 4�1 complish said track changes within t welve (12) months after the final ..-�:ss e, a. ce a ee "an : ublica , ori "off' this ordinance, the "sure shall; as to the work which shall remain unfinished, be null and void and with no force and effect. SEC`T'ION VI. The Grantee shall, at its own expense, r,aintain its cross— Ings over said streetd in good condition for traffic and ballast the same with gravel, shell or some other road -material to be approved by. the City Engineer of the City of Beaumont and shall maintain its tracks on a level with the surface of said streets,l except -at such portions of said streets that may be paved and on said portion, said Company shall pave said street and 1 -ay its track according to the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and approved by the City Commission and at its own expense pave such portions of such streets between the rails -of its tracks -and two (2) feet on each side thereof, - and. construct permanent street crossings according to the blue print hereto .a.tta.ched,'marked Exhibit B, under the direction and supervision - of of 'the City Engineer. SECTION VII. The Grantee is also hereby granted the right and privilege to use the surface for eight and one—half (821) feet from the center line of said tracks in Blocks One (1) and Two (2) for the purpose of, loading and unloading, but it shall not.use any portion of the streets for that purpose nor shall it so use the franchise herein granted as to interfere with the use of said streets by the public. SECTION VIII.. This ordinance is passed subject to all the terms and pro— visions of the Charter of the City of Beaumont. SECTION IX. Thi -s ordinance shall go into effect sixty (60) days after - its adoption on its third and final reading an e filing of accept— ance and publication. %� . �97 �, N Houston, Texas. T T - n L B_"_.i cFTHE C -TI _0 December 1926. Your ypeti-'Gioner,the Texas arcs i.esr Orleans Railroad Company res-pectfully represent: that under and by virtue of certb.ir franchises granted,it has been naintainir_g and operating Certain railroad S-)ur tracl�s alon[-and across ._. Fro.nl-lin Streets in said City, and. in order that certa.I.r po L•tic;ns of saidtra:cl{s car be remoiTed froi"it Said streets, it is the desire of your petitioner, to rearrange its tra.c'_rs Lis 'hereinafter 6-escribed". ,!T��'��FO-:�',you..r-uetitioner res.)ectfully requests that it be granted the right , i)rivileEe and franchise to construct , 10. i s- tain and thereafter operate: 1. A standard gauge railroad track, springing from ,your petitioner's wharf trach near the northwest corner of Blocl__ 110 .2 at the irtersection of i'ilam and �,,oain Streets,a.nd. e_xtendirg southeasterly -,long and upon pr operty of the City in said Block- 1-1"o.21 generally parallel wit -,h and approxir_�ately 26 feet eastward front the east lire of Hain Street , to the south line of saic,. Block 1%o.2 and continuing across Fra.nl_Ll.in Street to a cor:r-ectio22 z,�Tith yc)u.r. ��eti.tioner's trL.,ci in Bloc.' -,,i,- Standard_ gauge railroad track connecting, wit lh the above described track in Elock. i'.o.2 at a, point_: _lately 155 feet northwesttla.rd from the South lire of said block,and_ extending in a generally southerly direction L.cross Bloch_ ho.2 entering _."air Street LA a_ -point Qpi—)roxirately 45 feet northwest.imrd froni the north line of FrE;nklin _street, continuing across air and Franklin :)treets and. entering �rivE_te '�rppert1 Yi Block No . 8 , near the north corner thereof . ~r10ulCi this petiticn be granted,your petitioner represents that it will at its own expense re -move from said streets anc'. pro-perty of the City: I. That portion of its ::.iih Street t",rE_cI_ , extending from the c?,!pection of its vrb.arf track at a point iii ,/T: -:air Street,a,pproximately 65 feet ihorth,ila:rd from the north lire of 11'ilam Street,and" extending along trect orOSNlYig �:'ilafll Street and tl.e So �thT"T2St corner of Block No.2,and across Franrlin ;street to a _,oi.nt in Block No.l. to the point of connection ,;lith tl_.e tra.clk- first above, described. to be constructed by your t7eti - . tioner� - 2. The spur trL,cl: 345 feet in length connect:i rl' with idle aforesaid 11E_.in Street trach at a point appro im-,telt' 145 feet northtra.rd from the north lire of 11ranIrlin. Street and extendi7ig solltheastward across '''',in Street,- t'she Southy-lest corner of Block 1,o.%, FrLnl,_lii? Street and City property ir Bloch- I,o.l.. The tre.cl,_s to be constructed are irdic -"ted by red_ fires on the _nap hereto a,tts.ched i. nd raad.e a part hereof , and the tracl..s to be reinoved being indicated" by yellow lines on said is.,la ,. S' " r ; 1 zt A Your petitioner further requests that in consideration of the -removal of said tracks from the streets as herein provided for, that it be granted an easement of not less than 3.5 feet on each side of the center of each of said tracks to be constructed across aforesaid property of the City in Blocks Nos -1 and sand that the portion. of Bloc'_ No.2 lying west of the first above described track,to be constructed by your petitioner,be left open and unobstructed for the free and uninterrupted. use by your petitioner,its patrons and the general public to reach said track for the purpose of delivering and receiving freight therefrom. Should this petition be granted,your petitioner respectfully requests that the necessary franchise be granted and the -proper easement be executed,gra.nting the rights,privileges,franchise and easements herein requested. Respectfully submitted. TEXAS AND i'.EW OR LEAIN3 RAILROAD C O I OT A1\7f By - Houston,Texas. December TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND BOARD OF COMAISSIONERS OF THIS, CITY OF B.wAUMONT,TEXAS. GENT LEtME : Your petitioner,tho,'Texas and Neer .Orleans Railroad Company respectfully represents that under and by virtue of certain franchises granted,it has'been maintaining and operating certain railroad spur tracks along and across Main,Milam and Franklin Streets in said City,and in order that certain portions of said tracks can be removed from said streets,it is the desire of your petitioner, to rearrange its tracks as hereinafter described. i'VO ERI EFORE,your petitioner respectfully requests that. it be granted the right,privilege and franchise to-construct,main- tain and thereafter operate: 1. A standard gauge railroad track,springing from your petiti.oner's wharf track near the northwest corner of Block No.2 at the intersection of Milam and Main Streets,and extending southeasterly along and upon -property of the City in said Block No.2, generally parallel with.and approximately 26 feet eastward from the east line of I&in Street,to the south line of said Block No.2 and continuing across Franklin Street to .a connection with your petitioner's track in Block No .l . 2. A standard gauge railroad track connecting with the above described track in Block No.2 at a point approxi- mately 155 feet northwestward from the south line of said block,a,nd, extending in a generally southerly direction across Block No.2 entering Main Street at a point approximately 45 feet northwestward from the north line of Franklin Street, continuing across Main and Franklin Streets and entering private property in Block No.8, near the north corner thereof. -Should this petition be gr.anted,your.petitioner represents that it will at its own expense remove from said streets and property of the City: 1. That portion of its' Main Street ' tra,ck,extending from the connection of its wharf track at a point in Main Street,approximately 65 feet northward from the north line of Milani Street,and extending along'Main -Street crossing Milani Street and •the --southwest corner of Block No.2,and across FranklinrStreet,to a point in Block No.l.' to the point of connection with the track first above described to be constructed by your peti- tioner. 2. The spur track 345 feet in length connecting with the aforesaid Main Street track at•a point approximately 145 feet northward from the north line of Franklin Street rind extending southeastward across Main Street,, the southwest corner of Block No.2, Franklin Street and City property in Block No.l. The tracks to be.construeted are indicated by red lines on. the reap hereto attached and made a part hereof,and the tracks to be removed being indicated by yellow lines on said map. Your petitioner further requests that in consideration of.the removal of said tracks from the streets as herein provided for, that It . be granted an easement of not less than 8.5 feet on each side of the center of each .of said tracks to be constructed across aforesaid property of the City in Blocks Nos.l and 2,and that the portion of Block No.2 lying west of the first above described track,to be constructed by your petitioner,be left open and unobstructed for the free and uninterrupted use by your pet'itioner,its patrons.and the general public to reach said track for the purpose of delivering'and receiving freight therefrom. Should this petition be granted,your petitioner respectfui'�y requests that the necessary franchise be granted and the properi easement be executed,granting the rights,privileges,franchise' and easements herein requested. Respectfully submitted. TEXAS AND IWW O=ANS RAILROAD COMPANY. y� r. By 3r " -- Foau 3 THE GALVESTON HARRISBURG AND. AN ANTONIO RAILWAY COMPANY TEXAS AND NEW ORLEANS RAILROAD COMPANY HOUSTON & TEXAS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY THE HOUSTON EAST AND WEST TEXAS RAILWAY COMPANY HOUSTON AND SHREVEPORT RAILROAD COMPANY SOUTHERN PACIFIC TERMINAL COMPANY THE DIRECT NAVIGATION COMPANY G. S. WAID VICE PRESIDENT & GENERAL MANAGER _ L. H. CECIL ASSISTANT TO VICE PRESIDENT & GENERAL MANAGER L. S. MCDONALD. ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER }f �� STANDARD 7-26-10000 r Houstor.,Texa.s, February 17th,1927. 31�.Raymond Edmondson,City Clerk, City of Beaumont,Texas. Dear Sir: Confirming ',x.IJicksch's letter to 1,1r-.O.J'.Bloyd of - the -14th instant,will you please consider this as the acc-e-otance of the Texas and New Orleans Railroad Corapamy to an ordinance passed on the 25th day of January k.D'.1927, granting the Railroad Company the right and privilege to re- locate certain tracksin and across 1Aa.in .,Street,:1ilam Street and Fra.nl=li.n Street and also over and across blocks Fumbers 1 and 2 of the old Town of Beaumont and granting franchise and easement 8Lt on each side of the center of the tracks in said 'Blocks Numbers 1 and 2,and as provided for in Section 4 of said ordinance. Yours very truly, t� thority, on this day personally appeared------------------ oN n to e, who being by me duly sworn, on his oath de- --�G�---of the BEA — ublished in said county; that a copy of the within and er, such publication being on the following dates: 1'e92and'a .er copy of which is hereto -at- 77 ------ �_, &Ab and subscribed•before me, this ---- -_------ day of--------- Qom/ A. D. 1.92 _ _ LEGALIV,OTICES..,. +� .. DYNANCl � Granting to tFie Texas and' New Orleans Railroad -.company, its sue- cessorg, and assigns, the right .and' ____ privilege to. relocate certain traacka - - - - - - - - - - - -J- J in and across Main street, Milani Notary Public, Jefferson CO ty, Texas. ,street and, ran lin street and also over and tnacross: block one (1)`•and vo (2) of. the, Old To of Beau - f I,mont,`and granting1pa franchise and Ieasement'for.loading and.unloading `for'"eight and one-half feet (8'/2) .01 reach side,,of the center o€ the tracks tim—M Is