HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 38-FT * q ® ,l AX ORDINA NCE M TITLED, .4M O=iDi1TMT,CB LEVYIITG AYD ASSESSING AS A al -'!X U---"O-"T T`�1 LOSS, P�LRTS OF LOTS, BLOCS 02 TRACTS 0:51 LAY]) :!FNOT DIVIDED I17TO LOTS 0-H BL0CTrs , EROT`T'IING 222 ABUTTING OT'b' V.L"CTOEJA AVMTULP FROI; TH3 SOUTH SIDE OF FR.A_T1aI1.� STREET. TO m ug _"OU�T3_, ID OF ORAIG �:,�Ti3ET; SOUTH TEP ?i. T I.RC1,T T112 JJT SIDI+, OE SI 'TH STR :ET TO al -3 :''LST . SID" OT' T 1T ice. i STIPIET; i -i -� s„r SID -_1 H �� V>�T UF; � R OI,' '� v;;, s.i:,�7T .' 0 �!` P �� �.I� STREET ^0 T AS'�'V,SLDE vU s STP�ET; M_r!O-THIRDS (2/3) OF "11HE COST OF TFC PAVING 2i1TD GUTTER AND INCID2I7T1I, DiIAIT'a' y, aTD Aj,� TTiIu - COST 0:'+' CURB ITT G SA 1D VI C TOLII,� A 12TUE I'ROI: . i 5 SOUTH S IDA, OF F_�0.TE UT aTR�,T 'TO THE SOU17 SIDE OF CRAIG STREET; SOUTH STRuBT 3ROI11.r THE T, -TEST SIDE OF SIYn - r-HRMT ` O ''TH , ""TEST SIDED 1H �__..a� y OF 'i1J1 TH T_R L 1_11; 2 '� �1i EI.Zt11u T :' AV i1T U i 1_ Oj.., iTIJ W;J s T SIDE OF Ps&,H ST?E 1 TO "H—D!EAtiT SIDE QF TT ;CICS STREET; ABPO�RTI01TiBL`' TO THE EIMIE NTA,4'TA,R R �1' =�_��D TO PI'L01:�RTY L: VYT�.�r Cr 2:1,.17 AS,S:uSS- ITiTG�1ip3_ A T_^ti.X U201T 'THTC T-RIACT�'',511 07�i.�i' ' H]E? EA`: 7p lI -ASS D`P'E�C RI_C; C01.'pAPV,Y ON VICTORIA AV3 V E B_P 1'.`LL]'E, -T !,'�.�.i SQ V '1H SI MP 07_ FIRL LMIN S RE'ET �..II D � 1HL `-OUTH SIDE OF CRAIG STREET XTD AGAII;ST SAID A,�'_TJRI. ,Lis ELliCT1zIC SOP.^?.r1vY 2�TL C �'n p ,rn, 0 0_ AVIN G BE M� PEMT AND TWO ( 2 ) FEIJT O1, EAC11 SID -7, 0? ` H T2 ._;' K,S 111TD RAILiS OF SAID 001.1 AYI -V A1,71) DEC. 7�nRI1T G SAID TAZ A L:C UPON &,ID _'ROPL.RTY A1,T D A )? ,'RS CN.LL DEBT UPOT'` THE O E Eli Oli 0' L'TJRS TZ -.E'1. OF i TT D .l T G 1 + �_rY 0 I�I3I 11_ SE 2,, SAID TAX SKLi L BD C01_E DUE � isD 2LYAP.L321=OVIDITS: G F0'.1 m y '' OL L ECTIOTT 4F SIE� 21,1TD &L CO S'T I1ti "�U1�Lti D L? 0 01L� .] ; I017 0 !' i '. ; I'T !TC` T PAID AT n� 11 TEV 2 ii y ]i2.' D- U .] a "!/i S P r V T ''7T ��� 1 .tea=--�l7 �v .L. �.Wq I ��� 1��J �J QI.�J L� .lJ U J �'.�.�.4 J ! .;.. T 2'(r7�TL �,-ry�-1'�..�.`: � �; �^Q� V ID.�1V �Gw '111 f RATE 0._� ITT ;REST SAID �TAZ IT x.I I B!21�IR P-1 �:'_ ELI J '1 0 I1 BECQ�.!!3 DUE UTTTIL PAID 1rTID D13,C 1..�ZIiTG .iT :�T:= RGI]N Y. Whereas, pursuant to the requirements of sub -division (hj of 44— Section 68, of the UharteT or the City of Beaumont, the City Coi.muission of the City of .Beaumont caused to be ;published for the ti(:me and in the Liannitx recTuired therefox by the City .ChaTtex, a notice of a resolution of said Co miission, Passed heTefofoTe on the 26th Day of October Xl. D.• 1926 o:�derj:ng a hoar- ing to be, giVen to the ,)e Tsons* . -firmer: , corpor at foils and estates, their agents or atto=ggrs, o7Zgin. pxopert-T abutting on Victoria A.ven.ue from the South Edde `of '_Oran..klin St',leet to the South Side of J'raig Street; South Street from the ';Jest aide of Sixth Street t0 the ',`Jest fide O:i `G11ti1 atieet; arL.d I�,niiett Avenue f:Com the Irjest ide of lark wtreet to the ast `aide of Troches Street, and to the ow els of Street YLailways occupying sai d Vi ctocria nvenue; and calling upon all persons interested in said matter to Cplear and sh0,�i cause, in confo2mity vil.th the Tir0vis6ons of the Uhartew above Z^e erred to, why the assessir�ent in. said notice should not be ,i1ade against said property and against the owners thereon, which hearing was to be held in -the Council Cheimbe2' of the City Hall o f Beaumont , Texas at 4 O' Clocis 1�. i, . of the 16th Day of ,ovember A. D. 1926; and Whereas, a full and Nair Ilea' ing in confow mitt' ruitbT the vhaxter and law in such cases having been had in conformity with said notice, and the 00mmission havin inqui:2ed into and de- ecmied all facts necessary to the adjudication of all special benefits accruing, to such owners by means of such improvements, and said hearing having been duly closed; and It aapeari:r g that the assessmant as ) oposed in. the above 23-1 el 2. Y �2 equitable, and 'hat there will be a full and .adaauate and special benefit to the abutting property and the overs thereof from and by reason of the proposed pavement and improvement in excess of the amount assessed agaisnt the abutting property and the res- pective owners thereof. 2=02 , B3 1 O= D_hI ?JI) By' `''�-; -5' CITY c°a- n n ] _ L_w, V1� COl:i'.I,.J�lOT� O f i�I. I l'Y Cil BEAMM,10 �! i; Section 1. That there is hereby assessed against the several oviners O-- mpAvenue and against their pespectilae property abutting on Vic f or is venue from the South Side of -I ra fik in tree t to the South Side of Craig Street; South Street fram the Hest side of Sixtl- 'treet to- the lest Side of Tenth Street 9 • aqd &Imett avenue from the West Side of 'Park Street to the mast Side of Neches Street; as a -tax two-thirds (2/3) of the .cost of pa wing and gutter and incidental' drainage, and all the cost of curbing sadd Victoria Avenue from the 4outh Sidd of='s,anl�lin &'treet to the Softth':°Side of Craig Street; South Street from the Test Side of Sixth. Street to the 1 -fest Side of Tenth 4treet; and Aimett 4venue from the West Side of X-Pai!k Street to the past Side of T�eches Street, and against the tracks of the ;astern �'exas Electric Company, where occupying said Victo-^ia •k=venue from the 3outh Side of Franklin 4treet to the *outh,.Side of Uraig +Street and against said .;astern Texas �leetrie Company, all cast of paving between and two (2) feet on each sidd of the tracks and rails of -aid Company. - The lot., lots, parts of lots-, blocks -or tracts of lend on which said tax is 1•evied and assessed is hel,einafte?° des- cr ibed together ivi th the number of front feet on such lot, lots, parts o2 lots, blocks ox txacts of land, the name or names of the owners or owner thereof and the proportionate amount of the cost of said paving and gutter, and the cost of said curbing to be borne and paid for by such, owner o-' o�,mers as shown by the. statement prepared by the CitL7 Engineer of the City of BeaLTmont, which said mount is hereby levied and assessed as a tax upon such lots , parts of lots, blocks or tracts of land as shown to -writ; ,T3 Section 2. That said amounts uo levied and assessed ,sha11 became du -e and payable upon the complet ion of the pav `ag apon the por- tion of said tTeets upon which said lot, lo-t;s, pax Us of lots, blochs or exacts of lakld, fxnnt and abut -t, and the amount of the tax hexeby levied and assessed together with the cost of collect- ing and. intexest at seven (7%) ,,)ex cent annum -Prom the date same is collectible until paid is hereb-r dallaxed a lien against said -lou, to Lbs, parts of lots, blochs oT txa:.cts of Imad, su_�-vxiox to all othex liens, claims, or titles except amity, tC67nty and. State taxes, and constitute a personal charge ox claii.i agai_Zst the 0:?tlOr ob oi'Iners 0f said lOtq , 'parts of lots, blocs or u: -acus o f l an d. Section 3. xL11 the cost of grad-Lng and pavizc � Bose portions o_, Vic_ toxia -lve_iue -from the South n:i_de of 'xall.kliil StrC-et to the South S.iao of Vxaig Stxeet as are occa-,`ed beuvieen the rails of t'_�!e ura.cks of the Eas tern :�exas it ectric '- orI- a -_a r and a �G.,y�ace �i7ej uy 7oux (24) inches beyond the; out;.x-_,edge of the rails of said ,�Io­;rpc1nJ located on said Street shall be borne by the said Jastexn 111e1>CIs L.1ect-Ti 0 Co,minany and Stuh costs of saidi? rOleI- -,a S are he_:ebv assessed against the said ;a:;t r_7 Texas ';lectric Company mad shall be collected as other assessments levied anC�e:i' this Ordinance, px ovided such work ,shall be done in accordance w -I ;;h the Citi Ordinances regulating the c o:�struction o ,}ail,Roads i11 the S_t_."eets of the City of Beaurriont and the paving of such Streets J. by the ry.ame. �;ection �r. The fact that the post ions of the above namecl ctleets as i'�Cl_iGv.i ed c1e i_1 bad Goi�;litioil and je0yt�c�:^Cii Ge 'GtiB._.:�'aaf6,t� 0 Z the rieo.)Ie traveling thereon hereon cxeaues an ame,e gency and all tive public ne.,asuity, z..eees�itwting the stz„l,,,z,wz.,,a of �h,.. _�ru1e �eGyuirin3 OTCI nances to be read Of Three (3) Several days before their passaj-,e, said rule is tl?erefo�_re he,'eba-isp�ended and t iis, 02dinance shall ta_"=o effect and be in :u71 "`o_oce C-m�ft e"f"fect fxoi_I and ait'or its passage and l�iblioat i on. r -A }-assed this the _' _`'} Day of lovembe-, A. D. 1926 by the °Lfixmative vote of all members of the Ci:,:i:ios; `l.r c3 j 0 i e The State of Texas, Countp of Jefferson Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared ------------------ a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _��__knwn to me, who' being by me duly sworn, on his oath de- ------ o poses and says, that he is the --- - --- t_� �___of the , BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and foregoing -was published in said newspaper, such publication being on the following dates: -- -- - _ ------ _________ A. D. 192-6, and a newspaper copy of which is hereto at- ---- ---- �Z---------=----------- --- n ,to. and subscribed before me, this _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ day o _ _ - _ _ _ _ Q QD. 192 _ -------------------- -------------- - Notary Public, Jefferson County, Te s. 13