HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 31-Er"i_1 0_11 1 1 r Li i the Deportment A 1 1 r"i_1 0_11 1 1 r Li i the Deportment A 1 & l.0iie _ �'?'T' Iiy liLT iiil;L P_iOVIDI aG I'0 rillu ii_:VYI- t�S�,:'5 I_.G l�iu�� GG L�G�IldG Gi t,.. Vsi-LG-ii:1:� 1:1'� GTLHIJ.'� i. 1i�r7 1 Gi lii:� YiE�i: 1 24, y?� R1�, PU�.PO;:,-] 01' 12-OVILL-IG .' SI.ILI.LyG 2UiT i0 LEL -2.111E PAYILL.� 0 2 j. L B01,1ElD Of rltr; Cl2Y 02 B��IT;iGiT.k, j'iiiD 'LID: 02 riCC=;bTI-;G III - 1' 1'.KCVIDL,IG 1,CH SUPPO;I 1 01 02 ` HII CI'T'Y OF PUBLIC LCII0U� 'i0 PriY TILI 02 rihL DEP,--L - T,,,, r,Y GOT-- ICI CV,-- ,,. r, ,- , L I� L i�'I':. ,1T1, �i1'!� TIE '.' CI`T'Y GCV _:%iI;i,1L .�'PO_u'ICiIIliG 11�i;S 10 BE LEVIED 0 6UCH PUL:pC,; 1]�, ��`i , E`T i'G_�l'ri Il'd '-.J."'ID O-zDI— P .CVM :G 'G:� r,,1r',' -ID Yi.� Tn GJ - 71 -, ?C...._ �� OCCLP�IC'T 1 i i h i 1 =' i (,,,CCUp. ri T —1; —r ': :. L'.i I1TG �. Lj, Gam_. LY. t3i� IT 0_.D__Ii1i� BY iF:..I, VI'_'1 COi.-iIC2ILis� C- ,'FIS C IT Y 010 Bii-LFI.-C1%`2 . bection 1. .khat there shall be aid is hereby levieu., and shall be assessed and collected for the year 19241, an ad valorem tat. of Two and 36/100 Dollars (,:2.36) on each one hundreL dollars u orth of property in the City of :3euumont located within the territory comprising the olu city limit ; el.istiiig prior to the aaol)tion of the present City cherter and comprising the Beaumont Inctepenuent achoo.L District in the City of Beaumont maue taxable by L&%,, which said taxes, �vhen collected, shall be, according to Section l6 of Tile aha rter of the City of Beaumont, apportioned among the funds aiid departments of the city L.•overi-mient of the City of Beaumont, and for the purpo-:es hereinaltur set forth, as followS, t0-1Yit : - L or the Deportment of -Aaw . . . . . . . . & l.0iie icor the Lepartnient of r'ubiic ;J,ervice . . . . . . . . .37 For the Ii-epartnent of Public .,o..Tare . . . . . . . . .10 :�'or the .Department of Public .,afety . . ... . . . . .35 or the Lepartnient of Finance . . . . . . U3 Por the General Duna. U2 r'or the Uity of i3eau�.ioiit rublie _ ree Nchools .70 For the support and LiaintenLuice of Public .uibrary. .u4 'or the purpose of payiiig the accruing interest, ana to provide a siiil iiig i'una nor the payment oz the entire bondecL indebteLnwe s o tine City of Beaumont for ali purpo: es, iiicluding the interest diad sii"lt::inr :Cued on and for tiie Aeiuiiaing Bonus issued by the Uity UoiaLiis:. ioii of tiie ;;ity of Beaui_ioiA, by virtue of an Ordiiialice passed on the 3rd aay of ju i y, 1�)2U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 .,,'or the purpobe of pa,yi_?g for and up lire ".r 6 4 hor the purpose of payingfor and taming up ti,harf and lock Bills I!ayabie .01 Por 'the- purpose of paying .the accruing interest and indebtedness, and to provide a sinl,,ix!g Luna to re- tire said indebtedness as same,falls due, incurred in the purchase of I.ic 'addin rare, by Crdirianee � passed on the 27th day of Iiprii, - 1.921 .0138 j For the purpose of paying Ghe accruing interest and- to ndto provide -a sinking fund. to retire said indebted - Mess as same falls due; incurred in the issuance of � refunding. t4arrants for the purchase price of -Rye I Odorless Crematory Incinerator Plant by virtue of an Ordinance passed on the 7th day of September, 1921, �. and an Ordinance -passed on the 9th day of August, A.D• 1923, . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .0055 For the purpose of paying the accrnin; interest and to -provide. a, siiaking fund to retire said indebted- ness vrhen due incurred in the issuance of Library site purchase - Series IT "11 . .0037 For the purpose of -paying the accruin,, interest and to provide a si_,_iking fund to retire said indebted- ness when due incurred in the issuance of Street. Improvement Promissory -dotes - Series 'B" .0036 For the purpose of paying the accruing interest and - C:> o provide a sinking fund to retire said irncleb t eu- ness when due incurred. in the issuance of Street .Improvement_Fromissory -dotes__ Series.11011 . . . . .004 y'or the purpose of payying the accruing interest and to provide a sinking f""Ind to retire said indebLed- hess when d,4e incurred in the issuance of Street Improvement Promissory -dot es - Ser:,es "D" • 0112 i or the eau pose of paying t.., e , accruing interest and to provide a sig i ing fund_ to retire said -indebted- ness when due incurred in the issuance of Street Imprayemcnt Promissory Notes - Series "1"' •0027 For the purpose of paJin the accruing interest and to provide a sii..ng fund to retire said indebted- ness when due inAirred in the issuance of Street Improvement,..,,;ldotes - Houston Construction Company.0012 �'or the purpose of paying the accruing interest and toprovide a sinking fund to retire said indebted- ness when due incurred in the issuance of Street Improvement liarrar_ts - Uvaide Ilock asphalt Cor,_pany 0217 Series ;,: . . . . . . . For thepose of paying the accruing interest on the burchase of the I.Iollie B.�angham property by virtue of an ordinance passed on the 8th day of 0058 lipril, ==.D. 1924: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section_ 2. Lhat there shall be and is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected for the year 1924 an ad valorem ta:c of x;1.48 on each ''100.00 worth of property located Within and comprising, that portion of the City of Beaumont lying outside of the old city limits described - in Section 1 hereof _ in the Cit;; of Beaumont made taxable by, lavr, 1aich said taxes, when collected, Llhall be, according to Section 16 of the Charter of the City of Deaumont, apportioned among the funds and de- partments of the city government of the City of -Beaumont, ar_d for the purposes hereinafter set forth, as follows to -wit. - For the Department 'of Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . None For the Department of Public Service . . . . . . . .37 For the Department of .Public Vidlfare . . . . . . . .10 For the Department of Public Safety . . . . . . . . .35 For the 1%epartment of Finance .. .03 For the General Fund . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .02 For the support and maintenance of Public Library .04 For the purpose of .paying the accruing interest and to provide a sinking fund for the payment of the entire bonded indebtedness of the City -of Beaumont for all purposes, except the school bonded indebted- ness of the Beaumont City Schools, including the interest and. sinking fund on and for- the Refunding Bonds issued by the City Commission of the City of Beaumont, by virtue of an Ordinance passea on the 3rd day of July, 1920 . . . . . . . . . . . .47 For the purpose of paying for and taming up vire Department ,Bills Payable . . . . . . . .•Q3G8 _Por the purpose of paying for and taking. up, yIharf and Dock Bills Payable . . . . . .. . . . . . . For the purpose of paying the accruing interest and indebtedness, and to provide a sinking fund to re- tire said indebtedness as same falls due, incurred in the purchase of I,IcFaddin Par;., by Ordinance pass- ed on the 27th day of April, 1921 . . . . . . . .0138 For the.purpose of paying the accruing interest and to provide a sinning fund to retire said indebted- ness. as same falls due; incurred in the issuance of Refunding `aiarrants, for 'the purchase price of Nye Odorless Crematory Incinerator. Plant, by virtue of an Ordinance passed on the 7th day of September, 1921, and an Ordinance -passed on the 9th day of august, A.D. 1923, .0055 For the purpose of paying tihe accruing interest anu t n „rov-i o P R. siniking fund to retire said indebted- � J, For the purpose of paying the accruing interest and the to provide a sinking fund to retire said indebted- of ness wn.en due incurred in the issuance of Street amount so Improvement Promissory.11otes - Series "B" ... .0036 For the purpose of paying the accruing interest and Te. -:as, to provide a sinking Lund to retire said indebted- or calling ness when due incurrea in the issuance of Street Improvement Promissory Notes - Series "C" .. .004 For the purpose of paying the accruing interest and to provide a sinking fund to retire said indebked- r_ess when due incurred in the issuance of Street Improvement Promissory Notes - Series- "D11 .0112 For the purpose of paying the accruing interest and to provide a sinking 'fund to retire said indebted- ness when due incurred in the issuance of Street Improvement Promissory Notes - Series 11111 .0027 For, the purpose -of paying the accruing interest and to provide a siijlcing, fund to retire said indebted- ness when due incurred in .the issuance of Street Improvement Notes - Houston Construction Company .0012 For the purpose of paying the accruing interest and to provide a sinking fund to -retire said indebted- ness when due incurred in the issuance of Street - Improvement' uiarrants - Uvalde Hock i1sphalt Company Series .. .0217 For the purpose of paying the accruing interest on the purchase of the Liollie "E. Langham property by .-- virtue of --&i1 ordinance passed oil the 8th day of. April, x.D. 1924 .. . . . Section Z) - That there shall be and is -hereby levied, and there shall be col- lected on all occupationsand callings on which an occupation tax -is- levied by the State of Texas,. a sum equal to one-half of the amount so levied by the State of Te. -:as, on each respective occupation or calling in the City of Beaumont. Section 4. That there shall be and is hereby levied, and there shall be col- lected a poll tax of one dollar 4;'1:00) on each and every able-bodied citiz,an of the City of Beaumont between the ages of 21 and 60 years, of whom the State of Teas shall require the payment of a poll tax; pro- vided, however, that those who may be exempt from the payment of such tax by the constitution and laces of the State of Texas, shall be and The State ®f Texas, Countp of Jefferson PIT -IV MIDI j UI Nnlou s I.i. •a ti Before me the dersigned -authority, on this day personally appeared------------------ -------------------- ----------------------------------___ t�--------- known to me, who being by me duly sworn, on his oath de- poses -and says, that he is the 64,-1 �' ,vPI --of the l3 BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and foregoing vas p iblished in said newspaper, such publication being on the following dates: -�'�c ------------------------ ------------- -----A. D. 192 ---- -_-__, and a newspaper copy of which is hereto at- ed t-e 7 - - - - ---- ---- _ - - - -- — - ----------------------------- / ------ Sworn- o and subscribed before me, this ---- F�__day of----- ---------- A. D. 192-Z ------------------ ----- Notary Public, Jefferson Co� nty, Texas. 0 ej The State of Texas, CountrP of Jefferson ITHE $EATJMON T DAILY` JOURNAL, s LEGAL NOTICES t 27th way of April Before me the dersigned authority, LEGAL NOTICES 19l1ed,0138the suspended and is is enacted that For the p accruing interest sandito dying the --ovide sinking this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after Its pass- age and -known t0 fund to retire saildrindebta edness'as same falls due, incurred in tht'Ae issuance signature of the Mayor. 'Signed) J. AUSTIN BARNES, of Refundin war- Poses and says, that he is the--- o d o i i e s se Purchaseprice price of Nye Mayor.' Passed this 28th Day of October, A. Plant by Incinerator. D., 1924. virtue of an Ordinance passed on the 7th day of Septem- BEAUliIONT JOUR NAL, a newspaper Pub onl•'the2 9thnday uoOrAugust dinan Assn 1 �' 1923, O) of the within and ,0055, foregoing was p lblished in said newspaper ror the purpose or paying .the sinking fund � accruing interest and to provide a 1 the following dates: to retire said indebt- edness when' due incurred -- in the ---------------- -- A. D, p92issuance of Library site purchase, Series "A", .0037, of `Vhich is h /j For the ere o at- �'•'' _ �accru Purpose of paying' the cct_4115':�. •,y, _ ! sOn'k-i ing interest and to Provid — – – Jnr; fund to re ire said indebta . — - ledness when due incurred in the is- Stlanceof Street PromisromissImprovement ory Notes, Series • B", ,0036, For the purpose of 'cruin= Paying the ac- - - - - - - – - - -_ - -_ b interest. and to Sworn-io and subscribed before me tlsine-g Provide -------- g fund to retire said indebt- I edness w''.en due incurred in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - issuance of Street Improvement t A. D. 192- _ Promissory Notes, Series "C" .004, 11'0 1 -the purpose of Paying the ,accruing interest and to provide a (sinking fund to retire said indebt- issua'edness when due incurred in the issuance of Street Improvement' Promissory Notes, Series D", .011l, For the purpose of accruin - 1 Paying the sinkingt fund e to retire said videi:ndea F edness when due incurred in the Co�eifBrSOn r Texas, issuance of Street Improvement Promissory Notes, Series F,, ,0027, acC' uinor th - purpose of Paying- tile sinl;in g interest and to provide b g fund to retire said indebt- j edness whne due incurred in the is - Notes e °f Street Improvement Houston Construction com- pany, ,0012. For the purpose of paying the �1 sinkinng interest and to provide a ednessgl�hed to retire said - debt - issuance n due incurred in the warrants, °f Street Improvement Company Uvalde Rock Asphalt For theSeries, .0217. ace in Purpose of paying the g interest on the pureliase of the Mollie E, Langham property virtue of an ordinance passed ..060 6th day of Aprii, A. D. 1924, Tha' °n le.µictt' a"'t1�e�i....,... - nszn�•• collected f`or the yea" t ZI"'aif$� valorem tax of $1.43 on each ;10� "0:0 worth of property located..-rithin and comprising that portion' �dfihhe City of Beaumont lying outside of the old city limits described in Section 1, hereof in the City of Beaumont made taxable by late, which said taxes, when collected, shall be, according to Section 16 ® of the Charter of the City of Beau- mont, apportioned among the funds and departments of the city gov- ernment of the City of Beaumont, and for the Purpose hereinafter set forth, as follows to -wit: «11 For the Department of Law, o by no epartmen mance, to b or the Department of Public IN'Foc—X t 35. D tmeT't °f F s Service.rt 37. Department of Public` Safety, the 9ePar ,nd ,OZ• .?,blit t 'welfare, .10. For elleraI Fal, Ont For the Department of ° Publics 03. the rT of D iu name Safety, .35. F or the City�0' nd ma to For the Department of Finance,, �. �eo Sclio�eluPport a04. ing the eta .03.For the General Fund, .02. i F For the Librar e of pay to provid ent e4 For the support and mainten I ofFprbth'nte res for n h �ebYedne pur- It anbbr� theubPurpolic i Library, Paying the�0 s1 crulnlg fund titled int for. algt and accruing interest and to provide a'.� �3 sine lentire°g ea tine interti,o t , sinning fund for the Payment of y', t$ t11 City dint= L,.o the entire bonded indebtedness of a Apses i fund ° t"' o, : ,!�� the City of Beaumont for all pur td in - 1 singing Bonds ,'an Ol" l' debtednessexcept ofthe theschool Beaumont City 'f ;S fnndinssl°n °i1 of Schools, including the interest and ar rL a ctn'r" by 141r i y sinking fund .on a�Ci an Yno sed en the of i` funding Bonds issua 1 l u pas ,11 l Commission of thets;F°rta�ing u1;p16gro4 payDo 1 ea1 ani Fayabl urp°$eh1 and For the Pure°}Vharf and Dol'ass-, 1� aTV king UPOlw of 4ayl1114 ', and tPa3 aLkinble,aP01. the I& a and ta o payebpete t a ' ingbas ns' accruing inFor the terestsandfindebtedness, ing tedne e provide a sinking fund to F tl1 in a ass el and. to P same atcrningprovld aebtedn the pur a ,retire said indebtedness @ pu�1r'chase and. to iiia. �nrred i by Ordiu '� 41�iYliiw c�l AN gl, Entitled an or ce providin `or the levying, assessing and col Seting o1 ad valorem and othe xes for the year 1924, for th Ind pose of providing a sinking no to meet the payment of al ded indebtedness of the city o uluont, and the payment of'ac Ing interest thereon; providing the support and maintenance o city of Beaumont public free ool; to pay the expenses of th artments of the city govern nt, as named in said ordinance the general expense of the citernment, and apportioning thea to be levied to such depart- ts and purposes as set forth in ordinance; providing for the ment of poll tax and occupation ; and declaring an emergency. IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT: Section 1. That there shall be and is hereby l[he vied, and shall be assessed and llected for the year 1924, an ad lorem tax of two and 36-100 dol - 8 (=5.36) on each one hundred llars worth of property in the itof Beaumont located within e territory comprising the old y limits existing prior to the option of the present City Char - and comprising the Beaumont dependent School Districts in the y of Beaumont made taxable by w, which said taxes, when col - shall be, according to Sec - n 16 of the Charter of the City Beaumont, apportioned among funds and departments of the y government of the City of aumont, and for the purposes relnafter set forth, as follows, ;'to -wit: For the {DeDtment of Law, none. 1 For the Department of Public Service, 37 For the Departmeat of Public Rsifare, 10.. i For the Depaitment of Public ,safety, 35. �For the Department of Finance, 03. For the General Fund, .02. For the City of Beaumont Public IBree Schools, .70. For the support and maintenance �f Public Library, .04. For the purpose o1 paying the ac - ruing interest, and to provide a inking fund for the payment of k.nentire bonded indebtedness of City of Beaumont for all pur- s, including the interest and ing fund on and for the Re- ing Bonds issued by the City mission of the City of Beau - t, by Virtue of an Ordinance ed on the 3rd day of July, 1920, A'..For. Ahe, purpose, of paying for and taking up Fire Department Bills Payable, .0168. 1. For the purpose of paying for sand taking up wharf and Dock Igill. Payable, .01. For the purpose of paying the tills eruing Interest and indebtednea$, d to provide a sinking fund to tire said indebtedness as same due, incurred in the purchase McFaddln Park, by Ordinance Is F.47 tire bow nded.indebfidases y of Beaumont for all pu xcept the school bonded in. ess of the Beaumont Ci , including the interest a' fund on and for the Re Bonds issued by the Ci sion of the City of Bea by virtue of an Ordinanc on L�Iay of July, 1920 the 2 of payingAnaking ire Department Bills Payab 141. For the purpose of paying for` nd taking up Wharf and Dock Ills Payable, .01. For the purpose of paying thi .accruing interest and indebtednea •said to provide a sinking fund t fire said indebtedness as sa la due, incurred in the purch McFaddin Park, by Ordinan For the purpose of paying th ecruing interest and to provide 0 wand to retire said indebt- *dness as same falls due, incurr, the issuance of Refunding iV n for the purchase price of N s Crematory Incinera nt, virtue of an Ordina ssed o It day of Septa er, 1921, an ;n Ordinance pass n the 9th day- of August, A. D.` 1923, .0065. g For the purpose of paying the accruing interest and to provide r sinking fund to retire said indeb e edness when due incurred in th Issuance of Library Site purcha 1 Series "A", .0037. f For the purpose of paying the as interest and to provide sitik ng fund to retire said indeb f edness when due incurred in th issuance of Street Improvemed e Promissory Notes, Series "I3", .003 _ For the purpose of paying th accruing interest and to provide Y sinking fund to retire said indebt e edness when due incurred in th issuance of Street Improveme Promissory Notes, Series "C", .004 For the purpose of paying th accruing interest and to provide sinking fund to retire said indeb edness when die incurred in th Issuance of Street Improveme Promissory Notes, Series D", .0112, For the purpose of paying the; accruing interest and to provide sinking fund to retire said indeb edness when due Incurred in th issuance of street Improveme Promissory Notes, Series "F", ,002 For the purpose of paying t accruing interest and to provide sinking fund to retire said indeb edness when due incurred in t issuance of Street Improveme Notes, Houston Construction Com pany, .0012. For the pnrpose of paying t accruing interest and to provide sinking fund to retire said indeb' edness when due incurred in t issuance of Street Improveme Warrants, Uvalde Rock Aspha Company Series, .0217. For the purpose of paying th accruing Interest on the purch of the Mollie E. Langham props by virtue of an ordinance pas on the 8th day of April, A. D. 192 .0058, Section 3. That there shall be and is here levied, and there shall be collect on all occupations and callings which an occupattea,ta��y�ev by the State of Tezae, a sum i t to one-half of the amount so levi by the State of Texas, on each spective occupation or calling the City of Beaumont. Section 4. That there shall be and is hereb levied, and there shall be collect] a poll tax of one dollar (>;1.00) each and every able-bodied cilia of the City of Beaumont betweeq the ages of 21 and 60 years, whom the State of Texas shall quire the payment of a poll t provided, however, that those w may be exempt from the payee of such tax by the constitution an laws of the State of Texas, shall and are hereby exempt from t payment of such tax in the City of Beaumont. Section 5. There being no Ordinance in ef- fect levying the taxes for the ye 1924, and the taxes for said ye being now due and• payable, Immediate public emergency exis necessitating the suspension of t rule requiring ordinances to be re on threF separate days before pass- age; W erefore said rule is herebfi