HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 53-S7� Ccj s h 1 y1j: •� � S.iF t a - . AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE ORDERING AN ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF BEAUMONT ON THE 15TH DAY OF JUNE, 19482 TO DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT THE. CITY COUNCIL SHALL ABANDON THE PROJECT OF IMPROVING, EXTENDING AND -REPAIRING THE STORM SEWERS OF THE CITY -OF BEAUMONT TO THE EXTENT THAT $500,000.00 OF THE BOND MONEY VOTED FOR THAT PURPOSE AND KNOWN AS THE "STORM SEWER IM- PROVEMENT BO -ND SERIES 1947 FUND" BE NOT USED FOR SAID PURPOSE; AUTHORIZING .THE CITY COUNCIL TO TRANSFER FROM THE SAID STORM SEWER IMPROVE® MENT BOND SERIES 1947 FUND THE SUM OF $500,000.00 - TO THE "SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT BOND SERIES - 1947 _FUND" AND T0, EXPEND SAID SUM FOR THE PUR= POSE OF IMPROVING, EXTENDING AND.REPAIRING THE SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT; AND TO DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT SHALL SELL THE ABATTOIR PROPERTY OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT TO FRANK J. ZUMMO, DOING BUSINESS AS ZUMMO MEAT COMPANY, FOR THE SUM OF $78,1000,00 CASH; NAMING. THE -PLACES AT WHICH SAID ELECTION SHALL BE HELD; APPOINTING JUDGES -TO PRESIDE OVER SAID ELECTION; PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER OF HOLDING SAID ELEC- TION, AND GIVING NOTICE THEREOF. WHEREAS, at-an.--election-.held on the 21st day of June, 1947, a majority of the qualified tax -paying voters of The City of Beaumont authorized -the governing body of The City of Beau- mont to -issue serf al bonds in the amount of J1,000,000.00 for the purpose of. improving-, extending and -repairing the storm sewers of -The City of Beaumont; and, WHEREAS; at the same election said -voters of The. City of Beaumont further authorized the governing' -body -of The City of. Beaumont to issue serial bonds of The City of -Beaumont in the amount of $500,000.00 for the purpose of improving,'extending and repairing the -sewerage system of The City of Beaumont; and, WHEREAS, pursuant'to the authority vested in the govern- ing body of The City of Beaumont by the ,-said voters, as expressed in -said election, The City did .issue and sell part of the bonds which were authorized at said election and will sell an additional amount on June 8, 1948; and, A WHEREAS, it .appears that because of -the changed condi- tions which have been brought about in the overall drainage program for Beaumont, and Jefferson County, the $1,000,000.00 originally authorized for storm sewer purposes will be.more than necessary to carryout the storm sewer program as cont-emplated, under the bond issue,- and it appears that the $500,000.00 origi- nally authorized for improving, extending and repairing the sanitary sewer system is totally inadequate.to carry out.the_ sanitary sewer.exter_sion program of The City of .Beaumont. as contemplated under the bond issue, and that The City is in dire need of additional sanitary -sewer facilities- and. that an addi- tional amount of $500,000.00 is necessary to provide. for -same;- and, WHERFAS, - in acc ordanc'e with -the terms of the provisions of the -Charter of The City .of Beaumont; the City Council thought it to the .best interest- of The -_City_ of :Beaumont, to sell the pro- pert=y owned by The City of Beaumont used for abattoir purposes, provided;; "an adequate price could be received for same,. and advertised -.for -bids for the purchase of same., -with the provision that if an -,.acceptable bid was received the proposal to sell at such figure should be submitted to the qualified voters of The City .-at an election on June 15, 1948; and, WHEREAS, Frank J, Zummo of Beaumont, Texas, doing ,business as Zummo Meat Company, submitted a bid of $78,000.00 for said property, which the City Council deems acceptable, subject to the approval of the qualified v ot.ers of The City of Beaumont; NOW, TBEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE .CITY COUNCIL OF TIM C ITY OF BEk UMONT, T` LUS ; Section 1.. That a special -election be held in The City of Beaumont on the 15th day of June, .A,D. 1948, for the purpose of submitting 2 -. to the qualified voters of The- City.of Beaumont the following matters; Section 2. Shall the City Council of The City of Beaumont be ,�author- ied and empowered to; a. Abandon the project of improving, extending and --repairing-the . storm ' sewers of The City of Beaumont to the extent- that xtent-that $500,000.00 of the money realized from the sale of 1,000, 000.b0 in municipal bonds which will be issued and sold pursuant to an election held on June'21, 1947,, be not used for that purpose® b. Expend and use for the purpose of improv-ing-, extending and repairing the: sanitary' sewer system of The City of-' Beaumont $500,000.00 of the proceeds of $1,000,000.00 in bonds to be sold on June 8, 19483 which were originally issued and sold for the purpose of improving, extending anal. repairing the storm sewers of The City - of- -Beaumont. c. Sell -to Frank J. Zummo,_doing business. as Zummo Me at - C ompany, f or the sum of $78, 000.00' c ash the following pro- perty -owned -by The City of Beaumont, known as the Abattoir-Pro- pertye Ten (10) -acres out of the' -James Bullock Survey, "beginning at an iron stake, -- which .1s in the East line of a survey now owned by Thos. H. Langham at its intersection with the east boundary line - of the right of" way. of the Gulf & Inter= state Railway Company; thence with said eastern boundary line South 1325=1.66 feet to corner; thence North 48 degrees West 885.'7 feet to corner in the Eastern boundary line of the Gulf & Interstate -Railway Company right of way . North . 42 degrees East.983.65 feet to the place of beginning; Lots 16 and 17 in Block 5, and Lot 18 in Block 6 of the West Oakland Addition; Together with all buildings, structures, machinery, and equipment. located thereon. 3 - Section 3. The said election shall be held in The City of Beaumont at the following places," to wit:. French School, Junker:School;'C.ehtral Fire Station, Averill School, -Beaumont High School, City Hall; , Sabine Pass Fire,,-Station David Crockett Junior High School, -.Ogden School, .South :Park Elemernt.ary. 'Hebert 'High. School.., Edwards GilesSchool9 School. That all voters.-residing in CountynPrecinct No. I ',shall vote at the French-High School Building; that, all voters. residing- - Uo in CountyA.Precinct .,No,, 2 shall vote at-.the Junker School -Building; that all voters residing_ in-CountyaPr� ee cts Nos. 3, 6.,:- and 7 shall vote at Central Fire Station Building; that all voters re- siding in C ountyi Pr nct No.4 and, all :that portion. of C ounty u o 1 y N G -'Precinct No. `47 lying within the C ity., of Beaumont shall vote at the Averill ._School Building; that. all voters residing, in CountyVoTl NG Precinct No. 5.and all that portion of County Prelinct No. 50 lying within.the City-of Beaumont shall vote at the Beaumont High School Building; that .all voters residing- in CountynfPorencis Nos. 8 . and 9 shall. vote.:at the .City Hall;. that all voters residing in_ C ountyivPrecinc-ts Nos.. 10, 13, . and 14, shall :vote .at., the Sabine Pass Fire Station; that .all eoters :residing in'CountydPPrrecinc t No ll shall _v,"ote at David. Crockett Junior- High School -Building; that :all.`vote'rb residing inNPrecinct(Do,'- .12 shall, vote.-4t.--the Ogden School Building; _that:. all voters ,residing in-Countyj✓?re- U at- &V•w cinct No®-15 and all that portion of Coun.tyyPrecinct No. 42 lying within the.City of Beaumont shall vote at the, -South Park Elemen- tary School Building'-,that-a.11 voters residing -in CountyNPreci'.ct U® - No. 16 and all that portion of County Pr.eci t-No. 43 lying within the-City of Beaumont shall-vote at the Giles School Building; Vo -. th"a.t all voters residing in: CountyAPreci ct.No® 17 shall vote at. thea Hebert High School. -Building; that all voters residing in County4Pre iir ets Nos.. 18- and .1.9 shall -vote. at the Edwards :School Building,, `� Section 4. The following named persons are appointed presiding judges for their respective voting boxes in said wards with the authority to select and appoint their -own clerks: At the Franch High School Building, Mrs. Lois S. Hensley; At- the.Junker School Building, Mrs. J. E. Ray; At the Central Fire.Station, Mrs. G. K. Rafferty; At the Averill School Building, L. L. Rutt; P.t the Beaumont High School,. Building.,- Mrs. B. D. -Carney; At, the City. Hall, Mrs. Pat Burrell. At the Sabine Pass Fire Station, TVirs. B. P. Derr; At the David Crockett, Junior High School Building, F: L. Fisher; At: Ogden School. Building, Mrs. C. E. Drake; At South Park Elementary School. Building, Mars. J. C;..- Burkhart; At Giles School- Building, Mrs, Vernon Ba.z.ine; At Hebert High School Building, A. L. Price; At. --Edwards School Building,. B. F. Quicksall, Section 56 '.A, separate ballot shall be used for the submission .of the question concerning the reallocation .of a._ part of -the Storm Sewer improvement bond fund and there shall be . -printed :. on the. b allots. to bo used in said election the following: FOR -ABANDONING --THE... PRO;TEC T OF IMPROVING, EXTEND ING AND' REPAIRING THE STORM SEWERS OF THE CITY >. OF BEAUMONT TO-THEE'EXTENT THAT $500,000,00 OF THE BON) MONEY. BE NOT USED FOR- -SAID PURPOSE &ND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF $5003000.0.0 FROM THE. -STORM SODER IMPROVEMENT BOND ..SERIES 1947 FUND TQ THE .SEWERAGE SYSTEM- IMPROVEMENT BOND SERIES 194'7 FUND, AND AUTHORIZING THE C ITY. C OUNC IL TO. EXPEND AND USE THE S A.ID $500, 000.00 SO TRANSFERRED FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPROVING, EXTENDING' AND REPAIRING- THE EPAIRING-THE S EWERAGE SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF BEA.UMONT. AGAINST A.BA.NDONING THE PROJECT OF, IMPROVING, EXTENDING AND REPAIRING THE STORM SEVVERS OF THE CITY OF BEfLUMONT TO THE EXTENT THAT . $500$000.00 -- OF 500,000.00 -OF THE BOND MONEY BE, NOT USED. FOR -SAID PURPOSE _ 5 _ r AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF $5002000000 FROM - THE STORM_ SEWER IMPROVEMENT" BOND 'SERIES 1947 - FUND , TO THE SEWERAGE SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT BOND SERIES" AND AUTHORIZING .THE C ITY- "COUNC IL . T0" 1947_ FUND, EXPEND AND USE THE. -SAID $500,600.00 SO TRANSFERRED FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPROVING, EXTENDING.:AND RE- PAIRING THE SEWERAGE SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF BEAU- MONT. All voters desiring to -support the above proposition and -permit the ,transfer of $500'000.00 from the Storm Sewer Func 'to .the Sewerage -System -Fund shall run . a line 'thr.ough or across -. ' tha t section of said proposition which begins with the word 1°AGA INST, �° _ and .all voters desiring t o vote against the: above - stated proposition shall run aline through or across that sec= tion of .said proposition beginning with the word. "FOR." " Section 6. Aseparate ballot shall. be used :for the submission of the question of the sale of the .Abattoir property and there shall be printed on, the ballots to be" used in said e lection -the following: SHALL _ THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT SELL.. TO. FRANK .J. ZUMMO; . DOING BUSINESS AS ZU1,AMO .MEAT C OMPANY, F'OR THE SUM OF ' 78, 000.00._ CASH THE ABATTOIR PROPERTY DESCRIBED -AS FOLLOWS: (a) TEN (TO) .ACRES "OF THE JAMES BUL- LOC K SURVEY, _ BEG.INNING- .AT AN IRON STAKE, WHICH IS IN THE EAS T - LINE OF A. NED . BY. THOS. H... LANGHAM SURVEY NOW OVu-. AT ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE EAST BOUN DARY': LINE . OF THE R IGHT - OF WAY OF .- THE . . GULF. & . INTERSTATE RAILWAY C OMPANY; THENCE WITH SAID EASTERN BOUNDARY LINE SOUTH 1325,66 FEET T0. CORNER; .THENCE NORTH 48 DEGREES WEST 885.7 FEET TO COR-' NER.IN THE EASTERN BOUNDARY -LINE OF THE GULF & INTERSTATE WIUTAY COMPANY RIGHT OF WAY NORTH 42 DEGREES EAST'993.65.FEET TO THE- PU1 CE OF BEGINNING; (b) "LOTS .16 :.and 17 IN'BLOCK,;5,AND LOT 18- IN -BLOCK 6 OF THE WEST OAKTAND ADDI- TION;. (c) ALL BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, MACHINERY, AND EQUIPMENT LOCATED THEREON.: FOR THE SALE. AGAINST -THE SALE-. - -6 - All voters desiring to vote for the sale of the Abattoir. property, as described above, to Frank J. Zummo, doing business as Zummo,Meat Company, for the sum of 678,000.00 cash shall rune a line through or across the .words "AGAINST THE SALE.." and all voters desiring to vote against the sale of the -Abattoir property, as -described above, to ,Frank J, Zummo, doing business. as- Zummo Meat Company, for' -the sum of..$78,000.00 cash shall run aline through or across the words:"FOR THE SALE.`. Section 7. That said _election shall be held under- the provisions -of the State laws . governing elections, ' and, the .qualifications of those voting thereat shall be' cont -rolled. by the ,provisions of the State laws governing elections,. but only qualified voters, who pay taxes on property in The City of -Beaumont shall be allowed to vote at said election oft the proposition of the reallocation of bond funds. Section 8.' A c opy of.- this ordinance, signed .by the. Mayor . of The City of Beaumont and attested by the City Clerk of The -City of Beaumont, shall serve as.proper.and sufficient notice of said election, and the Mayor is.he'reby directed to cause one each of said notices to be posted. in each of the election precincts and fractional parts of election precincts within the Cityof- Beaumont, and at. the City Hall, such. posting to be not less than fifteen (15) full days prior to the date set for said election, and he shall further cause said notice to be published on the same day in each of two successive'weeks in a newspaperof general circulation published within- said. C ity,_ : the date ' of the first. publication to be not less than fourteen (14) full days prior -to the date set . for said election. And the person posting said notices, shall make -'a return on ,the copy thereof,- showing' --the times and places of posting, and 7 - . 8 -