HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 4-Ra. 1,,: AST .ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LEVYING, :ASSESSING AND COLLECTING OF AD VALOREA AND OTHER TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1946 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING THE EXPENSES OF THE DE- PARnUNTS'OF THE CITY GOVERN=T AS NAMED IN SAID ORDINANCE AND THE GENEFAL EX PENSES OF THE CITY GOVMWENT AND PROVIDING A SINKING FUND TO MEET THE PAYMENT OF ALL BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY'OF BEAUMONT AND TSE PAYMENT OF.ACCRUING INTEREST TEHREON; AND FOR THE'PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FOR THE MAINT!,NANCE OF THE PUBLIC FREE SCHOOLS AND THE ERECTION,. CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT OF THE PUBLIC FREE SCHOOL BUILDINGS OF THE BEAUMONT INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND PROVIDING A SINKING FUND TO MEET THE PAYMENT OF ALL BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE BEAUMONT INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE PAYMENT OF ACCRUING INTEREST THEREON; AP- PORTIONING THE TAXES TO BE LEVIED TO THE VARIOUS DEPAR'�rS NAMED AND FOR THE PURPOSES SET FORTH; PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF OCCUPATION TAX AND PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EiMGENUCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS: Section 1 That there shall be and is hereby levied and shall be assessed and col- lected for the year 1946, for municipal purposes only, an ad valorem tax of One and 65/100 ($1.65) Dollars on,each One Hundred Dollars' -wort ' h -6f property located within the present City limits of the City of Beaumont, made taxable'by law, which. said taxes when collected shall be, according to Section 16 of the Charter of the City of Beaumont, apportioned.among the funds and departments of the city govern- ment of the City of Beaumont and for the purpose hereinafter set ':forth as follows, to -wit: For the -General Fund $ 1.12 For the purpose of paying the accruing interest and to provide a sinking fund for the payment of the entire bonded indebtedness of the City of Beaumont for all purposes, except the school bonded indebtedness of the Beaumont Independent School District $ .53 Section 2 That there shall be and is hereby levied and shall be -assessed and col- lected for the year 1946 for the maintenance of the schools and the erection, con- struction and equipment of the public free school buildings of the Beaumont In- dependent School District a tax of 94/100 ($.94) Cents on each One Hundred Dollars worth of property lying and being situated within the present limits of the Beau- mont eaumont Independent School District; -and there shall be and is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected for the year 1946,'a tax of 17/100 ($.37) Cents on each One Hundred Dollars ,worth of said -property to take care of the interest and sinking fund on the school bonded indebtedness of the City of Beaumont within the present limits of the Beaumont Independent School District. Section 3 That there shall be and is hereby levied and there shall be collected on all occupations and callings on which an occupation tax is levied by the State of Texas, a sum equal to one-half of the amount so levied by the State of Texas, on each respective occupation or calling in the City of Beaumont. Section 4 If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of compe- tent jurisdiction, such section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such.holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. Section 5 There being no Ordinance.in effect -levying the taxes for the year 1946, and the taxes for said year will soon become due and payable, an, immediate public emergency exists, necessitating the suspension of the rule requiring ordinances to be read on three separate days before passage, wherefore, said rule is here sus- pended and it is enacted that this ordinance shall.be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED this, the 27th day of August, A. D., 1946, by the affirmative vote of all members of the City Commission. : '-CI°)� AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING MR THE LEVYING, ASSESSING AND COLLECTING OF AD VALOREM AND. OTHER TAS MR T4D YEAR 1946 FOR THE PUMSE OF PAYING THE MMENPM OF THE DE- PARTMENTS OF THE CITY GOVMUMT AS NAMED IN -SAID ORDINANCE AND THX GENERAL EX- PMSEv OF THE CITY L GOVEMMJT AND PROVIDING A SINKING FUND TO MEET TSE PAYMENT OF ALL BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY OF BEA.TA[ONT AND THE PAYMENT, OF ACOBUIRG ST INTEREMEREON; AND. FOR T1D, PUAP03g OF PROVIDING •FOR ME MAINTENANCE Of THE PUBLIC FREE ,SCHOOLS AND ME ERECTION, CONSTRUCTION AND EWIPMESNT OF THE PUBLIC FREE SCHOOL BUILDINGS OF' THE BEAUMONT. INDEPI NDMT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND PROVIDING A SIKa_ NG FMID TO MEM THE, PAYMENT OF ALL BONDED 'INDEW DNESS OF '+ ' BEANI�f0NT INDITEkDWT SC' UOOL DISTRICT AND THE PAYMEI+NT .OF ACCRUING INTEREST TH.rsN� MN'; AP- PO.RTIOxa NG THE TADS.TO BE LEVIED TO THE VARIOUS DEPAIN*MENTS NAMED AND FOR THE PURPOSES SET- FORTH; PROVIDING F'OR TaE PAYMMT OF OCCUPATION TAX AND PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; . AND 'DECLARINGG AN IMERGRiCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE. CITY COMMISSION OF THE 'CITY OF-BEAUMONTO TEYAS: Section 1 That there shall be and is hereby levied and shall'be assessed and col- lected for the year 1946# for municipal purposes only, an ad valorem tax of One and 65/100 (tl.65) Dollars on eaoh'One Hundred Dollars worth of property, located within the present City limits of the City of Beaumont, made taxable by law, which said taxes when,colleoted shell be, according to'Section 16 of the Charter of the City of Beaumont, apportioned among the Hinds and departmmnts.of the city -govern- ment of. the City of Beaumont and for the ;purpose- h®rei'naftet -B®t foith as folloxa, to—!crit: For the General. Fund For the purpose of paying the accruing interest .and to'•provi.de a sinking fund for .the'payAont'6f the entire bonded. indebtedness of the City of Beaumont for all purposes, except the school bonded indebtedness of the.Beaumont Independent School District $. .53. Section 9 that there shall be and is hereby levied and shall be assessed and col- lected for the ydar 1946 for the maintenance ofothe aohools and the erection, con- struation and equipment of the public. free 'soho©l buildings of the Beaumont Ing dependent School District a tax of 94/100 ($;94) Cents on each One Hundred Dollars north of property,lyin.g.and being situated within the present -limits of the Beau-. mont Independent School. District; and there shill be iandAs hereby levied and shall. be assessed and -collec�ted_for the year 1946, a tai of 117/100 .(4.17) Cents on each One'Hundred Dollars wo'rth'of said;.property to take care of the interest and sinking fund on the•sehool bonded Indebtedness of. the City of.Besumont within the present limits of the Beaumont Independent School District. Section -3 That there shall be and is hereby levied and there shall be collected on -all 'occupations and,enllings on'which an occupation tax ie levied by the State of Texas, a sum equal to one-half of the amount so levied by the State of Texas, on each respective occupation or calling in the City of.Beaumont. .- � ��_ .. .. ._ _ .. �..1C til -f (•f �.°' 49 Section If any sectl.ont -suN§ecti.on, ' sentance, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for a4y.reason held ,invalid or unconstitutional by any court of compe- tent jurisdiction, such section,- subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion shall be'deEmed, a sep4rate, distiiaet and, independent provision and such holding " shall not affect the validity of the remaining part'ions thereof. " Section 5. Ther4 being no Ordinance -in effect lcavyi.n�gg the taxes for the year 1946, and the taxes' for said year ;gill soon bedome` clue and payable, an immediate public emergency exists) noeessitating the suspension o; the rale.`re uirinrg ordinances. to ,bo° read on, three s'ep6rbt,e days before passage, wherefore, said rule is here �4a� peaded. and it is -enacted that this,ordinance shall be in full force and ef'f'ect from, and after its passage and publication.. PAS �_ D this, the 27tia day of -August, A. +,, 194-S, by'.the affirmative aote of all members of the City Co�+.^aissiou. ,.MAYO:R- PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON Before me, the undersigned authority; personally appeared who, being by me duly sworn, says that the f o r e g o i n g and attached An Ordinance was published on the following dates: August 31, A. D., 19 46 in the BEAUMONT Journal , a daily newspaper printed and published at Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas. SUBSCRTBED and sworn to before me, this thee-' .day of A. D. 19� �NOTPU]! in and for Jefferson County Texas Paste Clipping Here AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE, LEVYING, ASSESSING AND COLLECTING OF AD VALOREM 'ANDOTHER TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1946• FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING THE EXPENSES OF THE DEPARTMENTS -OF, THE. CITY GOV- ERNMENT AS NAMED IN SAID ORDI- ANCE AND THE GENERAL' EX- PENSES OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT AND PROVIDING ,A 'SINKING FUND TO MEET THE .'PAYMENT' OF' ALL } BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT AND THE PAY- MENT AY- MENT OF ACCRUING INTEREST THEREON; AND'FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FOR THE MAINTEN- ANCE OF THE PUBLIC FREE SCHOOLS AND THE ERECTION; CON-, STRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT OF THE PUBLIC FREE SCHOOL BUILDINGS OF THE BEAUMONT INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND'PROVIDING A SINKING FUND' TO MEET THE - PAYMENT OF ALL BONDED.INDEBT= EDNESS OF THE BEAUMONT INDE- PENDENT 'SCHOOL: DISTRICT AND THE PAYMENT OF ACCRUING JNTER- EST, THEREON; APPORTIONING THE TAXES TO BE LEVIED TO THE' VARI- OUS DEPARTMENTS NAMED AND, FOR, THE PURPOSES SET, FORTH; PRO- VIDING FOR THE- PAYMENT OF OC- CUPATION TAX AND .PROVIDING A' SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND' DECLARING, AN ' EMERGENCY. ' - BE IT, ORDAINED BY ' THE CITY i COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BEAU- MONT,' TEXAS:' Section I That there -shall. be and As hereby levied and shall. be assessed and col- lected for the year 1y46, formunicipal Purposes only, an ad valorem ,tax of'One and 65/100 ($1.65) Dollars on each One Hundred Dollars worth of property lo- cated within'the Present City limits of the City of Beaumont, made. taxable by law, which said taxes. when collect- ed shall be, according to Section 16' of the Charter 'of the City. of Beaumont. apportioned among the funds and ileo Partments of the city goveinmerit of the City of Beaumont and for the Pur- pose hereinafter set forth as. follows; to -wit: For the General Fund $1.12 For the Purpose of paying the ac- j truing interest and to provide a sinking fund for the payment of the entire bonded indebtedness of the City of 'Beaumont for all pur- poses, except the school bonded in-/ debtedness of the Beaumont Inde- pendent School, District, $.53 Section 2 - That there • shall be and is hereby levied and shall be assessed and col- lected for the^year 1946 for the,main- tenance of the schools and. the erec- tion, construction and equipment- of the Public free school .buildings of the Beaumont Independent School, District a tax of 94/100 ($.94) Cents on each One Hundred Dollars worth of Property ly- Ing and being situated within the Pres- ent limits of the Beaumont Independ- ent School District; and there shall be and is hereby levied and shall be as- sessed and collected for the year .1946, a tax of 17/100 ($.17) Cents on each One Hundred Dollars worth of said property to take care of the interest and sinking fund_ on the school bonded indebtedness of -the City- — within the present limits of the Beau- monti Independent School -District. - Section 3 That there sha11 be. and is hereby levied and there shall be collected on all occupations and -callings on which an occupation tax is levied by the State of Texas, a sum eciva1 to one-half of