HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 84-BAN ORDINAYCE'. Entitled an oxdiriance, levying and assessing as a tax upon lots and parts of lots, bloc'_is or tracts of land where not di,vi ded into lots or blocks, fronting orabutting on Fannin Street, from Park to Pearl Street, Emmett from Park Street 1` to Sabine Pass Avenue , Forsythe Street,. from 11ain Street to Pearl Street, Neches Street from Crockett Street to Bowie Street,Xtwo-- th it ds of the cost of paving and all of the cost of cur bi ng said Fannin Street from Park to Pearl Street, Emne tt from Park to Sabine Pass Avenue , Forsythe Street from Main to Pearl Street, Neche s Street from Crockett Street to Bowie Street; levying and assess- ing as a tax upon the Beaumont Traction Company's tracks on Emmett Avenue between Park Street on Sabire Pass Avenue , all the cost of paving bdtween and two feet on. each side of th e tracks and rails of the Beau°mont Traction Company, declar ing said tax a fi rst and prior lien, paramount to all encumbrances except taxes, upon tin roadbed., tie s, rails, fixtures, rights and. franchises of sai d Beaumont Traction Company, and decla.r ing said tax a lien upon said property and a personal debt upon the owner or owners th exe of ; and providing a time when said tav shflll become due and peyablet; providing for th e collection of the tax and all c csts incurred in collecting said. tax, if not paid at the time it become due and payable, and providing rate of interest said. tax shall bear from the time it becomes due until paid_,, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH a CITY OF B^ AUL1ON T , TE-KAS . SFC T I ON I That upon the property fronting or abutting upon Fannin Street, from Park to Pearl Street, Enmiett from Park Street to Sabine Pass Avenue , Forsythe Street from .1dai n Street to Pear 1 Street, NeCh= s Street fx om .Cro cke tt Street to Bowie Street, in the City of Beau mont, th ere is hereby le - vie d. and assessed -as a tax, two-- thirds of the cost of paving and all the cost of curbing on said Fannin Street, from Park to Pearl Street, EmLe tt from Park Street to Sabine Pass Avenue , For-sythe Street from Bain Street to Pearl Street, Neches Street from Crockett Street to Bowie Street, The lot, lots, per is of lots, blocks or tracts of land on whibh said tax is levied and assessed is h -ere i.nafter described. together with the number of feet fr ont in such lots , arts of lots, blocks or tracts of land, the name or names of the owner or owners thereof, and the proportionate an oust of the cost of said paving and the cost of said curbing to be borne and paid for by said owner or owners, as shown by the roll .prepared by the City Engineer of the City of Beaumont, which said amount is hereby levied and assessed as a tax upon said such lot, lots, parts of lots, blocks or tracts of land shown, to -wit EMME T ---PARK To SARIN 4,1 ?ASS AVENDE . Upst per from �c. .60 Daving $1.90 per sq.yard. Cilrbing 58�, per lin. foot. SIMPSON ADDITION. FRONT S�`�.YDS. aRTCr, "moi LIN.FETT TOTAL N -A LOT EL OCK FEET. ?AV T11G AI620MT1 FR01`1T FOOT. CURBING. AMOLgTT AMOUNT. oxie Pa ill-io 4 & 5 1 148.17- 2 3. 38 :a 2. 3 .70--- W 6.2 $473.32 Mrs. Agnes Myrick S.E. 5OX140 Ft. of lots 2 3 4 and 5 (A.5) City Abstract Book. 1 50.0 68.5 130.15 2.603 50.0 29.00 159.15 c, From Plat S 8s shown by Assessor's 'Abstract Book for the Cit; of T3eamont January lst, 1915, Mrs. Ida Shepard Tract 3 12.3.8 369.6 322.24 2.603 123.8. 71.80 -394.04 Miss :date Land "Tact 4 61.0 83.57 158.78 2.603 61.0 35.38 .194.16 ` Neches Investment Co. Mrs. J.B.Langham Tract Tract 2 5 140.5 291.51 192.48 3819.37 365071 739.80 2.603 2.603 140.50 286.74 81.49 166.42 447.20 906.22 LANGHAM ADDITION. H.Blanchette & Ogden Johnson 2-3-4-5 1 240.0 3.28.8 624.72 2.603 240 139.20 763.92 Mrs. F.A.Land. 1 1 60.0 82.2 156.18 2.603 68.20 39.56 195.14 From Plat R as shown by 1A.ssessor's -Abstract Book for the Oity of Beaunont Jannary 1st, 1916. Mrs. Sarah Easterling & E.E.Easterl_ing Tract 1-13-12 160,0 219.2 416.48 2.603 168.0 97.44 513.92 Mrs. Caroline Koenig Tract 2 53.4 73.16 139.00 2.603 53.4 30.97 169.97 J.F.Kei1jh Tract 3 183.4 251.2 477.28 2.603 192.2 11.5.54 592.82 bTECHES--.FR(X-1 CROCKFTT TO BOWIE. Price 51.90 per sq.vd. Curbing 58 per 1?n. Feet. ITA. T 710Rt.jFP AI)D IT TON , Mrs. Annie H. Joftnson 6 17 140 192.00 $364.80 ?2.60' 148.2 085.95 $450.76 W.A.Fletcher Est.E.A,Fletcher Agt. 7 17 140 19200 364.80 2.60- 148.2 85.95 450.76 Beaumont ffharf & Terminal Co. 1 &12 18 260.59 357.00 678.30 2.602 306.91. 178.00 856.30 FANNIN FROD4 PARg TO PEARL . Paving 01;90. per sq. Yard. .Curb'Ing 58¢ -per- lin. Foot,,, Old town of Beaumont. FRONT SQ.YDS. PRICE NMIIE LOT BLOCK FTT. PAVING. AMOUNT FRaNT PER LIN. 'FFE, T. F:,)O T. CURBING. AMOUNT TDTAL AMOUNT. .,� P.H.Wiess... X120 ' feet. 331--2 & 3' 51 .180 246.66 $468.66 2.603 180 $104.40$$73.06 Alex Broussard S.M. 45 by 120 330 51 50 68.5 130.15 2'.603 50 .29.00 159.15 J.B.Langham 329 & N.E.l 20 feet :330 .51 70 95492 182.25 2.603 70 40.60 222.85 Gulf tipe Line Com6any 211-212 41 120 167.555 318.3.9 2,603 120 36.00 354.35 Ed.Ea,stham SwV; 25 X 100 ft. 210 41 25 34.9 66.32 . 2.603 85 7.50 7,3.82 " Cora Landry and Ras Laridry 208 and 209 and N.E. 25X120 feet 210 41- 145 202.45 384:66 2.603 145. 43.50 428.16 Beaumont Realty. Co 201 to 205 Incl.. 40, 300 -418.88 795.87 2.603 300.90.00 885.87 H.E.Dutton & Caroline E.Dutton 322 50 60 82.22 156.22 2.603: 60 34:80 -191.02 Mrs-... A. Adams., Aurelia " A. Norvell, W.W.Nordel 323-324.,, 50. 120 164.44 312.44 2.603- 120 69.60 382.04 H.S.Boykin;Lizzie Bo-ykin Z�T.�it:Kyle 325,326 50 120 164.44 2JU 2.603 1-20 69.60 382.04 312.44 FORSYTHE FROI�E MAIN TO PEARL Paving i 01.90 per sq. Yd. Curbing 58� per lin.foot. . OLD TOWN OF BEAMON T. -' `Cit o f Beaumont Keith Y Park 300 416.25 0790.88 2 6 � 300 9 0,15 881.03 W.C.Tyrell".61.and S.W. 24X120 ft. 62 13 84 116.5 221.35 2.624 84 25.20 246,55., Young Men's Christian Assn of. Beaumont , Texas , S.W. . 36Xl20 ft. of lot 62 and N .E. 34X1.20 ft 63 13 70- 97.90 184.47 -2.64 70 21.61 205.47 Trustees of the First -Baptist Church- of Beaumont, Texas, S.W. 26x120, 63, and 64---65 13 146 202.5 384.75 2.632 146- 60.75 445.50 That..said tax'so levied'and assessed shall becoze due and payable upon the completion of the pavirg 'upon the portion of said streets, upon which said ]rots, parts of lots, blocks or tracts of land front or abuttf and the amount of the tax hereby levied and ass.e,ssed togethe r with the cost of collecting same and six� per cent petu annum from the date same Iis, collectable until paid is hereby declared 'a lien against. the said lot, lots, parts of lots, blocks or tracts of land' superior to all other liens, claims or title. except City,..County and State taxes, and shall constitute a per sonal charge or claim against the owner or owners of the said lot, lots, parts of lots, blocks or tracts of la ni . SECTIOY III. That all the cost of grading and. paving' than portion of Emmtt Avenin from Park Street to Sabine Pass Ave.., between the rai is of 'the Beaumont Traction Company, and between the tracks of the Beaumont Traction -Company, and a s ap c e .exte nd ing, twenty-four. (24T1) inches beyond the. outer edge of the rails . of said company'shall b,e borne 'by the .said Beaumont Traction Company, and such cost of said Ampr ovements are..hereby assessed against the said Beaumont Tr act ion Company, a rid shall b'e a first and prior lien paramount to all incumbrances except taxes, upon the road -bed, t-ie.s; rails, f ixtuxes, rights and fraInchises of said company, and shall be collected. as other assessments -levia'd under this ordinance. Provided such work sYa'll b,e done in accordance with the City Ordina.naes regulating the 'c ons truct ion of railways in the streets of Beaumont , and the paving of such streets traversed by same. ,4 "7 s SEC TI ON IV The fact that the foregoing portions of streets are in bad co ndit i on and badly in need of paving in order t o facilitate the .heavy tra.tEfi c over same creA.tes an emergency andan imperative public necessity, necessitating the sus -- pens ion of the rule req -air ing or &I narrces to..be read at .three separate meetings. Said .rule .is'.the refore hereby su-s pen ded and this ordinance shall take effect and bye in full force and effect from and after its passage and lawful publication. PASS ED th is .the ZJ day of °�` �'�- A.D. 1916: APPROVED this the /q__!lay of �%1 c�%c A. D . 1916. IIIA 0 . -AT TE ST CITY SECRE TARY . - Beal nont., Texas, 3/ 21/16 Hon. L,Iayor & City' C ounc i T; C ity.. = Gentl emen We, = your Ordinance Committee, to wh.om'was r eferr ed the attached. ord.inanc-e levy ing-' e.nd a,ss•essing, for paving 'cer twin portions of mmet,t Avenue;. Forsythe. ; Fannin and Ne;cY� s Streets, beg to report that we have duly considered same an_d recommend that said . ordinance be adopted u ;der- a suspensi on of th'e rule .re quir,ing ordinances to be read at three se ' ate meetings. Respectful• . siii mi ted, O IN jZT, 0 F CO!I%,U%,71T TFE ..