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A N 0, 0, ems , 10 -6 le —/c/o -/9 / � ENTIUSD All ORDINJUICE AMI-10"RIZING TMI 13SUANG3 0V B01WS BY TIL's CITY OF _11ahli-MXT 'MAStFOR '21-L', 2U10031]; QP PUMvIG A PART Ov THE OUNTANDI.NG 01,' SAID OrTY,,111 jVU1YMS VOR PA'a"? i';X1_P2MSr-,3 AND AN 31,12-11GL-0036, `MrOUS thO 04,ty of Daaunont by 14oason o-- Xnpreoodonta,i condltionz,,brouglit on by the creat Vlarld 13ar.'a-q1on pricoo of all , miterials and Labor to rise to hal., . _;hta harotofora unl,,novin, finm3 it3aif unwao to oaro f,)r Ito outot'--inding lndobtedriozo for pact oxpon"39f3jout of id currant revonuoj,, and dooire-c) to pootpone th,) paymont of a pArt of jaid lnae,vi)to, ooa Lwa aiotrlbute tesla .")a1,09 tilroueri --L agrie-o of y0arn by tilo. io6d,a "co of Bonds in the OUM of Li r'\ t and tnat ow--io "oe iozuwl u-naor tial powere and authority fgranted to the 01tV COUMU by W10 of tho State of'rex ail,, in 'N the Special Guarter of saki 011tyx and an, endment o to tow swix Now tiierofora, - t BE IT ORDA341314-11D BY 'All -E' 0177 OLUXUL 01P 01TY ().V, B11AUL,10B.'T Section 14 That U19 01TY OF DEAUMIST uIvAl 10:Tue BOWS an herelus�,V�er de- ocrioed.for and in bolialf of and on tho cradit of tho OIT't--OZ D!�AUIJO',NT T.--..ASto borrov; nonoy to the extent Qf uio ouln of ;'I (: �'� I' f.f / ITHOUSA= DOLIA1130 for the purp000 of paying- a part of Itz wtotandill.!�; Indebtediloos in arrears for 0oation, 24 iiorTovp air(%,.taa to iiavo r paired wra ex)(luted Bonds Numbor,?d from 09p, to of said Bond -o io bo or. tho denomination. of ONE T tho.Aenoiainat Ion of pa,.,vUble in -old rjwin of Uio 'an itcYl. 3U,-t4j of t,ii�) rooenvioL.at ana finonooaq Bona oiiail be t1-Aed ,TU1Y lot 1919sawl said Bonda �3hkjj mature ao Zol;Lcyajo to-wit60- 1 610,000 du4 JVjy 1 1920. p I 1 4100000 due July lot 1921. $3.00000 due duly 1 19212. e44, g " 0-13 10_101-1511� a $104000 due July 1 1923 110,9000 dUo JUI,-i 1. x,9240. duo :UIY,X 1925,- %os000 due :ul,)r 1#1926:4 $104000 due July 1 1927* $100000 due Zuly I - 19Z4 ^yloa000 dulp. July 1 1929$. All of oatd Bonds onall boar' Interest at the rate -of I?IVQ (,gf4 qor.-asnt.. per annwa.payabie seml annuaiv o4 xuly I and January I at each. yevx,, a000runa to the tenor or intorest coupona to be atxaoliqd to said Banta, The *,4&yor ohall sign aaid Bonds and tAOY $hall 'Oe COUAterAgned by tne City Searstary, and registered by the City Trewsurerand-the 3o41 of the 01ty shall 'be ImpreSood on saoh on© of thom4 The Coupons ehall be 9ioouted with the lithographed signaturas of the 'Mayor und city soordtary, Bonds and owpons sliall be payable upon presentation and surrandoll at the offlee of the City National Bank in tho city of Now yerx x. Y. or at the office of ne city Treamwer of Beau— '2110 Boma and Coupons abovo. provided, . for, 314ill be oubstanti'ally in laordo and figures 43 (.ORM OF 13OWD ) PaW ALL ZN BY TH.W2, PRESPMTS'. That tho city Of -BeaVallont An - the State of TOXQ8,110reby a0knorledgeS Iteelf to (Yoe and for valuo received P,6 hereby promises to PV to bearer ONE, THOMAND tOOO) DollarS$ 5GOMW *" In gold coin of the United States of Amerioa,of the prpoent,* at 4ndard­ of -Wa ight-wid -f ineno:D3_0_on --the -firo-t-Aur _q:(_;�!AY X9— uaid sum from the with Interest on data 0 this bofid ut 'tho rate or five (5�) per aent per annum yay4ble rami- annualiy on the firat day of July and tile first day of Deoember of each yearin like gold ooinae eviaena44 and upoiV# presentation of tna annoxed Interest 00upons 040 they severally boo -oma due;botji Prinolpal and, intoreot vii` tills bond are payable 4t the office of the city national Dan1C,,,3n the City of low York.Stats of New York or of the offloe of tha City Tripasurer oil tne,01ty of Beawmont.0 at tho oAjon of the holler. 114a Bon4 t.s one of a series of 0 4-4, J? �J Bonds of like tenor and dat9,je6xcvpt an to amint and maturity;nurzered from one to Inclusive, or SUA Bonds 'being for tho utum o:C One Thouaand Do11ara,,_WA4__1 A, .f or ed ])Wlams each and aggragatinrgr the sum or Issued by, tho city of neaumont 'f or the purpose of paying a part of its outstanding Indiebtadnami -OAA-" 6#,,4 to arrears for- past - expeness ,under and -by virtue Of tila onstltutlon and saws of th4 State. of Texas* and tno power and aut4diority &ante4 In as aOt'of the Legi�olature of Texaaat its 31AA ezr4iar Ses- sion f3pecial, atO �U@ f WAI-a 0en-2ion In Chap, fana 0ontained ill ter 92 thereof, and in pursuanc).o -of an ordimniuo,- P4300d by the City 0011unil 0:0, th.11 City of DOW611nont On ti -La 14th 4411. of'00tober ;.X9119 and of r000rd ire .Hook 4 o tho ordinainooss of j::.Ja city. The date or this Bond f s ..may lot 1919 and It in horeby oerti. fled and declared. and rocited t1j;4,t all act fa soondit ions and things required to bo dolle a=4 pr000dont to wnd in issuanee of t# those !loads, haws been properly done,,h.,mo tappenod and boon por— forined in re&wlar 4nd due form as required toy iawsanri that .tne total indebtodnoso of thl' a 01ty including the total indebts-Aness contracted by 'the ismianoe of thee® bondie, does 114t ex- Ceed the oonstitutionai or. statutory ii.mitation. And It is Uareby ronited-Oortifled and deelared,,th;at tho addl- t lonal tax IoVlod and n', ado necessary to be ievie4 in order to, provide for too Interont and prinolpal.of this lo'nue of 130nd • together viltn -tile r;►to of tax existilig, ,at the time of the is- suanes of thooe bonds, is Within tho linitationS of the Gon- Stituti4i he nd- -of of the City of Beaumont, In witness wlhoreof the City of Beaumoat ri-o caugea tuts Bond to be isouoa and signal by its Mayor .9ountersignea -w its ziecratarya reglSterod by lts,Treasuriir and tha Corporate'Zoal of said airy arf Ued their oto - thiS. the .,day of 1919, ;.31emed Y __.Avor oftho"01ty, Or B"69 OR. Y6iUS0 l Seorvt*ry Oity of BeW4911t TQXQ4# Real at er4d ! Treader Dity 5? 3D auwnt #Toxen.VORM op COUPON)*.: WIT;M STAT"���02 AT, . ICA. $TATE OY ''TBXA3. 01Tx 01? BMARIONT. WOW On tho, first day of (tianurar_y g,4Tuly) 19.0tne oity' of Baaumnt State of Texasl will pray . to the bear'er -.A tho Office of the Cityl riational manic In the 01ty of At Y'orx state Qf new Yorx or at -• , X41. ' tone ofjlo®' of the att, "xra&survr of tile City of 0*11VIOnt Texua at -the 'option -of the holder TWenty Vivo Pdl r (02,.too) DollUrs. T���As�r�ift�t� E���►��.�-� In a pia 4o€n of the Ung ;ed 3tateo of America of the preeont standard of vicight and rinenssalbaing aix montUa interest on bona loxaad under air o"r'dinanGe adopted on tha 14th 4AY of aatober� 1554.,„ igig for tno purpose of borro`ang coney to p;Ay a ppxt of its outstw z kn 'in6'Xobteanese in arrears Pur past exppnosa.. uyoraCi�ty of oa ont Mas ATT ~ , T City saoratwTy section. 40 It is -urtnor ordered that the Uayor be authorized and lie is hereby direatod to tAke and 11Q # charge of the - above devribed Bonaa pending their invostig4tion by the Attorney oener.%j of th© State of TeXaooWA upon, approval and rairlstrut ion ,he oball proceed to nail aww at not lass than their laoe value and aooruoa interest either at public or private salo land the pro- deeds of Ou011 sale�a.l be dt�p►cait©-.iLn tilF-City. Treace - _ _ War of tho oity of BeauMont,and it to hf. ro` y made tho duty of the U%yor to provide that said, bon(L3 .9)xaiz be del9.verad to the puxohaoer in the City of Beauanant and payblont shall also be ma4e. In the City of Beaumont. The pro€reeds of said bonds ohall be used for the.payment .of a part of the outstanding indobtedneso of t1je City of Beaumont In arrears for past oxpenoea., ZQction 5., It is fu:rthor orderpa by,th® that,for tkie purpose of tIXG Intersot 4r Said bonds as wall as of the varAau� metal .K QP :f a prinoip�;a, as tue awns -: kali respect.► iveljt mature,t.hero- is Jaeroby levied for the y.'�ar 1919,sand for eacli .suoaeading year thereafter, as longi 'as the came may be nee- easary to provift r6 th i*erost and annual Inatalimentze of pr2nAipa . of fja3d boa, rtN,alroperty in the city of Bsaumnt a straight a4vaZnrein tax of 4%pie- caailts on each One Mtidrad Do .ars valwi-tion of all, f. xable propQrty in the clt-y of Beau- >xont,and game $hall *00 wxInually aestanod and oolleoted+and skid tax 0:f t a� P a sets; on eeoh Ono Hun area*D Alia,. valuation la heraBy appropriated and act aside to Iluy the win►zal lnatallmenta or princ pal, of said bond.o,aA.,sa.no aoorue,and the Interazt theroon %s rano Mat urees and oaid tax %A so Pmen thereof as may be nAo= weary la hereby leviod for eacli year hera a rter,�ihiio as a renal or any xolmDer or the ire out anaixsa,iand the see shall be aen- nua?.ly ' assrassed and oolloated -and applied to the Purpose 'named. Passed thin 14th day of 00tober 1939. Approvod thio. Ootob.--�r 14tii 3930.: Att O�ty Searetartry.