HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 6-Br Y.. Ali' ORDINAI CE granting to the Dewuziont Tra otion Company perm.i; siorl• and authority to build,. construct, maintain and operate an elec-tric railway itpcn, over, along and across' certain streets, &venue: and public bri(i,,;eS in t2ne, City of Bo=nont, prescribiii�. the conditions of auch grant and con- -'irminC. - the title of said Dez urlont Traction Conp-any to - certain f i't3Y!L'hiaE'S herotofore r;t'r,.nted loy t11(J City OfiEt�tl?t1EJi1t 'orthe Y con. t'r uction, rLdn q-fian(,e a.nc op,)ration of electric x.12 C f j.y, T11.1 CI). fl}'. vc, been. acct .1i rc:d jJ! i4a d 5( i31s1llGnt '_r'r� Ct]Ofi Ql;Zpc.:iZjr and',a`!' ch it now'O's'21� -nd 0.old.,., an, :i. ; . US -i ng. Cit -,r C:buncil of tlio, Ci'i;y of T3e�Ll;�ao1?t. smCTI-r j'r vu— i its 1 i1'jess Of railway and I'Lgiar o"Tn its :3(t Vi00 t'-20 City }l 1 G tii[!TlJl1�(: 120'r E; 1)y i,'mn--r., to the : ,aid Deuiziont Traction i ' oT2�; any for -itself. <)nd -t al, 1 1 ns -he right of %7a.. -)r for Lin 010C t ric upon;, over lonU the followin„ str o-;ts in -the City of Beaurnnt and across all streei;s intersecting cub, -L jstrf.lots,' t0-�F3t; Calder Street, from the present, torlainus of said railway on laid sstrect at of near its intersection �writh Gulf Street -.-Festvard- ly to the western boundary :Line of th.e city. Liberty Strect, f -.,•ori Ci7leans cStr(:E; t westwardly to Avorize. Magnolia Av€:nze, F o a Tsibcr' ty St -root northwarcll.y to Caldor Avonue. Ninth street, from Hu.gn.olia krc'nue. castWardly to Collier's ferry Ro;; d. Collier's l:'erry Road;, n.ort nmr dly to Tenth Street. Tenth S-treet, Texas Avonue, T►;relf th tr ect, WastZ7ar dl;r to -1elcas Avenuc, southwardly to Ninth StreE;t. in Kerrings ..Add; tion fr ori Fifth Street to the east- ern ling; of Herr. in -o Addition,U.nc: t]-ience along a, private rigsLt of gray "uo G. A., Burt Refinery. Buford Strcet, from Sabine Pass Avernte to Carr owl- Avenue. Carroll Avenue, from Buford Stroot to tlto southern lLnit of the City. Cart ri�,hf, Avenue, r•prn .South Park Street casttwrdly t.o Sabine Pass Avenue Sabine Pass Avenue to Railroad Avenue a-,i.-�Douc,e-tte� Str-eet. Doucette Street, from Railroad Avenue to fifth Street in Herring Addi- tion, and.on fifth Street i n Herring Addition to Tenth Street in Herring 'Addition, and perr_iis.9ion and authority" -is Jlao hereby given and con - (erred iApon s aid Beaumont. Tract "ion Com_Pany to build, conctruct, maintain and . operate an electric rail wziy fr,.z .,,ttm for the carriage o1', pao,,sengers upon, ovErr 2.nd a.lon- and across all the --_ trce_�s aforesaid, with a,11 necessary switc h.co, tur2i--oi.ts a:ld- - tuns -tables; and also to eroct, conotruct ..zid .m,7.intain all necessary. c iectrical super structure and substructures apper- taining 'to mid hecessG,ry } of tlje ol,oiation o;: said electric r adl-v`%Z�' incl�adin; Doles, ti ir{ C and o *3ior t eviceo for -io trans�- m scion or manop:erent or . contx'ol o f clec i r ical cul. x`onts' to Propbl -f..I-,e cars of said r c-.. ay ,. Pcrni ;;:ion ::.nl. authority. is. also heroby- grw- i ted to oa—Ld 13ceamont -Tr 'act if on Cocn.p ,ny c`'.,s ;:�a t of i' l.�it Of way �iC:rf3in given to con l�:at �Y1F� tracks of the linen of railway now operatcd by it ,3fiVi t -h lines of railway t'Iiat shall be con trtuct(,d hereunder at any convenient r points o1 interseatioll with th-,'- lines M, prozont opora"tecl. 0 MT101T IL 0. TING said Bet)azmoni, Traction Coirrpzany and it .. 4ssigns shall. bo entitled to have, use and enjoy the rights aa2d privileges o:c t!-.s-'0'rdinzncc; gra�ited for the of fifty . t50S ycovcs after tl.e .ate vnen thi>; Ordinaxtae shall be approved and Co into effect; but .-this gran--. =nd a.ui hority and a.11 rights of said Bea=ont Traction Corj-_p&ny and its assigns under and in virtue of thiN Ordinance. shall,be at oll ti-_nes subject to all of the terns, conditions, limitations and restrictions contained :i.n an Ordinance of the City.of Beawlaont heretofore enacted, numbered ,31 and entitled, "AA, Ordinance Granting to V,7m. L. Thom' pson of Beaumont, Texas, Harry k; Sohnson, R. F. Learned, George Y1, Koontz of'Natchez, Iii; sisN.ippi, and their associates and assigns the right, privilege and franchise to construct, maintain. and operate a line or line; of electric railway, upon, over and along certain streets, avenues and pub- lic b-ri:;-ges in t'he'' City- of Bctumont, Teras." Approved Oct,: 17th, ,A.D.1902; and all of '.the provisions of tnc' Ordi- nance jus't.-raentioned,prescribing lirgitation, conditions and- restrictions with .respect to the grant and franchise therein given and. conferred are Iiereby expressly referred to and shall apply to the right. of 7a -,T herein granted and to all the rights p.rivilegcs;.'ana au1;hority herein given', granted to or conferred. upon sa,id"B,ca,iLm.ont' Trac bion. Company as full;; and entirely as fi'- the provision--of-said:- Or-diilance` 1 o;`F3"1-re�`errec�`°to; °re •e contained,h.er•ein and expressed, fully. and, at la.rge , in' this Ordinance., SECTION TI -;=F. The assent of. the City of Beaun, is hcreby givento all -the transfers, assignments and conveyances by, throup}h a.rid -under ,wTio the -s' aid Beaumont, Traction Com?)any has . acquired and noir cvrns and claims -the rights, privileges and. franchiseo�:: eretof.'ore given, granted and conferred upon eft. L. Thmr.jpson and 'others in and by the, Ordinance of t e. City of -Beaumont, .numbered righty One and mentioned and referred to in the preceding: section of this Ordinance; and the assent of the City of Beaumont is also hereby given to all the transfers, assignmen'ts and conveyances by, through and under" NAnich .said Beaumont Tra:ctidn Comp Claa- has _ acquired and nQvi ovms a,na cl2imo the, several rights .,of gray, franchises, ' `u h.ority and privileges heretofore by the City of Beaumont given, granted to and con- ferred upon Sohn H.'-Xirby_. of Houston, Texas, 'Z.' B. Polk and , others, by ah Ordinance numbered Thirty, approved I?ovember r 15th7 A.D. 1900, and also by an Ordinance entitled -4 - "Am Ordinance approving route of line of street railway to be built by tho Beaumont Xtreet Hailway Company under Ordinance approved Fovember 15th, 1900, and Crantin[; said Company an entenVon of time until October lst, 19027 to complete same". Agproved March 29th', 1902; and the right. and title of4aid Beaumont Traction Company to the several rights of way granted by said ordinances respectively, and the right of said Beaumont Traction Company to.ha?q one and enjoy Q6 benefits and advantaCe of all the rights, privileges,and franchises in aid by the several ordininces in this section, particularly mentioned,' -given, gr anted and conferred, .is hereby ratified and confirmed, subject, however, to all of the .conditions, res- -trictions., Imitations and provisions of said severalordinance agpertaining:to the grants, rQhtp" franchises and privileges SECTION POUR. Nothing, in this Ordinance contained shall author- ize the CoAotruction of said railway upon that part of any street or avenue already occupied by the tracks of any other street rai Dirwy company except for the purpose of crossing the sars. SECTION FIVE. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from ,and after its passage.