HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 76-25Ir • LA ORDINANZA NUMERO 7625 ENTITULADO ORD114ANZA PARA ANULAR LA ORDINA14ZA DECRETADA EL 17 DE FEBRERO DE 1976S.DECRETAND0 LA ELECCION MUNICIPAL PARA SER LLEVADO A CABO EN LA CIUDAD DE BEAUMONTS TEXASS EL DIA 3 DE ABRIL DE 19769, COMO DECRETADO EN LA CARTA CON- STITUCIONAL BE LA CIUDAD DE BEAUMONT Y LOS ESTATUTOS DEL ESTADO BE TEXAS' PARA EL PROPOSITO DE ELEGIR UN MAYOR Y CUATRO CONSEJALES: NOMBRANDO LOS DISTRITOS ELECTORALES EN LOS CUALES SE TENDRA LA ELECCION: DESIGNA14DO FUNCIONARIOS PARA PRECIDIR EN DICHA ELECCION: OESIGNANDO JUNTA ESCUDRI® NADOR PARA LA VOTACION DE AUSENTES: DESIGNANDO GERENTE Y JUEZ PARA LAS OFICINAS GENERALES PARA CONTAR VOTOS: DESIG- NANDO LA MANERA DE LLEVAR A CABO DICHA ELECCION: PROVEYENDO PARA DICHA NOTICIA: PROVEYENDO ELECCION UNIDA CON EL DIS- TRITO ESCOLAR INDEPENDE14TE BEAUMONT Y DISTRITO ESCOLAR I - DEPENDENTS SOUTH PARK: PROVEYENDO LA SEPARACION DE ESTOSO POR CUANTO QUES BAJO LAS CONDICIOHES DE LA CARTA 0ONSTITUCIONAL DE LA CIUDAD DE BEAUMONT Y LAS LEYES DEL £STADO DE TEXAS A ESTAS RELACIOIJADAS,V LA ELECCDdN GENERAL REGULAR MUNICIPAL BE REQUIfRE SER LLEVADO A CABO EN LA CIUDAD DE BEAUMONT EL D6 3 DE ABRIL Be 1976. LI ELECCI14 SERI PARA MAYORS CONSEJAL PARA DISTRITO UNOS CONSEJAL PARA DISTRITO DOSS CONSEJAL PARA DISTRITO TRESS Y CONSEJAL PARA DISTRITO CUATRO; AHORAS POR TANT09 SEA DECRETADO POR LA CIUDAD DE BEAUMONT9 TEXAS: SECCIOU 1• LA ORDINANZA ANTES DECRETADA FOR LA CIUDAD DE BEAUMONT EL 17 DE FEBRERO DE 19765 DECRETANDO CLECC16H MUNICIPAL GENERAL ESTR CON dSTO ANULADO® SEcc1oN 2. QUE DE ACUERDO CON LAS COUDICIONES DE LA CARTA CONSTITUCIONAL DE LA CIUDAD DE BEAUMONT Y LAS LEYES DEL ESTADO DE TEXAS A �STO RELACIONADASS BE TENDRe EN LA CIUDAD DE BEAUMONT EL DiIA 3 DE ABRIL DE 1976' LA ELECCI& MUNICIPAL REGULAR PARA DICHA CIUDAD PARA EL PROPdSITO DE ELEGIR MAYORS CONSEJAL PARA DISTRITO UNOS CONSEJAL PARA DISTRITO DOSS CONSEJAL PARA DISTRITO TRESS Y COUSEJAL PARA DISTRITO CUATRO PARA DICHA CIUDAD, SECcION 30 QUE LOS VOTANTES LEGALMENTE CUALIFICADOS VIVIEUDO DENTRO.DE LOS LiMITES INCORPORADOS DENTRO DE LA CIUDAD DE BEAM10UT SEAN PERMITIDOS A VOTAR EN DICHA ELECCI&* SECCION 4. 1 QUE. DICHA ELECCION BE TENDRA EN LA CIUDAD 'DE BEAUMOIJT_EN LOS LUGARES-COMO SE CONSTA EN MUESTRA "An PEGADO A ESTO Y HECHA PARTE DE ESTO PARA TOODS PROPOSITOS Y LAS PERSONAS CUYOS NOMBRES BE CONSTAN EN MUESTRA "B" PEGADO A kSTO Y HECHA PARTE DE ESTO PARA TODOS PROPASITCS ESTAN NOMBRADOS JUECES GOBERNAN- TES Y SUPLEN ES PARA SUS RESPECTIVAS URNASS CON TODA AUTORIDAD BE ESCOGER Y NOMBRAR SUS PROPICS DEPEN- DIENTES• (VEA f �UESTRAS "ATP Y "B") EL JUEZ lGOBERNANTE DE CADA DISTRITO ELECTORAL NOMBRARA 006 DEPENDIENTES Y TANTOS DEPENDIENTES ADI- CIONALES COMO EL CREA NECESARIOS PARA LLEVAR A CABO LA ELECCION DEBIDAMENTES CONDICIONADO BE QUE NO MAS DE TOTAL DE CINCO (5) DEPENDIENTES BE NOMBREN DE CUALESQUIER DISTRITOS LOS CUALES BE ESCOGERAN DE DIFER- i ELATES PARTIDAS POLITICAS CUANDO SEA PRACTICABLE. ff /f SECCION 5• QUE DICHA ELECCIBN SE TENDRA BAJO Y LAS CUALIFICACIONES DE LOS VOTANTES ALLAH GOBERHADOS POR LAS ESTIPULACIONES DE LAS LEYES ESTATALES RELACIONADAS A ELECCIONES' SECCION 60 QUE NOTICIA DE DICHA ELECCION SE DARA POR PUSLICAR DICHA NOTICIA UNA VEZ, NO MIS DE VEINTICIMCO (25) DfAS Y NO MEMOS DE DIEZ (90) DIAS ANTES DE DICHA ELECCIONV EN PERIODICO DE CIRCULAC110H GENERAL EN ESTA CIUDAD Y CONDADO® DICHA NOTICIA SER EM LA SIGUIENTE FORMA: "NOTICIA DE LA ELECCION GENERAL MUNICIPAL EN LA CIUDAD DE BEAUMONT CON EL PROPOSI.TO DE ELEGIR UN MAYOR Y CUATRO CONSEJALES" NOTICIA SE DA POR ESTO QUE LA ELECCION GENERAL MUNICIPAL COMO ES— TABLECIDO POR LA CARTA CONSTITUCIONAL DE LA CIUDAD DE BEAUMONT Y LOS E TATUTOS DE TEXAS SE TENDRA' Ell LA CIUDAD DE BEAUMONT, TiXAS, EL Of A 3 DE ABRIL, 1976, DESDE LAS 7:00 AM HASTA LAS 7:00 PM CON EL PROPOSITO DE ELEGIR UN MAYOR Y CUATRO CONSEJALESw i i DICHA NOTICIA SE PEGARA EN CADA DISTRITO ELECTORAL COMO ESTABLECIDO EN ESTO EU MUESTRA "A" A LO MEMOS VEINTE (20) D(AS ANTES DE DICHA ELECCION, DICHA NOTICIA TAMBIJII SE ARCHIVARA Cori EL OFICIAL OE SECRETARIA_DEL CONDADO Y.OTRA COPIA SE COLO- CARA EN LA TABLILLA EN LA.OFICINA DEL CFICIAL DE SECRETARIA DEL CONDADO A LO MEMOS VEINTE (20) DIAS ANTES DE LA ELECCION, SECCION 7� LA FORMA DE LA SALOTA QUE SE USARI ER DICRA ELECC14R MUNICIPAL GENERAL SERO SUBSTANCIALMENTE COMO SIGUE: ELECCION GENERAL CIUDAD DE BEAMION T CONDADO DE JEFFERSON' TEXAS EL 3 DE ABRIL DE 9976 PARA MAYOR (VOTE PARA UNO) PARA CONSEJALs DISTRITO 1 VOTE PARA UNO) PARA CONSEJALO DISTRITO 11 (VOTE PARA UNO) PARA CONSEJALs DISTRITO III (VOTE PARA UNO) PARA CONSEJALs DISTRITO IV (VOTE PARA UNO) SECCION 8. DE ACUERDO CON'LOS REQUISITO//S DE LAS LEYES DEL ESTADO DE TEXAS: MYRTLE CORGEY POR ESTO ESTI NOMBRADO JUEZ GOSERNANTE DE LA ESTACIQN CENTRAL PARA CONTAR VOTOS' TOM LAwnENCE ESTI POR ESTO NOMDRADO GERENTE DE DICHA ESTAC16N CENTRAL PARA CONTAR VOTOS Y RAYMOND MDINNIS ESA POR ESTO NOMBRADO COMPUTISTA 000RD!'NADOR0 -2— • SECCION 9. (A) QUE DE ACUERDO CON LOS REQUISITOS DE`` LAS LEYESS DEL ESTADO DE TEXASS SISTEMA ELECTRONICA DE VOTAR SER USADO PARA VOTAR EL D(A DE LA ELECCION Y TAMBI6 PARA ECHAR LOS VOTOS EN AUSENCIA POR PRESENTARSE PERSONALMENTE EN ESTA ELECCI6N. (B) DE ACUERDO CON ART(CULO 5.05 V.A.T.S. CaDIGO DE ELECCIONES, MYRTLE CORGEY EiSTi POR 4STO NOMBRADO SECRETARIA PARA LA VOTA016N EN AUSENCIA Y ARCHIE D. ROGERS Y BEVERLY G. WATTS ESTAN NOMDRADOS SECRETARIOS ASISTErrNTES PARA AYUDAR A LLEVAR A CABO LA VOTAC16N EN AUSENCIA DE URNAS 1 Y 2e QUE LA SRA. WAYNE TURK SERVIRA DE JUEZ AUSENTE EN URNA 3 Y QUE LA SRA, V. Be RILEY SERVIRA DE JUEZ AUSENTE EN URNA 4. LOS LUGARES Y LAS HORAS PARA VOTAR AUSENTE SERAN COMO SIGUE: URNA 1 — EDIFICIO ADMINISTRATIVO DE DISTRITO ESCOLAR INDE— PENDENTE BEAUMONTy CALLS NECHES, NdmERo 8209 BEAU- Mo11Ts TEXASS EN LAS HORAS EN LAS CUALES LA VOTAC16H EN AUSENCIA SERIN DESDE LAS 8:00 A.M. HASTA LAS 4:30 P.M.s LURES A JUEVESS Y LAS 8:00 A.M. HASTA LAS 4:00 P.M. LOS VIERNES. URNA 2 - OFICIIIA DE OFICIAL DE SECRETAR(AS CASA DE AYUNTA— MIENTOS BEAUMONTs TEXASy EN LA COAL LAS HORAS PARA LA VOTAC 611 EN AUSENCIA SERIN DESDE LAS 8:00 A.M. HASTA LAS 5:00 P.M. LOS LURES A LOS VIERNES, URNA 3 — EL EDIFICIO DE LA ESCUELA ELEMENTAL PIETZSCH EN LA AVENIDA HIGHLAND# N6MER0 43019 BEAUMONT# TEXASS, EN LA COAL LAS HORAS PARA VOTAR LOS AUSENTES SERAN DESDE LAS 9:00 A.M. HASTA LAS 5:00 P.M. BE CADA DIA DE LA VOTACI6//N.DE LOS QUE ESTARAN AUSENTES EL D(A DE LA ELECCI!)N. URNA 4 — G ESCUELA ELEMENTAL AMELIAS MAJOR DRIVE# N6MERO 565, BEAUMONT.. TEXAS, EN LA COAL LAS NORA$ PARA VOTAR LOS QUE ESTARAN AUSENTES SERAN DESDE LAS 9:00 A.M. HASTA LAS 5:00 P.M, CADA Di AA DE LA VOTA— C16N DE LOS QUE ESTARAN AUSENTES EL AA DE LA //ELECCI611. // / LA SECRETARIA DE VOTACION PARA LOS// QUE ESTARQH AUSENTES GUARDARA ABIERTAS BOB OFICINAS EN TAI/LES LUGARES DURANTJE TALES HORAS DE CADA D6 PARA LA VOTAC14N DE LOS QUE /ESTAR4 AUSENTES, QUE NO SEA SABADOS DOMINGO 00 DIA FESTIVO ESTATAL. LA OFICINA BE OFICIAL DE SECRETARIA DE LA CIUDAD E11 LA CASA DE AYUNTAMIENTO SERI LA OIRECC14N POSTAL A LA COAL LAS APLICACIONES PARA BALOTAS Y BALOTAS VOTADAS PUEDEN SER ENVIADAS. (C) LOS VOTOS DE LOS AUSENTES POR CORREO BE COIITARIN POR JUNTA ESCUBRMIA DOR COMPUESTA DE JUEZ GOBERHANTE Y DOS DEPENDIENTES, E. A. ADAMS ESTAI NOMBRADO JUEZ GOSERNANTE DE LA JUNTA ESCUBRINADOR V EL NOMBRARL LOS DOS DEPENDIENTES. (D!! DE PRECAVER LA VOTAC14 DE Ml�S DE UNA BALOTA AUSENTES LOS JUECES DE LA VOTACIGN DE AUSENTES ESTAII DIRIGIDOS A QUEDAR CON EL CERTIFICADO DE VOTANTE REGISTRO Y DE DEVOLYERLO FOR CORREO INMEDIATEMENTE DESPUi`S DE LA ELECC16N A LA DIRECCION DESIGNADO FOR EL VOTANTE® SECCION 100 ESTA ELECCI& SE TENORA JUNTO CON LA ELECCIGN DE FIDEICOMISARIOS QUE TENDRI EL DISTRITOESCOLAR INDEPENDENTE BEAUMONT EN LOS DISTRITOS PROMULGADOS EN MUESTRA "Cn PEGADO A 6STO Y HECBA PARTE DE ESTO PARA TODOS PROP6SITOSy DE ACUERDO CON LAS SIGUIENTES CONDICIONES DEL ACUERDO ENTRE EL DISTRITO ESCOLAR INDEPENDENTE BEAUMONT Y LA CIUDAD DE BEAUMONT* (A) LOS GASTOS DE LA ELECO16H ENTRE LOS MISMOS DISTRITOS SE//DIVIDIRI'N CON LA CIUDAD DE BEAUMONT PAGANDO ESA PARTE DE DICHOS GASTOS REPRESENTADA FOR LA RELACION DEL NAMERO DE VOTANTES nnTiunn EN LA EE/LECCION MUNICIPAL AL TOTAL DE VOTANTES.VOTANDO EN AMBAS LA ELECC14N DEL DISTRITO ESCOLAR Y LA ELECCION MUNICIPAL EN DICHOS DISTRITOS UNIDOS. (8) BALOTA SENCILLA SERA USADA QUE CONTENDRA LOS PUESTOS DE MAYOR Y CONSEJALES QUE SE VOTAdN IGUAL A LOS POESTOS Y PROP651TOS REQUERIOOS FOR EL DISTRITO ESCOLARo (C) LOS FUNCIONARIOS ELECTORALES DIRIGI//R4N AMBAS ELECCIONES EN DICHOS DISTRITO$ ELECTORALES/ (0) ARCHIVOS BE LAS DOS ELECCIONES.SERAN-UNIDOS. (E) UN JUEGO DE URNAS ELECTORALES Y URNAS PARA LOS TALONES DE VOTOS SE USARAN EN AMBAS ELECCIONESO (F) INFORMES DE LAS ELECCIONES SE DARAN EN FORMAS UNIDAS PERO EL CONSEJO DE LA CIUDAD DE BEAUMONT ESCURINARA LOS INFORMES DE LA,.ELECCION MUNICIPAL GENERAL* (G) LA SECR£TARIA DE AYUNTAMIENTO BE LA CIUDAD BE BEAUMONT ESTA_ DESIGNADO GUARDA DE TODOS LOS REGISTROS Y DE LAS DALOTAS VOTADASp SECCION-_11• ESTA ELECCI&SE TENDRi.JUNTAMENTE CON LA ELECedu DE FIDEICOMISARIOS DEL DISTRITO ESCOLAR INDEPENDENTE SOUTH PARKS EN LOES S DISTRITOS ELECTORALES PROMULGADOS EN MUESTRA UP PEGADO A TO Y HECRA " PARTE DE STO PARA TODOS PROPOSITOSS DE ACUERDO CON LAS SIGUIENTES CONDICIONEd DEL ACUERDO ENTRE EL DISTRITO ESCOLAR INDEPENDENTE.SOUTN..PARK Y LA CIUDAD DE BEAUMONT: (A) LOS GASTOS DE LA ELECCI�N DENTRO BE LOS 01STRITOS UNIDOS SE DIVIDIR/AII CON LA CIUDAD BE BEAUMONT PAGANDO AQUENIJ LLA PARTE DE DICHOS GASTOS REPRESENTADA FOR LA RELACI�N DEL NOMERO DE VOTANTES VOTAN00 EN LA E•LECCIA MUNICIPAL GENERAL AL MERO DE VOTANTES VOTANDO EN AMBAS ELECCIONESp DISTRITO Y ELECC/6 MUNICIPAL GENERAL Ell LOS DOS DISTRITOS UNIDOS* (B) LOS FUNCIONARIOS ARR13# MENCIONADOS DIRIGIRAN AMBAS ELEOCIONES EN DICHOS DISTRITOS ELECTORALESo (C) ARCHIVOS PARA AMBAS ELECCIONES SEAN UNIDOS. (D) UN JUEGO DE URNAS ELECTORALES Y URNAS PARA LOS TALONES DE LAS BALOTAS SE USARAN PARA AMBAS ELECCIOIJES* (E) INFORMES DE LAS ELECCIONES SE DARIN Ell FORMAS.UNIDAS PERO EL CONSEJO DE LA CIUDAD DE BEAUMONT ESCUORINARA LOS INFORMES DE LA ELECC16N MUNICIPAL GENERAL* —4— (F) LA SECRETARIA DEL AYUNAMIENTO DE LA CIUDAD DE BEAUMONT ESTA DESIGNADA GUARDA DE TODD$ LOS REGISTROS Y DE LAS BALOTAS VOTADAS, SECCION 12. QUE 81 ALGONA 3ECCI6N' SUBSECCI411S ORACIGNS CdUSULA 0 FRASE.DE ESTA ORDINANZA 0 LA APLICAW CIA DE LA MISMA A PERSONA PARTICULARS 0 A JUEGO DE CIRCUMSTANCIAS SE PRUEBE POR ALGONA RAZON ESTAR INVAIDAS TAL FALTA DE VALIDEZ NO AFECTARA LAS PORCIONES RESTANTES DE ESTA ORDINANZA Y A TALES Y VARIAS PORCIOIIES Y ESTIPULACIOIIES DE ESTA ORDINANZA SE DECLARAN QUE SE PUEDEN SEPARARSEO DECRETADO POR EL CONSEM DE LA CIUDAD DE BEAUMONTS ESTE £L DIA 24 DE FEBRERO DE 19760 ATESTADO¢ (FIRMADO) MYRTLE CORGEY SECRETARIA DEL AYUNTAMIEIITO -5- (FIRMADO) KEN RITTER MAYOR MUESTRA "A" LUGAR DE VOTACION AREA DEL DISTRITO-ELECTORAL BERKSHIRE LANE, NdMERO 102 ESCUELA EDIdARDS (EDWARDS SCHOOL) [ ESA AREA DENTRO DEL DISTRITO VOTANTE NdMERO 1 DEL � CALLE DETROIT, Nflt9ER0 4401 CONDADO DE JEFFERSON SERA EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL ESA AREA DENTRO DE LOS DISTRITOS VOTANTHS NGMEgOS ESCUELA Dimas 4, 59 62 Y 73 DEL CONDADO DE JEFFERSON QUE ESTAN ESCUELA SECUNDARIA FRENCH (FRENCH HIGH SCHOOL) ESA AREA DENTHO DEL DISTRITO VOTANTE NOMERO 2 DEL CONCORD ROAD, NGMERO 4415 CONDADO DE JEFFERSON SERA EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL ESCUELA SECUNDARIA BEAUMONT CHARLTON ESCUELA SECUNDARIA FRENCH POLLARD (BEAUMONT CHARLTON POLLARD HIGH SCHOOL) CENTRO TECNICO VOCACIONAL (ANTES ESCUELA DE LOS SORDOS) - ESA AREA DENTRO DEL DIST ITO VOTANTE NUMERO 3 DEL (VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL CENTER) CONDADO %E JEFFERSON SERA EL CENTRO DISTRITO ELECTORAL CALLE TULANE, N6MER0 1800 T£CNICO VOCACIONAL CENTRO MEDIA INSTRUCCIONAL ESCUELA ELEMENTAL CALDWOOD (CALOWOOD ELEf1ENTA�,RY SCHOOL) ESA 1REA DENTRO DEL DISTRITO ,VOTANTE NdMERO 5 DEL BERKSHIRE LANE, NdMERO 102 CONDADO DE JEFFERSON QUE ESTii SITUADO DENTRO DE LOS CONDADO DE JEFFERSON SERA EL IGLESIA BAUTISTA TRINIDAD LfM1TES DEL DISTRITO ESCOLAR INDEPENDENTE SOUTH PARK ESCUELA ELEMENTAL OGDEN (OGDEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL) SERL EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL ESCUELA CALDWOOD, ESCUELA WILBANKS (WILBANKS SCHOOL) ESA AREA DENTRO DE LOS DISTRITOS VOTANTHS NGMEgOS f14MERO 4, 59 62 Y 73 DEL CONDADO DE JEFFERSON QUE ESTAN CALLE HAIiRISOfl, 3395 SITUADOS DENTRO DE LOS LiMITES DEL DISTRITO ESCOLAR INDEPENDENTS �B13A1WiDiM.' SERB EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL ESA AEA DENTRO DEL DISTRITO ESCUELA WIL13ANKS ESCUELA SECUNDARIA BEAUMONT CHARLTON ESA �REA DENTRO DEL ©1ST ITO VOTANTE NGMERO 6 DEL POLLARD (BEAUMONT CHARLTON POLLARD HIGH SCHOOL) CONDADO DE JEFFERSON SERA DISTRITO ELECTORAL ESCUELA 'SECUNDARIA BEAUMONT CHARLTON POLLARD ROYAL PURPLE DRIVE, N6MERO 88 ESCUELA ELEMENTAL FLETCHER (FLETCHER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL) CENTRO MEDIA INSTRUCCIONAL ` ESA AREA DENTRO DEL DISTRITO VOTANTE N&ER0 7 DEL �INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA CENTER) CONDADO DE JEFFERSON SERI DISTRITO ELECTORAL AVERILL SCH00�j )ERo CENTRO MEDIA INSTRUCCIONAL CALLE NORTH9 Nl 2330 CLUB DE CAtiA, CARRETE Y RIFLE DE LA ESA AREA DENTRO DEL DISTRITO VOTANTE NdMERO 8 DEL COSTA DEL GOLFO (GULF COAST ROD., REEL & GUN CLUB) CONDADO DE JEFFERSON SERI EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL CLUB DEE CANA, CARRETE RIFLE CALLE GULF, NdMERo 2555 Y DE LA COSTA DEL JENNY LANE., NOMERO 790 GOLFO ESCUELA MEDIANA DICK 0014LING DICK DOWLING HIGH) ESA AREA DENTRO DE LOS DISTRITOS Vp TANTES NdMEROS 9 7UHIOR Y 10 DEL CONDADO DE JEFFERSON SERA DISTRITO ELECTORAL CALLE NORTH, NbmERO 1300 ESCUELA MEDIANA DICK DOWLING CASA CORTC (COUNTY COURTH90SE) ESA AREA DENTRO DEL'ADISTRITO VOTANTE NdMERO 11 DEL CONDADO DE JEFFERSON SERO EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL CALLE PEARL, NUMERO 1149 CASA CORTEo ESCUELA ELEMENTAL DUNBAR (DUNBAR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL) ESA iREA DENTRO DEL DIST ITO VOTANTE N4MER0 12 DEL CALLE JACKSON, NbMERO 820 CONDADO DE JEFFERSOIJ�SER EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL ESCUELA ELEMENTAL DUNBAR IGLESIA BAUTISTA TRINIDAD TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH) ESA /AREA DENTRO DEL DISTRITO VOTANTE'NUMERo 13 DEL CALLE VAN BUREN, NdMERO 1090 CONDADO DE JEFFERSON SERA EL IGLESIA BAUTISTA TRINIDAD DISTRITO ELECTORAL ESCUELA ELEMENTAL OGDEN (OGDEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL) // ESA dREA DENTRO DEL DISTRITO VOTANTE AMERO 14 DEL CONDADO DE JEFFERSON SERA EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL CALLE VICTORIA,, i&tmo 2300 ESCUELA ELEMENTAL OGDEN ESCUELA MEDIANA DAVID CROCKETT (DAVID ESA AEA DENTRO DEL DISTRITO VOTANTE NdmERO 15 DEL CROCKS! JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL) CONDADO DE JEFFERSON SERA EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL CALLE ROYAL, fiUMERO 1400 EscUELA MEDIANA DAVID CROCKETT ESCUELA ELEMENTAL FLETCHER (FLETCHER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL) ESA AREA DL•NTRO DEL DISTRITO VOTANTE NGMERO 16 DEL CONDADO DE JEFFERSON SERA EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL AYENIDA E, NUMERO 1050/ ESCUELA ELEMENTAL FLETCHER OFICINA DEL DISTRITO NUMERO 6 DE DRENAJE (DRAINAGE DISTRICT ESA AREA DENTRO DEL DIST ITO VOTANTE NUMERO 17 DEL N0. 6 OFFICE) CONDADO DE JEFFERSON SER EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL JENNY LANE., NOMERO 790 OFICINA DEL DISTRITO NUMERO 6 DE DRENAJE ESCUELA SECUNDARIA HEBERT (HEBERT HIGH SC ESA AREA DENTRO DEL DISTRITO VOTANTE NGMERO 18 DEL OOL) CONDADO DE JEFFERSON SERA EL 'DISTRITO ELECTORAL FANNETT ROAD, N HERO 3445 ESCUELA SECUNDARIA HEBERT ESCUELA GILES ESA AREA DENTRO DEL DISTR.ITO VOTANTE NdMERO 19 DEL (GILES SCHOOL) l CALLE CHAISONUMERO CONDADO DE JEFFERSON SERB EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL , H 3550 ESCUELA GILES ESCUELA ELEMENTAL PIETZSCH ESA EA DENTRO DEL DIST 1TO `/ VOTANTE NOMERO 20 DEL (PIETZSCH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL) CONDADO DE JEFFERSON SERA EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL AVENIDA HIGHLAND, NdmERO 4301 ESCUELA ELEMENTAL PIETZSCH ESCUELA ROY H. GUESS ESA 4REA DENTRO BE LOS DISTRITOS VOTANTES IIUMEROS (ROY He GUESS )J SCHOOL) 220 72 Y 77 DEL CONDADO DE JEFFERSON SERI EL DISTRITO VOTH ROAD, NOMERO 3055 ELECTORAL ESCUELA ROY H. GUESS VOTH ROAD,NOMERi O 9099 ESA REA DENTRO DEL DIST" ITO VOTANTE NdMERO 23 DEL (LA BARBERG ANTIGUA VOTH) CONDAOO DE JEFFERSON SERA EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL VOTH ROAD, NUMERO 1099 ESCUELA ELEMENTAL AMELIA ESA AREA DENTRO DEL DISTRITO VOTANTE NSMERO 27 DEL (AMELIA ELEMENT RY SCHOOL) CONDADO DE JEFFERSON SERA EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL MAJOR DRIVE, NmERO 565 ESCUELA ELEMENTAL AMELIA ESCUELA ELEMENTAL BLANCHETTE ESA AREA DENTRO DEL 'DISTRITO VOTANTE NGMERO 39 DEL (BLANCHETTE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL) CONDADO DE JEFFERSON SERI EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL LELA$ NGMERO 2400 ESCUELA ELEMENTAL BLANCHETTE ESCUELA SALLIE CURTIS ESA AREA DENTRO DEL DISTRITO VOTANTE NGMERO 62 DEL SALLIE CURTIS SC� OOL C4%�DADO DE JEFFERSON QUE ESTI SITUADO DENTRO DE LOS NORTH CIRCUITS, NOMERO 6225 LIMITES9EL DISTRITO ESCOLAR INDEPENDENTE SOUTH PARK SERV EL DISTRITO "ELECTORAL ESCUELA SALLIE CURTIS ESCUELA ELEMENTAL LUCAS ESA WREA DENTRO DEL DIST ITO VOTANTE NGMERO 63 DEL (LUCAS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL) CONDADO DE JEFFERSON SER EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL E. LUCAS, NOMERO 1750 ESCUELA ELEMENTAL LUCAS ESCUELA ELEMENTAL TYRRELL PARK ESA AREA DENTRO DEL DISTRITO VOTANTE N6ERO 64 DEL (TYRRELL PARK ELEMENTARY) CONDADO DE JEFFERSON SERA EL DISTRITO ELEOTORAL PHELPS ROAD# NGMERO 5515 ESCUELA ELEMENTAL TYRRELL PARK ESCUELA REGINA HOWELL ESA AREA DENTRO DEL DISTi�ITO VOTANTE HUMERO 65 DEL (REGINA HOWELL /ELEMENTARY) CONDADO DE JEFFERSON SEA//A EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL REGINA LANE, NUMERO 5850 ESCUELA REGINA HOWELL ESCUELA SECUNDARIA SOUTH PARK (SOUTH PARK HIGH SCHOOL) HIGHLANDS, NGMERO 4500 ESCUELA MEDIANA AUSTIN (AUSTIN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL) AUSTIN# NOMERO 3410 ESCUELA MEDIANA GEORGE C® MARSHALL (GEORGE C• [IRSHALL JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL) HALL ROADS, ITUMERO 6455 UNIVERSIDAD LAMAR (LAMAR UNIVERSITY) GIMNACIO MCDONALD ESCUELA ELEMENTAL FEHL (FEHL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL) BLANCHETTEES, NIIMERO 3350 2 ESA LEA DENTRO DEL DISTV TO VOTANTE NUMERO 67 DEL CONDADO DE JEFFERSON SERA EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL ESCUELA SECUNDARIA SOUTH PARK ESA AREA DENTRO DEL DISTPITO VOTANTE NUMERO B&;;,DEL CONDADO DE JEFFERSON SERA EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL ESCUELA MEDIANA AUSTIN ESA IREA DENTRO DEL DISTRITO VOTANTE AMERO 73 DEL LiNDADO DE JEFFERSON QUE TAMBIA EST DENTRO DE LOS mITES DEL DISTRITO ESCOLAR INDEPENDENTE SOUTH PARK SERB EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL ESCUELA MEDIANA GEORGE C,. MARSHALL ESA iREA DENTRO DEL DISTJITO VOTANTE N(IMERO 75 DEL CONDADO DE JEFFERSON SERA EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL UNIVERSIDAD LAMAR ESA 4REA DENTRO DE LOS DISTRITOS VOTANTES NU EROS 14, 15 Y 16 DEL CONDADOBEJEFFERSON QUE ESTA SITUADO DENTRO BE LOS LIMITES DEL DISTRITO ESCOLAR INDEPENDENTE SOUTH PARK $EWA EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL ESCUELA ELEMENTAL FEHL MUESTRA "B" DISTRITO ELECTORAL JUEZ GOBERNANTE Y JUEZ GOBERNANTE SUPLENTE ESCUELA EDWARDS (DWAROS SCHOOL) MARJORIE HOUZE CALLE DETROIT, NUMERO 4401 JUEZ GOBERNANTE R. C* BOWERS JUEZ GOBERNANTE SUPLENTE ESCUELA SECUNDARIA FRENCH An, F. W. FORSYTHE (FRENCH HIGH SCJyOOL) JUEZ GOBERNANTE CONCORD ROADS NOMERo 4415 SRA. WILLIAM EHPENSBERGER JUEZ GOBERIJANTE SUPLENTE CENTRO DE ENTRENAMIENTO VOCACIONAL ETTA LOIS HOPE ANTERIORMENTE ESCUELA PARA LOS SORDOS) JUEZ GOBERNANTE VOCATIONAL TRA NING CENTER) CALLE TULAHE, NOMERO 1800 VIOLET KE JUEZ GOBERWANTE SUPLENTE ESCUELA ELEMENTAL CALDWOOO SRA, no P, BARRY (CALDWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL) JUEZ GOBERNANTE BERKSHIRE LANE, N6mERO 102 SRA. P, R. RIEGAL JUEZ GOBERNANTE SUPLENTE ESCUELA WIL13ANKS ALBERT HENRY (11ALBANKS SCHOOL)/ SUEZ �GOBERNANTE CALLE HARRISON, N6ERO 3395 C. B. VIR I GHT JUEZ GOBERNANTE SUPLENTE ESCUELA SECUNDARIA BEAUMONT CHARLTON POLLARD LORETTA (L1YER (BEAUMONT CHARLTON POLLARD HIGH SCHOOL) JUEZ GOBERNANTE CALLE ROYAL PURPLE DRIVES NgHERO 88 BEA IRVING JUEZ GOSEIINANTE SUPLENTE CENTRO MEDIA INSTRUCCIONAL SRA♦ JOHN VENZA �INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA CENTER) JUEZ GOBERNANTE Avall.l. SCHOOL ) CALLE NORTH' NUMERO 2330 SRA. C. C. BLOSSER JUEZ GOBERNANTE SUPLENTE CLUB DE CANAS CARRETE Y RIFLE VICTORIA CRAWFORD (GULF ODAST RODS REEL & GUN CLUB) JUEZ G08ERNAFITE CALLE GULF, NdmERo 2555 KITTY LEE JUEZ GOBERNANTE SUPLENTE ESCUELA MEDIANA DICK DOWLING SRA, BERTHA DOUSE (DICK DOWLING j�UNIOR HIGH JUEZ GOBERNANTE CALLE NORTH, NUMERO 1300 LESLIE BONNER JUEZ GOBERNANTE SUPLENTE CASA CORTE SRA& W. C. ROSS (COUNTY COURTHOUSE) JUEZ GOBERNANTE PEARLS NdMERO 1149 14. C. Ross SR. JUEZ GOBERNANTE SUPLENTE ESCUELA ELEMENTAL DUNBAR We We (OMO (DUNBAR ELEMENT.APY SCHOOL) JUEZ Z�GOBERNANTE NU CALLE JACKSON, MERO 820 SRA. ALICE TAYLOR UEZ GOBERNANTE SUPLENTE IGLESIA BAUTISTA TRINIDAD 0. D. LINDSEY (TRINITY BAPTIST C URCH) JUEZ GOSERNANTE CALLE VAN BURENS NdMERO 1090 SRA* 0, D, LINDSEY JUEZ GOSERNAUTE SUPLENTE ESCUELA ELEMENTAL OGDEN (OGDEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL) CALLE VICTORIA' NUMERO 2300 ESCUELA MEDIARA DAVID CROCKETT (DAVID CROCKETT, JUNIOR HIGHY CALLE ROYALS NIMERO 1400 ESCUELA ELEMENTAL FLETCHER (FLETCHER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL) AVENIDA E. N6MERo 1050 SR. MARION LEvas JUEZ GOSERNANTE SRA* Be L. THOMPSON JUEZ GOSERNANTE SUPLENTE MARY SM1TH JUEZ GoBERIIA14TE LOUISE SIMPSON JUEZ GOBERNANTE SUPLENTE ELBA TRUVILLION JUEZ GOBERNANTE SRA• A. P. WENNER JUEZ GOBERNANTE SUPLENTE OFICINA DISTRITO NUMERO 6 DE ORENAJE BRA,,MINNIE EBERHARD (DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 6 OFFICE) JUEZ GOBERNANTE JENNY LANES N6MERo 790 BRA* Jo P. MCCARTER JUEZ GOBERNANTE SUPLENTE ESCUELA SECUNDARIA HEBERT SRA* STELLA MELONSON (HEBERT HIGH SCHOOL) JUEZ GOBERNANTE FANNETT ROADS NGMERO 3445 SRA, LEANNA MOUTON JUEZ GOBERNANTE SUPLENTE ESCUELA GILES SRA. FLOYD ALEXANDER (GILES SCHOOL) JUEZ GOBERNANTE CHAISON, NeMERO 3550 SRA* R* K. POUNDERS JUEZ GOSERNANTE SUPLENTE ESCUELA ELEMENTAL PIETZSCH SRA. W.AYNE TURK (PIETZSCH E�EMENTARY SCHOOL) JUEZ GOBERNANTE HIGHLAND, NUMERO 4301 SRA* J. C. BURKHART JUEZ GOBERNANTE SUPLENTE ESCUELA ROY Ho GUESS SRA, Be 14j FRENCH SRo (ROY H. Guess SCHOOL) Juez GocERNANTE VOTH ROADS NdMERO 8055 SRA. FLOYD NALL JUEZ GOBERNNNTE SUPLENTE VOTH ROAD WMERO 1099_(BARBER6 ANTIGUA,)VOTR) SRA, 1d1LMA TOWHSEND 1099 VOTH ROAD JUEZ GOBERNANTS SRA. JACKIE HUBBARD JUEZ GOBERNANTE SUPLENTE ESCUELA ELEMENTAL AMELIA SRR* V* B* RILEY (AMELIA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL) JUEZ GOBERNANTE MAJOR DRIVE, NdMERo 565 SRA,& MARGARET CLAMPITT JUEZ GOBERHANTE SUPLENTE ESCUELA ELEMENTAL BLANCHETTE FLOYD_ G._GUILLORY (BLANCHE,TTE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL) JUEZ GOBERNANTE LELA, NdMERO 2400 ELIZABETH GUILLORY JUEZ GOBERNANTE SUPLENTE ESCUELA SALLIE CURTIS SRA* NALOIA P* REEVES (SALLIE CURTIS 39HOOL) JUEZ GOBERNANTE NORTH CIRCUIT, NOMERo 6225 RAYMOND L* ALLEN JUEZ GOSERNANTE SUPLENTE ESCUELA ELEMENTAL LUCAS SRAO C. L* WHITTINGTON (LUCAS ELEMENTARYSCHOOL) JUEZ 60BERNANTE y CALLE E. Lucas, NUMERO 1750 MARY E. MCLAUCHLAN JUEZ GOBERNANTE SUPLENTE • ESCUELA ELEMENTAL TYRRELL PARK (TYRRELL PARK ELEMENTARY PHELPS ROAD, N6MER0 5515 ESCUELA ELEMENTAL REGINA HOIELL (REGINA HOWELLELEMENTARY) REGINA LANES NOMERO 5850 ESCUELA SECUHDARIA SOUTH PARK (SOUTH PARK -HIGH SCHOOL) HIGHLAND, NUMERO 4500 ESCUELA ilEDIANA AUSTIN (AUSTIN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL) AUSTIN, N&ERO 3490 ESCUELA V901ANA GEORGE C. MARSHALL (GEORGE C.! RSHALL JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL) HALL ROAD$ HUMERO 6455 UNIVERSIDAD LAMAR (LAMAR UNIVERSITY) GIMNACIO MCDONALD ESCUELA ELEMENTAL FEHL (FEHL ELEMENTJRY SCHOOL) BLANCHETTE$ NOMERO 3350 SRA® BEULAH JANUARY JUEZ GOBERNANTE SRA, W. J. NEELY JUEZ GOBERNANTE SUPLENTE JAMES L. NOBLES JUEZ GOSERNANTE VERA M. GERSTENBERG JUEZ GOBERNANTE SUPLENTE HILTON E. CRAWFORD JUEZ GOBERNANTE� N. H. MEYNIG JUEZ GOBERNANTE SUPLENTE CVIS STRACE_NER_ JUEZ GOBERNANTE JAMES 0. MCCLINTOCK JUEZ GOBERNANTE SUPLENTE SRA* T* C. COLLIER JUEZ GOBERHANTE SRA. GERALD LIND JUEZ GOBERNANTE SUPLENTE JAMES 4l. HAMMOND JUEZ GOBERNANTE JERRY L. MCMILLAN JUEZ GOBERNANTE SUPLENTE CATHERINE RUSH JUEZ GOBERNANTE JOYCE M. BOURQUE Jun G08ERNANTE SUPLENTE ORDINANCE NO. ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE REPEALING THE ORDINANCE PASSED FEBRUARY 17, 1976, ORDERING A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION; ORDERING THE GENERAL MUNI- CIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS, ON THE 3RD DAY OF APRIL, 1976, AS PROVIDED BY THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT, AND THE STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A MAYOR AND FOUR COUNCILMEN; NAMING THE PRECINCTS AT WHICH•ELECTION SHALL BE HELD; APPOINTING OFFICERS TO PRESIDE OVER SAID ELECTION; APPOINTING A CANVASSING BOARD FOR ABSENTEE VOTING; APPOINTING A MANAGER AND JUDGE OF THE CENTRAL COUNTING STATIONS; PROVIDING A MANNER OF HOLDING SAID ELECTION; PROVIDING FOR NOTICE THEREOF; PRO- VIDING FOR A JOINT ELECTION WITH THE BEAUMONT IN- DEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND SOUTH PARK INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT;.•AMID PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. 626. , -7 WHEREAS, under the provisions of the City Charter of the City of Beaumont and the laws of the State of Texas relating thereto, a regular general municipal election is required to be held in the City of Beaumont on April 3rd, 1976. The election shall be for Mayor, Councilman for Ward One, Councilman for Ward Two, Councilman for Ward Three, and Councilman for Ward Four; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS: rani -i nn l The ordinance heretofore passed by the City of Beaumont on February 17, 1976, ordering a general municipal election is hereby repealed. Car -4-i nn 7 That in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter of the City of Beaumont and the laws of the State of Texas relating thereto, there shall be held in the City of Beaumont on April 3rd, 1976, the regular muni- cipal election for said City for the purpose of electing a Mayor, a Councilman for Ward One, a Councilman for Ward Two, a Councilman for Ward Three, and a Councilman for Ward Four for said City. Cavi -i nn ' _ That legally qualified voters presiding within the corporate limits within the City of Beaumont shall be entitled to a vote at said election. Section 4. That said election shall be held in the City of Beaumont at the places as listed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes and the persons whose names appear in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes are appointed presiding judges and alternates for their respective voting boxes, with the authority to se- lect and appoint their own clerks. (See Exhibits "A" and "B") The presiding judge for each election precinct shall appoint two clerks and as many additional clerks as he deems necessary for the proper conduct of the election, provided that not more than a total of five (5) clerks shall be appointed for any precinct, who shall be selected from dif- ferent political parties when practicable. Section 5. That said election shall be held under, and the qualifications of those voting thereat, shall be controlled by the provisions of the State Laws governing elections. Section 6. That notice of said election shall be given by publishing said notice together with a copy of this ordinance in a newspaper of general circulation in this city and county one time, not more than twenty-five (25) days or less than ten (10) days before said election. Said notice shall be in the following form: "NOTICE OF THE aNTRU MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF BEAUMONT FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A MAYOR AND FOUR COUNCILMEN. " "Notice is hereby given that the General Municipal Election as provided by the Charter of the City of Beaumont and the statutes of the State of Texas will be held in the City of Beaumont, Texas, on the 3rd day of April, 1976, from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M., for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four Councilmen. Said notice shall also be filed with the county clerk and another copy shall be posted on a bulletin board in the office of the county clerk at least twenty (20) days before the election.. -2- Section 7. The form of ballot which shall be used in said General Municipal Election shall be substantially as follows: GENERAL ELECTION CITY OF BEAUMONT JEFFERSON COUNTY,-TEXA.S APRIL 3, 1976 FOR MAYOR (Vote for One) FOR COUNCILMAN, TIMRD I (Vote for One) FOR COUNCILMAN, WARD II (Vote for One) FOR COUNCILMAN, WARD III (Vote for One) FOR COUNCILMAN, VZARD IV (Vote for One) Section 8. In accordance with the provisions of the laws of the State of Texas, Myrtle Corgey is hereby appointed Presiding Judge of the Central Counting Station, Tom Lawrence is hereby appointed Manager of said Central Counting Station and Raymond McInnis is hereby appointed Computer Coordinator. (A) That. in accordance with the provisions of the laws of the State of Texas, an electronic voting system shall be used for voting on the day of election and also for the casting of absentee votes by personal appearance at this election. (B) In accordance with Article 5.05, V.A.T.S. Election Code, Myrtle Corgey is hereby appointed clerk for Absentee Voting and Archie D. Rogers and Beverly G. Watts are hereby appointed Deputy Clerks to assist in the conduct of the absentee voting at Boxes land 2. Mrs. Wayne Turk shall serve as -3- 4 Absentee Judge at Box 3 and Mrs. V. B. Riley shall serve as Absentee Judge at Box 4. The places and hours for absentee voting shall be as follows: Box 1 - Beaumont Independent School District School Aministration Building, 820 Neches,Street, Beaumont, Texas, at which the hours for absentee voting shall be from 8:00 o'clock a.m. to 4:30 o'clock p.m. on Monday through Thursday and 8:00 o'clock a.m. to 4:00 o'clock p.m. on Friday. Box 2 - City Clerk's Office, City Hall, Beaumont, Texas, at which the hours for absentee voting shall be from 8:00 o'clock a.m. to 5:00 o'clock p.m. on Monday through Friday. Box 3 - Pietzch.Elementary School Building, 4301 Highland Avenue, Beaumont, Texas, at which hours for absentee voting shall be from 9:00 o'clock a.m. until 5:00 o'clock p.m. of each day of absentee voting. Box 4 - Amelia Elementary School, 565 Major Drive, Beaumont, Texas, at which hours for ab- sentee voting shall be from 9:00 o'clock a.m. until 5:00 o'clock p.m. of each.day of absentee voting. The Clerk for Absentee Voting shall keep her offices at said lo- cations open during such hours on each day for absentee voting which is not a Saturday, a Sunday or an official State holiday. The City Clerk's Office, City Hall, Beaumont, Texas, shall be the Clerk's mailing address to which ballot applications and ballots voted by mail may be sent. -4- (C) Absentee votes by mail shall be counted by a special can- vassing board consisting of a Presiding Judge and two Clerks. E. A. Adams is hereby appointed Presiding Judge of the special canvassing board and he shall appoint the two clerks. (D) In order to prevent the casting of more than one absentee ballot, Absentee Judges are directed to retain the voter registration cer- tificate of each absentee voter and to return the same by mail immediately following the election to the address designated by such voter. This election shall be held jointly with the Trustee Election to be held by the Beaumont Independent School District, in the election precincts set forth in Exhibit"C" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all pur- poses, in accordance with the following terms of agreement between Beaumont Independent School District and the City of Beaumont: (A) The expenses of the election within joint precincts shall be divided with the City of Beaumont paying that part of said expenses represented by a ratio of the number of voters voting in the Municipal Election to the total number of voters voting in both the School District and the Municipal Election in said joint precincts. (B) A single ballot form shall be used which shall contain the Mayor and Council positions to be voted upon as well as the offices and propositions required by the School District— (C) The above named election officers shall conduct both elections in said election precincts. (D) Records for both elections shall be combined. . (E) One set of ballot boxes and stub boxes for both elections shall be used. (F) Election returns shall be made on joint forms but the City Council of the City of Beaumont shall canvass the returns of the General Municipal Election. (G) The City Clerk of the City of Beaumont is designated custodian of all the records and of the voted ballots. -5- .qAri-inn 11 This election shall be held jointly with the Trustee Election to be held by the South Park Independent School District, in the election precincts set forth in Exhibit "D" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all pur- poses, in accordance with the following terms of agreement between the South Park Independent School District and the City of Beaumont: (A) The expenses of the election within joint precincts shall be divided with the City of Beaumont paying that part of said expenses represented by a ratio of.the number of voters voting in the Municipal Election to the total number of voters voting in both the School District and the Municipal Election in said joint precincts. (B) The above named election officers shall conduct both elections in said election precincts. (C) Records for both elections shall be combined. (D) One set of ballot boxes and stub boxes for both elections shall be used. (E) Election returns shall be made on joint forms but the City Council of the City of Beaumont shall canvass the returns of the General Municipal Election. (F) The City Clerk of the City of Beaumont is designated custodian of all the records and of the voted ballots. .qar-i-inn I) _ That if any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or the application of same to a particular person, or to a particular set of circumstances, should for any reason be held invalid, such invalidity shall in no way affect the remaining portions of this ordinance and to such end the various portions and provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Beaumont this the C��r� day of Fe- k 12 (A 3 Q-�, 1976. ATTEST: - City Clerk - -6- - Mayor - POLLING PLACE ELECTION PRECINCT AREA Edwards School That area within Jefferson County 4401 Detroit Street Voting Precinct No. 1 shall be the Edwards School Election Precinct French High School That area within Jefferson County 4415 Concord Road Voting Precinct No. 2 shall be the French High School Election Precinct Vocational Technical Center That area within Jefferson County (formerly school for the Voting Precinct No. 3 shall be the deaf) Vocational Technical Center 1800 Tulane Street Election Precinct Caldwood Elementary School That area within Jefferson County 102 Berkshire Lane Voting Precinct No. 5 which is also situated within the boundaries of the South Park Independent School District shall be the Caldwood Elementary School Election Precinct Wilbanks School That area within Jefferson County 3395 Harrison Street Voting Precinct No.'s 4, 5, 62 and 73 which is also situated within the boundaries of the Beaumont In- dependent School District shall be the Wilbanks School Election Precinct Beaumont Charlton Pollard That area within Jefferson County High School Voting Precinct No. 6 shall be the 88 Royal Purple Drive Beaumont Charlton Pollard High School Election Precinct Instructional Media Center That area within Jefferson County (Averill School) Voting Precinct No. 7 shall be the 2330 North Street Instructional Media Center School Election Precinct Gulf Coast Rod, Reel & That area within Jefferson County Gun Club Voting Precinct No. 8 shall be the 2555 Gulf Street Gulf Coast Rod, Reel & Gun Club Election Precinct Dick Dowling Junior High That area within Jefferson County 1300 North Street Voting Precinct No.'s 9 and 10 shall be the Dick Dowling Junior High Election Precinct County Courthouse That area within Jefferson County 1149 Pearl Voting Precinct No. 11 shall be the County Courthouse Election Precinct Dunbar Elementary School That area within Jefferson County 820 Jackson Street Voting Precinct No. 12 shall be the Dunbar Elementary School Election Precinct Trinity Baptist Church That area within Jefferson County 1090 Van Buren Street Voting Precinct No. 13 shall be the Trinity Baptist Church Election Precinct Ogden Elementary School That area within Jefferson County 2300 Victoria Street Voting Precinct No. 14 shall be the Ogden Elementary School Election Precinct David Crockett Junior High That area within Jefferson County 1400 loyal Street Voting Precinct No. 15 shall be the David Crockett Junior High Election Precinct Fletcher Elementary School That area within Jefferson County 1050 Avenue E Voting Precinct No. 16 shall be the Fletcher Elementary School Election Precinct Drainage District No. 6 Office That area within Jefferson County 790 Jeny Lane Voting Precinct No. 17 shall be the Drainage District No. 6 Office Election Precinct Hebert High School That area within Jefferson County 3445 Fannett Road Voting Precinct No. 18 shall be the Hebert High School Election Precinct Giles School That area within Jefferson County 3550 Chaison Voting Precinct No. 19 shall be the Giles School Election Precinct Pietzch Elementary School That area within Jefferson County 4301 Highland Voting Precinct No. 20 shall be the Pietzch Elementary School Election Precinct Roy H. Guess School That area within Jefferson County 8055 Voth Road Voting Precinct No.'s 22,&72.and 77 shall be the Roy H. Guess School Election Precinct 1099 Voth Road (Old Voth That. -area within Jefferson County Barbershop) Voting Precinct No. 21 -shall be the 1099 Voth Read Election Precinct Amelia Elementary School That area within Jefferson County 565 Major Drive Voting Precinct No. 27 shall be the Amelia Elementary School Election Precinct Blanchette Elementary School That area within Jefferson County 2400 Lela Voting Precinct No. 39 shall be the Blanchette Elementary School Election Precinct Sallie Curtis School That area within Jefferson County 6225 North Circuit Voting Precinct No. 62 which is also situated within the boundaries of the South Park Independent School District shall be the Sallie Curtis School Election Precinct Lucas Elementary School That area within Jefferson County 1750 E. Lucas Voting Precinct No. 63 shall be the Lucas Elementary School Election Precinct -2- Tyrrell Park Elementary 5515 Phelps Road Regina Howell Elementary 5850 Regina Lane South Park High School 4500 Highland Austin Junior High School 3410 Austin George C. Marshall Junior High School 6455 Hall Road Lamar University McDonald Gym Fehl Elementary School 3350 Blanchette -3- That area within Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 64 shall be the Tyrrell Park Elementary Election Precinct That area within Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 65 shall be the Reginal Howell Elementary Election Precinct That area within Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 67 shall be the South Park High School Election Precinct That area within Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 68 shall be the Austin Junior High School Election Precinct That area within Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 73 which is also also situated within the boundaries of the South Park Independent'School .District shall be the George C. Marshall Junior High School Election Precinct That area within Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 75 shall be the Lamar University Election Precinct That area within Jefferson County Voting Precinct No.'s 14, 15 and 16 which is also situated within the boundaries of the South Park Independent School District shall be the Fehl Elementary School Election Precinct 0 iwR4,011'.]IwdN i ELECTION PRECINCT Edwards School 4401 Detroit Street French High School 4415 Concord Road Vocational Technical Center (formerly school for the deaf) 1800 Tulane Street Caldwood Elementary School 102 Berkshire Lane Wilbanks School 3395 Harrison Street Beaumont Charlton Pollard High School 88 Royal Purple Drive ..._ . - Instfuctional Media Center (Averill School) 2330 North Street Calf Coast Rod, Reel & Gun Club 2555 Gulf Street PRESIDING JUDGE AND ALTERNATE PRESIDING JUDGE Marjorie Houze Presiding Judge R. C. Bowers Alternate Presiding Judge Mrs. F. W. Forsythe Presiding Judge Mrs. William Ehrensberger Alternate Presiding.Judge Etta Lois Hope Presiding Judge Violet Duke Alternate Presiding Judge Mrs. R. P. Barry Presiding Judge Mrs. P. R. Riegal Alternate Presiding Judge Albert Henry Presiding Judge C. B. Wright Alternate Presiding Judge Loretta Oliver Presiding Judge Bea.Ir_v�rlg , Alternate Presiding Judge Mrs. John Venza Presiding Judge Mrs. C. C. Blosser Alternate Presiding Judge Victoria Crawford Presiding Judge Kitty Lee Alternate Presiding Judge Dick Dowling Junior High 1300 North Street County Courthouse 1149 Pearl Dunbar_ Elementary School 820 Jackson Street Trinity Baptist Church 1090 Van Buren Street Ogden Elementary School 2300 Victoria Street David Crockett Junior High 1400 Royal Street Fletcher Elementary School 1050 Avenue E Drainage District No. 6 Office 790 Jeny Lane Hebert High School 3445 Fannett Road Giles School 3550 Chaison -2- Mrs. Bertha Douse Presiding Judge Leslie Bonner Alternate Presiding Judge Mrs. W. C. Ross Presiding Judge W. C. Ross, Sr. Alternate Presiding Judge W. W. Como Presiding Judge Mrs. Alice Taylor Alternate Presiding Judge 0. D. Lindsey Presiding Judge Mrs. 0. D. Lindsey Alternate Presiding Judge Mr. Marion Lewis Presiding Judge Mrs. B. L. Thompson Alternate Presiding Judge Mary Smith Presiding Judge Louise Simpson Alternate Presiding Judge Elba Truvillion Presiding Judge Mrs. A. P. Wenner Alternate Presiding Judge Mrs. Minnie Eberhard Presiding Judge Mrs. J. P. McCarter Alternate Presiding Judge Mrs. Stella Melonson Presiding Judge Mrs. Leanna Mouton Alternate Presiding Judge Mrs. Floyd Alexander Presiding Judge Mrs. R. K. Pounders Alternate Presidinq f} 14 �� W Pietzch Elementary School j'V1 R.5,rl Lm [ UP S oto 4301 HighlandMrs -Warie- r Presiding Judge Mrs. J. C. Burkhart Alternate Presiding Judge Roy H. Guess School 8055 Voth Road Mrs. B. W. French, Sr. Presiding Judge Mrs. Floyd Nall Alternate Presiding Judge 1099 Voth Road (old Voth Barbershop) Mrs. Wilma Townsend Presiding Judge Mrs. Jackie Hubbard Alternate Presiding Judge Amelia Elementary School 565 Major Drive Mrs. V. B. Riley Presiding Judge Mrs. Margaret Clampitt. Alternate Presiding Judge Blanchette Elementary School 2400 Lela Floyd G. Guillory Presiding Judge Elizabeth R. Guillory Alternate Presiding Judge Sallie Curtis School 6225 North Circuit Mrs. Na.4-ia P. Reeves Presiding Judge Raymond L. Allen Alternate Presiding Judge Lucas.Elementary School 1750 E. Lucas Mrs. C. L. Whittington Presiding Judge Mary E. McLauchlan Alternate Presiding Judge Tyrrell Park Elementary 5515 Phelps Road Mrs. Beulah January Presiding Judge Mrs. W. J. Neeley Alternate Presiding Judge Regina Howell Elementary 5850 Regina Lane James L. Nobles Presiding Judge Vera M. Gerstenberg Alternate Presiding Judge -3- 0 South Park High School 4500 Highland Austin Junior High School 3410 Austin George C. Marshall Junior High School 6455 Hall Road Lamar University McDonald Gym Fehl Elementary School 3350 Blanchette -4- Hilton E. Crawford Presiding Judge M. H. Meynig Alternate Presiding Judge Otis Stracener Presiding Judge James D. McClintock Alternate Presiding Judge Mrs. T. C.. Collier Presiding Judge Mrs. Gerald Lind Alternate Presiding Judge James W. Hammond Presiding Judge Jerry L. McMillan Alternate Presiding Judge Catherine Rush Presiding Judge Joyce M. Borque _ Alternate Presiding Judge 16 J_LI--- V7 _� 6 =IBIT "C" EXHIBIT "A" (A) Edwards School Election Precinct. All persons legally qualified to vote at said election residing within Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 1, which lies entirely within the boundaries of the Beaumont Independent School District, shall vote in the Edwards School Election Precinct. The description of the area within Jefferson. County Voting Precinct No. 1 is hereby referred to for a description of the area within Edwards School Election Precinct. (B) French High School Election Precinct. All persons legally qualified to vote at said election residing within Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 2, which lies entirely within the boundaries of the Beaumont Independent School District, shall vote in the French High School Election Precinct. The description -of the area within Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 2 is hereby referred to for a description of the area within French High School Election Precinct. (C)* Technical Center (formerly School for the Deaf) Elec- tion Precinct. All persons legally qualified to vote at said election residing within Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 3, which lies entirely within the boundaries of the Beaumont Independent School District, shall vote in the Technical Center Election Precinct. The description of the area within Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 3 is hereby referred to for a description of the area within Technical Center Election Precinct. (D) Wilbanks (formers Longfellow) School Election Precinct. All persons legally qualified to vote at said election residing within those portions of Jefferson -County Voting Precincts Nos. 4, 5, 62 and 73.which are situated within the boundaries of the Beaumont Independent.School District shall vote in the Wilbanks School Election Precinct. The description of the area within those. portions of Jefferson County Voting Precincts Nos."4, 5, 62 and 73 which are situated within the boundaries of the Beaumont Independent School District is hereby referred to for a description of the area within Wilbanks School Election Precinct. (E) Beaumont -Charlton -Pollard High School Election Precinct. All persons legally qualified to vote at said election residing within Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 6, which lies entirely within the boundaries of the Beaumont Independent School District, shall vote in the Beaumont - Charlton -Pollard High. -School Election Precinct. The description of the area within Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 6 is hereby referred to for a description of the area within Beaumont -Charlton -Pollard High School Election Precinct. � EKHMT 66 A (F) Instructional Media Center (Averill School) Election Precinct. All persons legally qualified to vote at said election residing within Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 7, which lies entirely within the bound- aries of the Beaumont Independent School District, shall vote in the Instructional Media Center Election Precinct. The description of the area within Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 7 is hereby referred to for a description of the area within Instructional Media Center Election Precinct. (G) Gulf Coast Rod, Reel & Gun Club Election Precinct. All persons legally qualified to vote at said election, residing within Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 8, which lies entirely within the boundaries of the Beaumont Independent School District, shall vote in the Gulf Coast Rod, Reel & Gun Club Election Precinct. The description of -the area _within . Jefferson_ County__. Voting -Precinct No. 8 is hereby "referred to fora description of the area within Gulf- Coast Rod, Reel & Gun Club Election Precinct. (H) Dick Dowling School Election Precinct: All persons legally qualified to vote at said election residing within Jefferson County Voting Precincts Nos. 9 and 10, both of which lie entirely within the boundaries of the Beaumont Independent School.District, shall vote in the Dick Dowling School Election Precinct.' The description of the area within Jefferson County Voting Precincts Nos. 9 and 10 is hereby referred to for a description of the area within Dick Dowling School Election Precinct. (I) County Courthouse Election Precinct. All persons legally qualified to vote at said election residing within Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 11, which lies entirely within the boundaries of the Beaumont Independent School District, shall vote in the County Courthouse Election Precinct. The descrip- tion of the area within Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 11 is hereby referred to for a descrip- tion of the area within the County Courthouse Election Precinct. (J) Dunbar Elementary School Election Precinct. All persons legally qualif ied'to vote at said election residing within that portion of Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 12 which is situated within the boundaries of the Beaumont Independent School District shall vote in the Dunbar Elementary School Election Precinct. The description of the area within that portion of Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 12 which is situated within the boundaries of the Beaumont Independent School District is hereby referred to for a description of the area within Dunbar Elementary School Election Precinct. EXHEDE ! 66APY EKHMIT 6699 , (K) Trinity Baptist Church Election Precinct. All persons legally qualified to vote at said election residing within that portion of Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 13 which is situated within the boundaries of the Beaumont Independent School District shall vote in the Trinity Baptist Church Election Precinct. The description of the area within that portion of Jeffer- son County Voting Precinct No. 13 which is situated within the boundaries of the Beaumont Independent .: School District is hereby referred to.for a descrip- tion of the area within Trinity Baptist Church Election Precinct. (L) Ogden School Election Precinct. *All persons legally qualified to vote at said election residing within that portion of Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 14._ which is situated -within the boundaries of the Beaumont Independent School District shall vote in the Ogden -School Election-Precinct.--The-description--- of the area within that portion of Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 14. which is situated within the boundaries.of.the Beaumont Independent School District 'is -hereby referred to for a descrip.tion- of the area within Ogden School Election Precinct. (M), David Crockett Junior High School Election Precinct. All persons legally qualified to vote at said election residing within that portion of Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 15 which is situated within the boundaries of the Beaumont Independent School District. shall vote in the David Crockett Junior High School Election Precinct. The description of the area within that portion of Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 15 which is situated within the boundaries of the Beaumont Indepen- dent School District is hereby referred to for a description of the area within David Crockett Junior High School Election Precinct. (N) Fletcher Elementary School Election Precinct. All persons legally qualified to vote at said election residing within that portion of Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 16 which is situated within the boundaries of the Beaumont Independent School District shall vote in the Fletcher Elementary School Election Precinct. The description of the area within that portion of Jefferson County Voting Precinct.No. 16 which is situated within the boundaries of the Beaumont Indepen dent School District.is hereby referred to for a description of the area within Fletcher Elementary School Election Precinct. (0) Guess School Election Precinct. All persons legally qualified to vote at said election residing within Jefferson County Voting Precincts Nos. 22 and 66, both of which lie entirely within the boundaries of the Beaumont Independent School District, or that portion of Jefferson_ County Voting Precinct No. 72 which is situa- ted within the boundaries of Beaumont Independent School District, shall vote in the Guess School Election Precinct. The description of the area within Jefferson County Voting Precincts Nos. 22 and 66 and that portion of Jefferson 5A"_ W. 66A99 - 0 'E_`1XHMT W, " County Voting Precinct No. 72 which is situated within the boundaries.of the Beaumont Independent School Dis- trict is hereby referred to for a description of the area within Guess School Election Precinct. (P) 10995 Voth Road (Old Voth Barbershop) Election Precinct. All persons legally qualified to vote at said election residing within Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 23, which lies entirely within the boundaries of the Beaumont Independent School District, shall vote in the 10995 Voth Road Election Precinct. The description of the area within Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 23 is hereby referred to for a description of the area within 10995 Voth Road Election Precinct. (Q) Lucas School Election Precinct. All persons legally qualified to vote at said election -residing within Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 63, which lies entirely within the boundaries of the Beaumont Inde- pendent School District, shall vote in the Lucas School Election Precinct. The description of the area within Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 63 is hereby referred to for a description of the area within Lucas School Election Precinct. (R) Austin Junior High School. Election Precinct. All persons legally qualified to vote at said election residing within that portion of Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 68 which is situated within the boundaries of the Beaumont Independent School District shall vote in the Austin Junior High School Election Precinct. The descrip- tion of the area within that portion of Jefferson County Voting Precinct No. 68 which is situated within the boundaries of the Beaumont Independent School District is hereby referred to for a description of the area within Austin Junior High School Election Precinct. LXHURMT 6699 1 II1JI' Cs nom' kl (O' i� k;XHIBI,T "D" "1. At the Pietzsch Elementary School Building, 4301 Highland Avenue, Beaumont, Tem s, and said election shall be conducted at said voting place by the following _officers: Mrs. Wayne (Jeannie) Turk, Judge, 668 Adams Mrs. J. C. Burkhart, Alternate judge Mrs. W. J. Hickman, Clerk Mrs. Arvin Browning, Clerk All those legally qualified to vote at said election residing within Jeffer- son County voting precincts nos. 12, 13, 20, 21, 33, and 35, lying. within the boundaries of the South Park Independent School District, shall vote at the Pietzsch Elementary School Building. "2. At the Giles Elementary School Building, 3500 Chaison Street, Beaumont, Texas, and said election shall be conducted at said voting place by the following officers: Mrs. Floyd Alexander, Judge, !" 1005 Church Mrs. R. K. Pounders, Alternate judge Ms. Elaine Porter, Clerk All those legally qualified to vote at said election residing within Jeffer- son County voting precinct no. 19, lying within the boundaries of.the South Park Independent School District, shall vote at the Giles Elemen tary School Building. 3. At the Hebert High School Building, 3443 Fannett Road, Beaumont, Texas, and said election shall be conducted at said voting place by the following officers: Mrs. J. D. IMelonson, Judge, 4445 Booker 1Irs. Leanna -Mouton, Alternate judge f Mrs. Velta Provo, Clerk I All those legally qualified to vote at said election residing vithin Jeffer- son County voting precinct no. 18, lying within the boundaries of the i South Park Independent School District, shall vote at the Hebert. High i School Building. -2- L] 0 ��-Q5 "4. At the Amelia Elementary School Building, 565 Major Drive, Beaumont, Texas, and said election shall be conducted at said Voting place by the following officers: Mrs. V. B. Riley, Judge, 8395 Pevitot -Mrs. Ai largaret Clampitt, Alternate judge -:Irs. H. K. Hilgemeier, Clerk All those legally qualified to vote at said election residing within Jeffer- son County voting precincts nos. 26 and 27, lying within.the boundaries of the South Park Independent School District, shall vote at the Amelia Elementary School Building. 115. At the Sallie Curtis Elementary School Building, 6225 N. Circuit Drive, Beaumont, 'Texas, and said election shall be conducted at said voting place by the following officers: 1lrs. Nelda P. Reeves;- Judge,, l -Ir. Raymond L. Allen, Alternate judge l-lr. O. L. Wahlberg, Clerk llrs. Marguerite V. Armstrong, Clerk All those legally qualified to vote at said election residing within Jeffer- son County voting precincts nos.. 62 and 72, lying within the.boundaries of the South, Park Independent School District, shall vote at the Sallie Curtis Elementary School Building. 116. At the Tyrrell Park Elementary -School Building, 5515 Phelps Road, Beaumont, Texas, and said election shall be conducted at said voting place by the following officers: %Irs. J. R. January, Judge, 5 215 Downs Road _Mrs. W. J. Neeley, Alternate judge =.Irs. C. E. _Muirhead, Clerk All those le gall,, qualified to vote at said election residing within the Jefferson Coun-LL,v voting precincts nos. 28 and 64, lying within the boundaries of the South Park Independent School District, shall vote at the Tyrrell Park Elementary School Building. -3- u "7. • Q, 11 At the Blanchette Elementary School Building, 2-100 Lela. Street, Beaumont, Texas, and said election shall be conducted at said voting place by the following officers: Mr. Floyd Guillory, Judge., 2465 Potts Mrs. Elizabeth Guillory, Alternate judge Mrs. Clara Chaisson, Clerk All those legally qualified to vote at said election residing within Jeffer- son County .voting precinct no. 39, lying within the boundaries of the South Park Independent School District, shall vote at the Blanchette Elementary School Building. 118. 'At the Fehl Elementary School Building, 3350 Blanchette Street, Beaumont, Texas, and said election shall be conducted at said voting place by the following officers: Mrs. Catherine Rush, Judge, 3026 Corley Ms. Joyce Al. Borque, Alternate judge Mrs.. Nelson Rouen, Clerk All those legally qualified to vote at said election residing within Jeffer- son County voting precincts nos. 14, 15 and 16, lying within the bound- aries of the .South Park Independent School District shall vote at the Fehl Elementary School Building. "9. At the Regina Howell Elementary School Building, 5850 Regina Lane, Beaumont, Texas, and said election shall be conducted at said voting place by the following officers: Mr. James L. Noble, Judge, 1335 Rikisha .Mrs. Vera Gerstenburg, Alternate judge firs. James L. Noble, Clerk All those legally qualified to vote at said election residing within Jeffer- son County voting precincts nos. 4, 65 and 68, lying within the bound- aries of the South Park Independent School District shall vote at the Regina Howell Elementary School Building. r:cs n V • 1110. At the South Park High School Building, 4D00 Highland Avenue, Beaumont, Texas, and said election shall be conducted at said voting place by the following officers: l'Ir,. Hilton, E,. ,Crawford, Judge, h5 66\0 � a,v@Jl;a 8 Mrd. IM.1 H. �Meynig, �Al�te,rTt` Ju.`dg`e � (� together with such duly qualified clerks as shall be appointed by such election judge. All those legally qualified to vote at said election resid- ing within Jefferson County voting precinct no. 67, lying within the boundaries of the South Park Independent School District shall vote at the South Park High School Building. "11. At the George C. Marshall Junior High School Building, 6455. Hall Road (Gladys Street), corner of Dowlen Road, Beaumont, Texas, and said election shall be conducted at said voting place by the I following officers: MT r,. IT., Cy. �Cglligr,, Judge,,, ) k. 255 Perry MIS., Gerald tLi ndr �AlteIrn�e O u�dgp together with such duly qualified clerks as shall be appointed by such election judge. All those legally qualified to vote at said election resid- ing within Jefferson County voting precinct no. 73, lying within the boundaries of the South Park Independent School District shall vote at the George C. Marshall Junior High School Building. . 1112. At the Drainage District No. 6 Office, 790 Jeny Lane, Beaumont, Texas, and said election shall be conducted at said voting place by the following officers: .Mr-Is.,1� ippn e rEbprh2�rd, �Ju�dge, 1�/ 11rs., J. -P 1V1,cC,arte�r,, Ailterpa`te,. judge Ig together with such duly qualified clerks as shall be appointed by such election judge. All those legally qualified to vote at said election -5= residing within Jefferson County voting precinct no. 17, lying within the boundaries of the South Park Independent School District shall vote at the Drainage District No. 6 Office. "13. At Lamar University (McDonald Gymnasium), located on the campus north of East Virginia St'reet and east of University Drive, Beaumont, Texas, and said election shall be conducted at said voting place by the following officers: Mrd. ,James �Halmmr ond,1 Judge,, I� Mr. Je1r r�y �.� ?V cM�llan,� �erinaiei j��ge 1 together. -with such duly qualified clerks as shall be appointed by such election judge. All those legally qualified to vote at said election, resid- ing within Jefferson County voting precinct no. 75, lying within the boundaries of the South Park Independent School District shall vote at Lamar University (McDonald Gymnasium). At the Caldwood Elementary School Building, 102 Berk-_ shire Lane; Beaumont, Texas, and said election shall be conducted at said voting place by the following officers: Mr`s. R). Pa Biarry, Judge, 2219 Celnt�ral Caldwood' D{rive �3 Mrs, .. R y Rei gal, A��terpate judge l,y together with such duly qualified clerks as shall be appointed by such election judge. All those legally qualified to vote at said election resid- ing within Jefferson County voting precinct no. 5, lying within the boundaries of the South Park Independent School District shall vote at the Caldwood Elementary School_. Building." "Mr. Tom Lawrence, a duly qualified person, is hereby ap- pointed Presiding Judge at the Central Counting Station for purposes of this -election, and Mr. Raymond McInnis, a. duly qualified person, is hereby appointed Computer Coordinator for purposes of this election. " i 't residing within Jefferson County voting precinct no. 17, lying within the boundaries of the South Park Independent School District shall vote at the Drainage District No. 6 Office. "13. At Lamar University (McDonald Gymnasium), located on the campus north of East Virginia St'reet and east of University Drive, Beaumont, Texas, and said election shall be conducted at said voting place by the following officers: Mrd. ,James �Halmmr ond,1 Judge,, I� Mr. Je1r r�y �.� ?V cM�llan,� �erinaiei j��ge 1 together. -with such duly qualified clerks as shall be appointed by such election judge. All those legally qualified to vote at said election, resid- ing within Jefferson County voting precinct no. 75, lying within the boundaries of the South Park Independent School District shall vote at Lamar University (McDonald Gymnasium). At the Caldwood Elementary School Building, 102 Berk-_ shire Lane; Beaumont, Texas, and said election shall be conducted at said voting place by the following officers: Mr`s. R). Pa Biarry, Judge, 2219 Celnt�ral Caldwood' D{rive �3 Mrs, .. R y Rei gal, A��terpate judge l,y together with such duly qualified clerks as shall be appointed by such election judge. All those legally qualified to vote at said election resid- ing within Jefferson County voting precinct no. 5, lying within the boundaries of the South Park Independent School District shall vote at the Caldwood Elementary School_. Building." "Mr. Tom Lawrence, a duly qualified person, is hereby ap- pointed Presiding Judge at the Central Counting Station for purposes of this -election, and Mr. Raymond McInnis, a. duly qualified person, is hereby appointed Computer Coordinator for purposes of this election. " i