HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 45-VCK&M 54 0-4 6/26/5``0 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THAT CERTAIN STEPS HAVE HERETOFORE.BEEN TAKEN IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS -ON CERTAIN STREETS NAM- ED HEREIN BELOW WITHIN THE.LIMITS THERE DESCRIBED; ACCEPTING THE BID OF.SABINE-NECHES.COMPANY, INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF . SAID . IMPROVEMENTS AS THE . LOIVEST . AND BEST RESPONSIBLE BID THEREFOR; AWARDING A CON-. TRACT TO SAID SABINE-NECHES COMPANY, INC. UPON SAID BID FOR SAID IMPROVEMENTS; APPROVING THE CONTRACT,. PERFORMANCE AND MAINTENANCE BONDS EXECUTED BY SABINE- NECHES COMPANY, INC. AND ITS SURETY FOR SAID IMPROVE- MENTS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK, TO EXECUTE. AND ATTEST SAID CONTRACT FOR, AND ON BE- HALF OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT; MAKING.APPROPRIATION OF.FUNDS FOR THE PAYMENT OF.THE CITY OF.BEAUMONTfS SHARE OF -THE COST OF SAID Ih7PROVEMENTS;.AND DIRECTING THE CITY ENGINEER TO PREPARE AND FILE WITH THE.CITY COUNCIL ESTIMATES OF THE COST OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS AS REQUIRED.BY LAW. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE .CITY OF BEAUMONT :- SECTION 1 : The City Council of the City of Beaumont, Texas, here- by finds and determines : (a) That bids for the improvement of -the herein below named -streets within the limits designated were re- - ceived and opened„in_public meeting on June 13, 1950, pursuant -to advertisements for such bids published for the length -,of time and in the.manner required by law and the Charter of said City,.which bids.were at that time referred to the City Manager: and City Engineer for study and:recommendation; and.., (b) That thereafter the City Manager did make' 're- commendation to the City Council at its meeting, held on June 20, 1950, recommending that the bid -of Sabine - Neches Company, Inc., in.the sum of $44,732.25.be accepted, and pursuant to which .recommendation 'the City Council did accept.said bid as being the lowest and best bid by responsible -bidder for the construc- tion of said improvements; and ,(c) That thereafter Sabine -Neches. Company, Inc., executed a certain Contract for said improvements, Performance Bond and Maintenance Bond, said bonds being executed by an acceptable. Surety Company, all pursuant to its bid proposal.and in accordance -With the Notice to Bidders and General Specifications, all of which are in the form and manner as required by law and the Charter of said City; and that said Contract so executed, and..the Performance Bond and the Maintenance Bond have been presented to and filed with the City Council , and same are found to. be in due and proper form and . acc.eptable...to .the City Council.;. and (d) That thereafter the C.ity_Engineer prepared and filed with the City Council an estimate of the por- tion of the costs of said improvements to be paid by the City of Beaumont, said estimate being the sum of $19,413.80; and'it is hereby found and determined that there are -available funds on hand in the treasury of said,City of Beaumont sufficient to rover costs to the City of Beaumont and avail- able for appropriation for such use. SECTION 2 : That the bid of Sabine -Neches Company, Inc., for the construction of improvements on the.following.named_.streets,.with4 in the limits designated and according to Unit numbers as.designat- ed herein below and in the Contract.Documents.pertaining hereto, in the sum of $44,732.25 be, and the.same is hereby accepted as the lowest and.best bid by a responsible bidder, and the Contract for the construction of said improvementsis hereby awarded -to the said Sabine -Neches Company, Inc., upon said bid :- UNIT 1: LONG AVENUE, from the east property line of Tenth Street to the east property line of Eleventh Street. UNIT 2: ASHLEY AVENUE, from the east.property line of -Tenth Street to the east property line of Eleventh Street. UNIT 3: EARL STREET, from the west property line of Saint Helena Street to the east property line of Cleveland Avenue; said accepted bid calls for the construction or reconstruction of six inches (6") Reinforced Portland Cement. Concrete pavement to- gether with Integral Curb and Gutter. on.Units 1 and 2,.and.the construction or reconstruction of five inches (5") Reinforced Port- land Cement Concrete pavement together with. Integr.al..Cur,_b, and Gutter on Unit 3. SECTION 3 : That said Sabine-Neches_Company,.Inc., having already executed and submitted to -the City Council for its approval._ the Contract, Performance Bond, and Maintenance Bond As.required by the Notice to Bidders and the:General Specifications -for the construc- tion'of said improvements, such Contract, Performance and.Main- tenance Bonds are hereby approved and accepted as in fullcompliance with all requirements of the law and .the Charter of said -City and of the Notice to Bidders and General Specifications covering said improvements, and that the Surety on said.Performance and Mainten- ance Bonds be, and the same are hereby approved and accepted.; fur- ther, that the City Manager and City Clerk of the City of Beaumont, Texas, are hereby authorized and directed to execute and attest said Contract for and.on behalf of the City of Beaumont, -.Texas. SECTION 4 : That there is hereby appropriated out of the Street and Highway Bond Fund, Series 1,949_, the sum of $19,413.$0 to pay the Cityts portion of the cost of said improvements under the above Contract therefor, and proper.Warrants are hereby authorized to be issued in said amount, or so much thereof as.may be necessary against said fund to pay and discharge the obligations of the City of Beaumont, chargeable thereto under said Contract. SECTION 5: That the City Engineer of said City is hereby direct- ed to prepare and file with the City Council estimates of the costs of such improvements and estimates of the amounts per front foot proposed to be paid by and assessed against the properties abutting upon each of said streets concerned in each of the three units above set out and heretofore ordered improved, based -upon the bid prices as per each Unit contained in the above described Contract, all as required by, and in accordance with, the provisions of the Acts of the First Called Session -of the 40th Legislature of the State of Texas, 1927, Chapter 106 said Act being commonly known as Article 1105-b of the Revised Evil Statutes of the State of Texas, 1925, as amended, and the provisions of Article XIV, Section 2, of the Charter of the City of Beaumont. 1950. PASSED by the City Council, this ZZw�d.ay of June, 0K0' 54 0-4 6/26/50 Cit ( '16 V AN 6RDINANCE, ENTITLED AN Q1ZDINANGE DPTLrwiNING'THAT CERTAIN STEPS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN -'TAKEN IN CONNECTION -!VITH THE- . - CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION OF , IT MROVEMENTS ON CI LLRTAIN -STREETS 'N AM -- ED HEREIN BELdr,' ti°1ITHIN'THE LIMI!k5 THERE DESCRIBED; ACCEPTING THE IIID OF SABINE-NECHES COT!PANT; INC. ' FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAI13 I2 MROVEMENTS "AS THE -LOWEST AND BEST RESPONSIBLE. BID THEREFOR; AIJARDING A C6N.. ' . TRACT .TO SAID SABINE-NECHES .000PANY, ING. ;UPON S 1D . BID . FOR SAID Ij!PROV2NENTS; ,',APPROVING THE C©NTR&GT31 I'ERFOI:DJANGE AND IJIAINTENA;-'CE BONDS EXECUTED BY SABINE- NECHES. CQMPANY; . INC. AND ITS SURETY FOR. SAID 'IT -TROVE.; . 11ENTS; 'AUTHORIZING THE. CITY-.14JUTAGER AND' CITY, CLERK, TO ERECUTE -AND `ATT? ST SAID CONTRACT FOR, .AND ON BE- HALF. OFTHE, .CITY.:'OF BE11UMONT; 'MAKING- A1'?'R0'RTATT(1N. Q.F FUNDS FOR THE PAYMENT, QE THE; .:CITY OF BE�1Uf�201�iT 1 S . SHARE, - THE`...CO-ST- OIC' SAID` IT,iPRQVEIJENTS'; &.D DIRECTING THE CITY ENGINEISR TO PREPARE AND .FILE WITH THE CITY COUNCIL, ESTIMATES OF ,THE COST OF -SAID SI1PROVEMENTS AS ' REQUIRED BY-LAW: BE' IT ORD'AIi�ED BY' T E CITY -OF BEAUAnNT SUCTION '1 The. City Council of the City of,Beaumont,-Texas, here- by finds and'determines- (a) That bids for the.improvement of the herein, . elow named-. streets irlthin-.the limits designated were � re- ceived and opened in -.,public meeting . on June ;'13., 1950, pursuant to -advertisements for such bids .published for ..the length of time -and' in the manner' required by -law and the Charter of :said City, which bids were at that time referred to.'the G3ty Manager and City, Engineer for study and recommendation-, and.;.-' (b) That thereafter.the City 14anager d d.make re - comm -endation to the .City, Council. at its ..meetirig held on, June 20, 1950,' recommending that the bid of Sabine - Neches Company, 'Inc. ,, in :-thesum of X44,732.25 be accepted, ' and pursuant to which .recommendation the City -Council did accept said bid as beirig-the' lowest =and best bid by -responsible bidder for .the construe - 'tion of said improvements;- ' and .(c) That thereafter Sabine -Neches Company,'Inc., executed a certain Contract for said improvements, Performance Band*and'Maintenance.Bond, said bonds being executed ,by an-acceptable.'Surety Company, all pursuant to.its,,bid proposal and in.accordance with - the Notice to -Bidders and General Specifications, - all of which are in the form and manner.as.reduired -by law and the: -Charter of said City; and that said Contract so executed, and the Performance:'Bond'and :.the Maintenance Bond have `been presented to and filed M with the City Council and same are found to be in due and proper form and acceptable to the City Council; and (d.) That thereafter the City Engineer prepared and filed with the City Council. an estimate of the por- tion of the costs of said i:_',orovements to be paid by the; City of Benumont, "aid estimate being; the Qum of :;19,413.$0; and it is hereby found and determined that there are available funds on hand in the treasury of said City of Beaumont.sufficient to cover costs to the City of Beaumont and aVaili. able for aDT)ro ?riation for such use. LCTT )N 2 That the bid of :'abine-Neches Company, inc., for the construction of improvements on the following named streets,-Vrith- in the limits designated and accordin7 to Unit numbers as designat- ed herein below, and in the Contract Documents pertaining hereto, in the sure of "''44,732.25 be, and the same is hereby accepted as the lowest and best bid by a rosponsible bidder, and the Contract for the construction of said ir,?proveraents is hereby awarded to the said Sabine -Neches Co: ­any, inc., upon said bid :- UNIT 1: LONG AVENUE, from the east property line of 7e -nth Street to the east property line of Eleventh Street. UNIT 2: A311L!,,Y AVENUE, from the east property line of Tenth Street to the east property line of Eleventh Street. MIT 3: EA.; -LL STrELT, frori the vest pro _>erty line o Saint Helena Street to the east proporty line of Cleveland Avenue; said accepted bid call; for the construction or reconstruction of six inches (b") Reinforced Portland Cement Concrete pavement to- gether vrith Integral Curb and Gutter on Units 1 and 2, and the construction or reconstruction of five inches (511) lieinforced Port- land Cement Concrete pavement together i,,ith Integral Curb and Gutter on Unit 3. 7 ,:,CTI,-)Iu 3 That said Company, Inc., having already executed and submitted to the City Council for its approval the Contract, ''erformance Bond, and 14aintenance Bond as re(,uired by the Notice to Bidder; and the General Specifications for the construc- tion of said improvements, such Contract, Performance and Main- tenance Bonds are hereby approved and accepted as in full com?liance with all renuirements of the law and the Charter of said City and of the Notice to Bidders and General Sr)ecif.ications covering said imnrovements, and that the Surety on said Performance and 'Mainten- ance Bonds be, and the same are hereby approved and accepted; fur- ther, that the City :danager and City Clerk of the City of Beaumont, Texas, are hereby authorized and directed to execute and attest said C-)ntroct for and on behalf of the City of Beaumont, Texas. E EGTTON. 4. That there is hereby 4pproPriated out of th'e'Street and Highway Bond Fund, .Series 1949"_, the sum' of N19,413.80 to pay the City!s portion of'the cost of said improvements under the' above Contract therefor,.and proper TV'arrants are hereby authorized to be issued in said amount; or .so,inuch thereof as may .be, necessary. against said.fund to pay and disehar.Fe­the obligations of the City of Beaumont, chargeable -thereto under said Contract. SECT13N 5: That, the City Engineer of said Laity is hereby .direct- ed to prepare and file with the City Council estimates of 'tie costs of such improvements and. estimates of the amounts per. front Foot proposed'to,be paid by and assessed against the properties abutting upon'each of said.streets concerned in each of the.three'un is .. above set out and heretofore ordered improved, based upon the bid- prices-as-per idprices as -per each Unit contained.in the above described Contract, all as required by, and in accordance with," the-orovis:ions of the Acts of 'the First Called Session . of the' 40th Legislature of the State of Texas, 1.927, Chapter 106; said Act being com<nonly`Known as Article 1105-b of the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, 1925, as amended, and the provisions of. Article .SIV,- Section' 21 of the. Charter of th6 City of Beaumont. PASSIrD by the City ' C.o.ancil, this day of :June, ..1950. T A 0 54 0-4 6/-6/50 ,IU' C "th1 fr11NCE Er+rTIT1' ED AN111DIirAUCE Ili;`I'i;rtl.l?`dI:P:(r TI4AT CEI Tslt`i aTLt 5 IIAVE Iir; i7T:`)FC?I� BEENT�IiCtrhr IN�3l: CTI: -N "ITH THE t,:)�.�IT�I�.'UCTTI.IL}{�(.,yyyl``: '+?11r+` 7^1'+1'!iUQ��',�_.,IEtsTTTSTTCKKf�, CI:Irf,ljTI�:I,d.'��1T�..­��1ij1T�,1IY�'�3]I��1- IM 11'r,I EDN .a11�1�0 V,'IT 1IM TIFF ••�• I'Ii "! TIMp, aJLI\i�j.LJ..1FiDj- ACC 'PTIING THE DID OF SABINE—NECHES U-kT."� A1; , INC. FOR 'OF SAID '13 THE AND 13.I„3T 31T) Tr:ER-od il.; At.A,aMIIIG is TRACT TO SAID, tiiA3`I E -N E�C"� �� C "T' iii`3Y, :Its C . 'J+'`:,,; I Sl:'_D DID, F011—•*S�n.ID AP.`RD1.11NG THE' ;JlTii aCT ,CUTJa BY J1DD, E+L�1 AT,j?i m"T`I F1)I�3:;r'RC�VE- i,aEll T�); AUT;i ')PIZING G THE k"I Y i�fNNAGE'_R :tI>CD CITY TO :s_tir,:CU` I° IND A'.iT'_CIT ISAID GOVT' :ICT Foo , ANT) r)'N I3E- HALF OF Tiii, CITY OF BE''A13I'PNT; +.I K.I.NG Al- 01� } TRIL'v FOR THE1';,.Y.:c,N OF TIM GI TL .air ijG:1U�'+�.1��A J LSr 7j ry S 7 3♦ ) :TS Tn CI . 1 �,HF,:I.I�� vI' TIt:'1 COST '?_'i ;,�1II) I:"! �IvV�,.r;I�'tw, /lI'�L DIRECTING TUR, CITY' L,11(iII��I'::� T!) i`1`__'-:�-at :'IL-11? FILE <:`I` f.. Trlr�. CITY UR, _., +� )UNC_.iJ, r -:1.1.t 1 1AT 3 i3_ Trf.:, COST 'Dr, A4/ -i. 1.I ., B.1 BE• IT "�:Ip�I`.l'iE;I) BY THE CITY OF T3j'1,MJ °`)NT :- S-) CTI"`N 1 : The City Council of the City of Beaumocit, 'Texas, here- by finds acid determine's (a) That bids for the impraveme.nt of the herein below narled :streets within the limits designated were. re- ceived and opened in public Meeting on dune 13, 1950, nursuant to advertisements for such bids published, for the'length of time. and in the manner required by lay.- and the Charter of said City, v hick bids were at that time referred to the City *Manager and City Engineer :for study and recommendation; and (b) That .thereafter the City ?tanager did make re- eomnaendat:lon to' the Cit,- Council at it._� meeti.n,r held on June 20, 1950, iecormiending that the bid- of Sabine - Neches Company, Inc., in. the ' sum of 1`44,732.25 be accepted, and pursuant to which recommond,atioh the City Council dial accept said bid as being the lowest and beat bid by responsible bidc.'.er for the construc- tion of said improvements; and (c) That thereafter aabine-Neches Company, Inc., executed a certain Contract for said i.,provements, Performance Bond and :'Maintenance Bond, said bonds being executed by an acceptable Surety Comrany, all pursuant to its bid proposal and in accordance i-,ith the Notice to Bidders and General Specifications, all of which are in the form and manner as re(,uired by law and the Charter of. said City; and that said Contract so executed, and the Performance Band and the Maintenance Dond have been presented to and filed with the City Council and _�.ame are found to be in due and prober form and acce;3t�:ble to the City Council; and (ca j That thereafter the City 1,n,rrineor prepared and filed with the City Council an est:ii:iate of the por- tion of the costs of ;paid, 1. iprovements to be paid by the City of ?3e,�:,u��t�rLt, -aid estimate being; the sure of "'19,413.80; and :it is hereby found and determined thr,t thero are available funds un hand in the treasury of *:paid City of Beaumont sufficient to rover costs to t}.e C-It.y of 2eaum-)nt and avail- able for n ipro -)rioti _,-n for such use. C'il .i a 2 Th -it the bid of ''abine-Neches Cor_.pany, Inc. , for the corstruction of i;aprove»-lcnts on the folio,;in named strc As, with- in the limits desik7natQd and aceordin7; to Emit numbers as desinat- ed herein belot:r sand 7n the Contr�:ct i ocuments pert:;Yning hereto, in the sure of �'A4,73�'•25 be, and the same is hereby accepted as the lot:est and bast bid by a rc ,r)•znsible bidder, and the Contract for the construction of said i..nrovements is hereby ar:arded to the said 4 a,bine—Meches Co -:,,any, inc. , up. -)n said bid UNIT 1: L,'ONG AVe!M, from the east rroPerty line of Tenth 3`tro -t to the Past oro,)erty line of Eleventh ;street. i3111T 2: A,-';r?f iZ W` NUE, fro:a the east property line of Tenth :street to the east property line of Ll.eventh Street. UNIT 3: 3`I'F:2t:T, from the pro;ferty line of 3<a. nt 11elena Streot t.i the (a-,ot a.)orty line of Cleveland avenue; said accented bid calls for the construction or reconstruction of six inches (671) Reinforced "ort?and Cement Concrete pavement to - nether with integral Curb and Gutter on Units 1 and 2, and the construction or reconstruction of five inches (51') <<.einforced Port- land. Cement Concrete pavement toF;cthcr with 1 nt�grall Curb and 'utter on Unit 3. M.",N 3 That said : abine-Neches Corr)any, Inc., having already executed and sub-mittod. to the '-ity Council for its an )rovl71 the Contract, "erformance Bond, and 'aintenance Bond as rc,,uired by the Notice to DdVerp and the General .3;seci "icatipns for the construc- tion of said ir.provements, such Contract, Performance and ''iaia:- tenance Donds are hereby apiroved and a.cceoted as in full comAiance v;ith all rec;uire!aents of the law and the Charter of said Coity and of the Notice to Bidders and General '.;')eci"ications covering said in'Drovements, and that the Surety on said ;'erCormance and :ainten- ance Bonds be, and the same are horoby a�orovcd and accepted; fur- ther, that the City ;Tanager and City Clerk of the City of Beaumont, Texas, are hereby author'.zod and directed tc : xecute and attest said C -ntrr::ct for and on behalf ofthe City of Beaumont, Texas. No Text CITY 0F' BE.AUMOMT BEALTMOI�TTEXAS City Council City of Beaumont Beaumont, Texas Gentlemen :- uGiOm ME 14. June 26, 1950 It has been determined by me thatthe estimated cost to be borne by the City of Beaumont-,- Texas,. for the improvement of -the streetsnamed hereinbelow -within the limits indicated is Nineteen Thousand.Four Hundred Thirteen and 80/100 ($19,41.3.80) Dollars UNIT 1: Long Avenue, from the east property line of Tenth Street to the east' property.line of -Eleventh Street; UNIT 2: Ashley Avenue.from the east prop-- erty line of tenth Street to the'east property line.of Eleventh Street; UNIT 3: Earl Street, from the west property line of Saint Helena -Street to the east property line -of Cleveland Avenue. The estimated cost has been determined on the basis of the bid.of Sabine -,Neches Company, Inc.,.which bid was re- commended.for acceptance .by the City Manager on June 20, 19502 at which.time-.said recommendation was.approved by your Honorable Body. Yours Very Truly, R. Clyd lack; ity Engine% City of Beaumont p� IlSii-'{Sa ', City Council City of Beaumont Beaumont, Texas Gentlemen :- uGiOm ME 14. June 26, 1950 It has been determined by me thatthe estimated cost to be borne by the City of Beaumont-,- Texas,. for the improvement of -the streetsnamed hereinbelow -within the limits indicated is Nineteen Thousand.Four Hundred Thirteen and 80/100 ($19,41.3.80) Dollars UNIT 1: Long Avenue, from the east property line of Tenth Street to the east' property.line of -Eleventh Street; UNIT 2: Ashley Avenue.from the east prop-- erty line of tenth Street to the'east property line.of Eleventh Street; UNIT 3: Earl Street, from the west property line of Saint Helena -Street to the east property line -of Cleveland Avenue. The estimated cost has been determined on the basis of the bid.of Sabine -,Neches Company, Inc.,.which bid was re- commended.for acceptance .by the City Manager on June 20, 19502 at which.time-.said recommendation was.approved by your Honorable Body. Yours Very Truly, R. Clyd lack; ity Engine% City of Beaumont CITY Oir B MAU,M O XT - B EATJMO 1�.T-� TEXAS gm City Catartcil Qity of :Beaumorrb Beatuiont, Texas �entlernen :, .. June 262 1950 It has been deterruirzed by me that the es' tLnated cost to be borne by the'.Gity of Bea milt, `i`oxc s, fov the improvelment. of the strests, `mtued hereinbelov: Nineteen ` mhcusand Fottr lHundred ' :thirteen ,,, d 801/100 Do11aro o .Lozz�,.,.Avenlaey' from .th` e gat ��x operty line of Tenth Street t6' tine east ` property °Line or-Elevent';z �,tre�ts UNIT' w = AoUey Avenue, froze, the east prop- c�r f ? rzr of To Street -to thle , east xd ty .'.:line os � 171,.eVenth -5-6-6r et; : Bart. 'Street, from: the west - pz'c perty 1az of Sajnt Helena Street'to the ra aF t ,property. lytic: of LeveJ. d Pvezi e. The estLmat6d, cgst has been determined. on the basin " of t ze' bid oSabine-Neches n - 7 , e.t2 which ba . ums re- commended for acceptance by the City MaAager on dune 20, 19544 . at which. time , said: recommendation was approved y 'your . .wiorable Pody- Your s . Very. Vru7 0 'd B ac,k ity ng neer, ity. of Beaumont