HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 82-DAN ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LEVYING, ASSESSING AND COLLECTING OF AD.VALOREM AND OTHER TABES FOR -THE YEAR -1923# FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING A SINKING FUND -TO MEET THE PAYKM OF ALL BONDED..INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT, AND THE PAY- MENT OF ACCRUING -INTEREST THEREON;, PROVIDING FOR THE SUPPORT .AND MAINTENANCE OF THE -CITY OF BEAUMONT PUBLIC FREE SCHOOLS; TO PAY THE MENSES OF THE DEPARTMENTS ,OF.THE CITY GOVERRMT, -AS NAMED IN SAID ORDINANCE, AND THE GENERAL EXPENSE OF THE CITY GOVERN - ME - AND APPORTIONING THE TAKES TO BE IEVIED TOSUCH DEPARTyl MS AND PURPOSES AS SET .FORTH IN SAID ORDINANCE: PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF POLL TAX AND.00CUPATION TAX; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY* BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT : Section 1. That there shall be and. is hereby levied, and shall be asoessed anal collected for the year 1923; an ad 'valorem tag' of two and 25100 Dollars ($-2.'25)-on each one - hund red dollars worth of property in the City of Beaumont located, within the territory comprising the old city limits existing prior to the adoption of the present City Charter and comprising the Beaumont Independent School District in the City of Beaumont made taxable by law, which said taxes, when collected, shall.be, according to Section 16 of the Charter. of the City of Beaumont, apportioned among the funds_ and departments of the city government of the City of Beaumont,, and for -the purposes hereinafter se's forth, as followst' to with For the Department - of Law . ...:. . ...:4444 i .:..: None For the Department of Public 3ervioe .............. .42 For the Department of Public Welfare .......... •... :13 For the Department of Publi.a. Safety ...:...:..... :35 For the Department of Finance ...............:. + .. • 4035 For the %en oral Fund .. , 4 0 6 ....... 4 :.:.:.:. .025 For the lty' of Beaumont 2u-blia Free Schools :., .. . . 60 For the support and maintenance of Public Library . .03 For the purpose of paying the accruing interest, and to provide a sinking fund for the payment, of the entire bonded indebtedness: of the City of Beaumont for all purposes, including the interest and sinking fund on and for the Refunding Bonds � i ssmed by the City Commission of the City of Beaumont, by virtue of an Ordinance passed on the 3rd day of July, 1920 *57 For, the purpose of. paying for and taking up Fire Department Bills Payable : ..............40.•:....::. .008. For the purpose 'of paying for and taping up Wharf Fd Doake Bila$ P eb1e ..:.•.*:...0..0....:....:.46. .008 �,or the purpose opaying the accruing i.nt.erest and indebtedness, auli to provide a sinking fund to retire said indebtedness as game falls. due, inourred' inthe purchase of-MaFaddin Perk; ' by - Ordinanee passed on the 27th day.of April, 1921:. For the purpose of .paying the aooruing interest aUI to provide a sinking fund to retire said. indebtedness as same Palle"due, incurred in the issuahea of'Refamding Warrants for the purchase price of Nye- Odorless Crematory Incinerator Plant, by virtue of an Ordinanae.pa$sed on the 7th day' of September, 1921, .and an - isdinenae passed' "on -the. 9th 'day of -August, A.B For the purpose of paying the aooruing- interest and to provide a sinking fund to 'retire said ibdebtedness when 'dueincurredin the issuance of -.Library site purchase - Series "All ,........, For' -the purpose of paying .the accruing, interest. and -to provide a sinking fund to retire said IM- ebtednese when :due incurred in the .issuance of Street -Improvement I'romfssory Notes -Series For the purpose of.paying the aaaruing-interest and to provil e, a ,sinking fflund to, retire said indebtedness. when due incurred in the issuance of Street Improvement Promissory Notes - Series. For the 'purpo se_ of paying the accruing interest and to provide a sinking fund to retire said ind ebtedness when- due-inc'rrod- in - the -issuance_ of Street'Improvement Promissory gotes - Series For the purpose of paying the accruing interest'-' and to provide a sinking fund -to retire sajci! Indebtedness when due incurred in the i ssuanc e of Street Improvement Promissory Notes,- Series, -Tor the purpose of paying the accruing interest And to provide a pinking fund to retire said Indebtedness when due -incurred -in the is'saance of Street, Improvement Promissory Notes .- Series For the purpose of paying the accry ing interest and to provide a sinking fund to retire said indebtedness when due incurred in the issuance of Street Improvement Notes - Houston Const=gt- ion.Company •. •••.��::•......�.•....:..•�.i• For the purpose of paying the accruing interest and to provide a.sinking fund to retire said indebtedness when- due- incurred in the-'Assuance of Street Improvement. Notes - U aide Rock Asphalt Comps i�••...:...........•.......:... :02 .0033 ;007 section. 9. That there -'shall. b,,e a4d is "hereby levied -and shall, be assessed and.00lleoted for the year 1923 an ad valorem tax of $1*55 on GaqA410000, worth of, pr6p6r'tr 10 sated within'and comprising that portion 'of the City of 4eaunont lying outside -of. the, old city limits'. described.'. in Seetion 1,-hotoof in the City of BeaxMont made taxable by laWj Which said taxes, when oolleatedi shall be, aecordi . ng to Seotioh,'16 of the Charter of the City of'Be4umont,�4p"*o Prtioned'among the funds and, departments of the city goverment - of the City- of -Beaum f" on and for the purpOseo'-hpreinaftor sot forth, as follows, to wit"i For the De :E 1%w None Department o For the 4epartment-ofllublio Service s.142 For the Department of PUblio For the Department of Public Safety. For the,pepaitme-Department For the.aeneral Fund'025 For tbs., support and maintenance of Public Library .0a For the puipo'se of paying the accruing interest and to provide.: -6 sinking,- fuad-'for--the-payment-of --th7e entire bonded indebtedness of the City of Beaumont for all purposes, except the oohool bonded indebtedness -- of the Beammoat moat City Schools, including the . interest . and sinking fund.on and for the Refunding Bonds issued -by the City Commission of the City of Beaunmit., by virtue of an Ordinance passed on -the 3rd day of 192045 ego.*' gooi oi** 0 For the purpose of paying for and t aking up Fire .D6paktment Bi3.ls*Payable 'o#000***Ik***-*0000444i4-0,0604-'008 F the purpose of paying for and taking up' Wharf. and Docks Bills Payable . ::..•0.:..•..:::.::::.. _' - 008 For -the purpose of paying the accruing interest. and ..indebtednessi and to provide a sinking fund to retire said: indebtedness .as same falle due; incurred in the purchase. of %Vaddin"Park'by Ordinance passed' on the 27th day of -April, 1921 02 For the purpose of paying the accruing interest and to provide a sinking fund to retire saA- indebtednes'o,as, same falls due., incurred in .the issuance of Refunding Warivzts for the purchase I -- U price of Bye ,Odorless -rematory IncineratorPlant, by virtue- of an Oidinm6e passed,. on the 7th' day of Z ept emb or-, 1921, and an Ordinance passed on the 9th, day of Aug;aLot: A.Doi -,0033 For the purpose of paying the accruing interest,_ aiid to providea- oinking fund to retire said -indebtedness when due inourred in the issuance of Library_':site purchase - "Series "A"* 0007 For the .`purpose _.of. ,paying the .aaoruing interest and, to provide -a : sinking � fund to retire said ind etitedness when.` due. inaarred' in "the i:ssuanQe _ of Street Improvement Promissory:°Notes = Series R - Po"r the purpose of .payi:ng - the "'adaraing: "interest and 'toprovide'. a _ sinking . fid' _t re said''" indebtedness when due incurred. in 'the: issuance of Street Impio vement ' promis s ory No =i es �Vtt'-.•���'��'•.��`.,•f�:,•!!•'•,.•l..�•••!•,4��•*::�..!!-•• X006 .. For -.the purpose of. paying .=the-. a ovu.irig' interest and to, provide a singing. ' fund:,..to rAfie- said • ' _ -indebtedness when due incurred- in ;the. issuance of- Street , Improvement Yromis'sory -Notes _ Series - - :��: ••vt•.l. '04 i 4 •j'i'•!•rl4 6�"�. 11.�.�ilf�4li•ii:�.i♦ ia.4_- Por:the pvi'Pose of paying,the aceru3ng interest _ and to provide.: a_ s°inking ;lurid to _retire ind ebt edne ss when dire. incurred Ai -.,t -he =:i ssuanc e treelproveenNri=of. mt�oW For tiie purpose_of•: PY#ng:the, aoQru`3ng interest. apd , to provid: w� a' .sinking. farad to retire... sal d indebtedness when _due incurred in��the"'-isauanoe . of Street. Impra*ement:l'rom3,ssog Dotes =Seri. ea .:•i���:lti,'.i'•i���ii.i.ia:l.•i•!�•i••�i•�i�iii.iiw 0025 For -'the purpose. of- paying •the acarai:ng- interest. - and. to.: provide _ a. sinking. -;hand: to retire_ said ' : _ • - - - inct ebtedne'ss when -due incu:rred..' in the' issuance. of.: Street Improtr ment Dotes t=. 8oustw, construct- . i.on"_-Compang:....,-.:...:l.".••.•.w:l�.i:•�•i�•!i%.iii Q: For`.. the purpose o' ::paying the.' acainting interest - and to _ provide e a sinking. farad. to retire said indebtedne ,s when due incurr.'ed. in tl�s "'is$aana:e of Street mpravement_ Qtea . Civelde Rook .. .40phalt CoEpany 6 •..:.: •-•,..... _ 00022. SECT ION.'. 3.: - ,, That there shall be and is_ hereby: levied ,; anal th ere shall : be collected on all ooaupation. -and , ca].`t.ings on�rhiQh en occupation tax is "levied by ,the State of `esas;, a sum egnsl 'to one-half "of the.smount so levied by`�the State of: _"exas, on egcsh respective oecupeti on _or, .calling in the City of, lieaumont' _ SECihON 4. .: That there shall : be and- .. i s ' hereby 1'eEvi ed , ..and there .:shall -.:.be -collected a. poll tax .of . one- .dollar f I,QQ), .on '-,ea-ch and eve :a ablebodisd citizen of .the,' Gi -ty-. of Beaumont .between the ages of, 21 and', "year$ , of , whom 'the' -State of 'egaB shall require the p yr�ent of a .poll taz; pro4i.ded, however'. that those'.who -may be No Text