HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 28-DAN ORDINANCE - __ .:-,Entitled-the "Annual Appropriation" Ordinance" providing- - for- the 'appr6 Pr-i6t`ibh­-bhd'_ ekpehditu±.6 -of - the- itd6m6 6:ftd' revenues - of' the various. department-s---of--the City --of Bdiiut6fit'. Ah.,accordance with the annual budget heretofore 'gdopted-,and-approv6d'. for the current fiscal year 1922, and deblaring an emergency. BE IR CRDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HSA UMONT: q Section_ 1". That there shall be, an& is hereby appropriated', out of the revenues derived by taxation and from the income .accruing to the various departments of the government of the City of Beaumont, the following sums for each department or item for which an appropriation is required: For the Department of Iaw, W101 70600 For the Department -of Public Services,----•--•- 200,$456_140 • For the"- -58l; 677 j 00 For the D­epartme'nt of I?iibli6-*$a'f''e-'t--.y-A"'-. .­17 77-7777 163.0e34JS For the Department 'of V!n'a­n*_6e�'­_'_____ 10t*640;00 For the General 20"885.00 For the -City of Beatmiont Public Free ---- --- -------- .00 Schools,---258,oOO For the' purpose- of _pa_y1n'g'tb_e accruing- - interest; and- to -provide -a -sinking- -fund for' -the -payment of- the- entire- b6nd6d indebtedness.' of --th6 City of Bdaumbht f6i, all purposes, -includih-g the iht6iib,§t­9nd sinking'-fthd, oh and for--the--Refunding" Bonds'-issued (5f,--the--R6fuhdinft_,­ Boinds-ibsued by-th6_Citj C6fmfission of - virtue of an - the --City -of- _Sbaum6ht'A-y . b 'ir ue ordi3�ahce'passed .. on - the 3rd .1 day .. of 180 4125.00 For -the -purpose of paying Por- and -taking up Fire Department-Bills-Payab 13,$063.25 For the Purpose of - paying'- for -and- faking - up Wharf -and Dock Bills' Payabl6s__..; ------- 5"$902-.00 F --th y or .e purpose of paying 1- --the 'ac_c_rfiing­---* interest'and --- indt)btedhegs­ dhd't6'protide­ a*sinking fund td*rEitirO-said ''indLm-bt6dh6bi§-- as same fallsdue., incurred 'in th6---purchase of "McFAdd-in-'PArk.-by--6rdinbpoe passed on -,- the- 27th -day of April.'------ 8IS375.00 For'the-purpose of paying -the d6cruing --- intereat"and anal -to -provide -- a sinking fund t6*retire- said­indebt6dfiess­ d s same falls due;. ihotirted-*in--th-6--*piirbyiati)" of Nye Odorless Cr'-em6tor- In_0 .Y ih6r6tor,plan-t,,_ by virtue of ah'oi%dinalice passed 6n_ ­ the -7th da,,7 of September, 1921,_---____--- 1*200000 Section 2 There being no -ordinance in,effect making appropriations for the year 1922,as required by the charter of the City of Beaumont, and it being necessary that expenditures be authorized in accordance with the annual budget., creates an immediate public emergency necessitating the suspension of the rule requiring ordinances to be read on three separate days before passage-, wherefore said rule is hereby suspended and it is enacted that this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and signature of the Mayor. Passed September, 1922'0 L]/ CS� -'Vr 4Z - _/ ''/ a C��