HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 89-CIntltled 4,n ordin,,..ncc defining h ---chs and c�.r��, -, .s, ��rovidin� for the licensing of sa3;7e, recurring bond to be exlecut�d by the operz,torS oI h�"<:ks andccr"°l.ges Lndl -pa:e,-_rib io reguI i nS io- the o-ooratiCn -�'fcreo1, u_non and o1ie1' t'.z'y streci, jig the c i`y of rBeaui�un`G, r8gul, u-ing the r,,'G _S to e ch4.rSe'd' 5�'V the 0`per--; �-or s olr tiUc;h hocks ,nd c. ridges; Drescribing a pe G; Oro,ri:: idg that the inVL.lidity of a p,---rtsh 11 not invilid"-�,e the wljolc of sa.id ordinance; and declaring an . emergency. . - ' 21`_' IT ORDL�II;..7 . BY THE CITY 001:1.1-I SS IOld OF TFiE CI TY OF Section 1. The term. "hacks' is hereby defined -to me -an, cover and e �arace any vehicle for hire for the -purpose of transporting passengers. Moon or over the streets of the City of Beau-mont, Cwhe ti cr operated wholly within sL.id City, or between points outside of Said city and points within said city,) except vehicles operat�d upon rails or tracks.- Sect-ion racks.Section 2. Me term "carr:Da Vie" is hereby de -Lined to Mean, cover „ andembrace any vehicle, motor driven, horse clrzr�n," or otherwise, except vehicles goer, --ted u;aon roils or tr-_ cks, operated for hire for the )?r',iOSE of tr;--nsporting or carryilig goods, wares, 'm baggage, _rcight, etc., u,acn or over the streets of 7Uzc City of Be: umont. Seo tion 3. It shall be un1-•r7ful for any person to drive or o,,crate, or cai)sc to be driven or o.oerc.tea, any hack or c-rriL.gc uYDon or over any StrE t in the City of Beawi,.ont, unlcss there A,,=.5 been obtained for such hc.clk or car��iage, Lana cx-ists in full for,oe, a license, t --S yu'oviacd, and, anless the same is ooerated in ccord nye uith the-.)rovisions Oi scic liC�YIU(. Any y?erson desiring such license Sh. 11 file wi.til the Ci -Uy sscssor and Collector of thc, C i -;y of j�e^.1-.3Gnv a tion' siE�ncby such ,.pp1ic�-.nt, stc, tin g:, s' ry 2; (a) The .neI',,io and ril.ace of residence, sex, ave,, ells,tomar.y calling• o_r, occu-cation of the ap-pl-i_ea..nt a_�d of the - r-'rson. or -,,.)Prsoris who wl1.1 actua.l.1:7' oner^.te such 11-=q.ck or ca.rria� P, ti,e 211—ra Iter ='n.d value of his assets, and v1},at -orY'tlor'i, i -P An -T, of sz?ch assets are exempt from forced sale, thel_i_abi_lities of ;si ch oi)li.o,aYit, and. hm--, if pt all, siich l.ieb ili ties are secure6 e.r_d wh.ether a,_ri,- ctrler -person o, ns any title or interest in the hack or ca,rr.i a: -e, as the case ?ai y be, for which siich license is reoui red., 1a"ling such person or persons, if any. \ (b) If such hack or carriacre be a motor vehicle, the imme, usual trad.e descri-,)tio.n, eeil:__y-)merit, rated horse pozer and f2ctory nlb_iber of such hack or carriage, and as nearly as iicssi_ble the year 1n which said hac'r or carriaCe was manufactured or first i'sed . ( r,) TrF rater seati rrg ca:naci.ty, if szsne is a hack. (d) The, kind c.f written assurance which said "anrlicant desires to f-Lrni.sh to the 0_1 ty-- v7hether persona. bind• or surety company bond. (e) If the aL plica.zit be a cornor•a.tio ), the came ^rid place e"F resi.f e}lce, of the effi (,ers, of siich ccr"ooration, 4rr1o11nt of the ca �a.tal stock, the a��ount thereof -Fully ur, the character anc vril i)e of its assPt;s, its liabilities, a-od whether c;ueh 1 ie.bi_li ties are secured or" not, and if so, hoW th ;y are secured; and such corgi -)Oration shall file with its said aprlication a duly certified co -;ay of its charter and by-laws, and if it be a foreign co mcration, a certified conT7 of i-ts \-oer2-d t to do business in Texas.c The rlssbss9r and. Collector shall p7-esent such api-)li-- cation to the City I;Iana� er, ..rho may E.rant, or, for good cause, refuse the Salle. k 3. Section 4. Before any such license shall be issued the api-)licant shall pay the license fee reatuired by this ordinance, and Jf it bo, a carria�e,as herein defined, for which 'LI*he license is dlefc-I-ed, Vie a7),oIipa_r-t shall- execlite a borrI Tor the -m-m 6-[' 'five ('500,00) dr-)Ilars, ­)ayabJ(-. to the Citi, of Reau:!�mi.t, ­,nith two or more good nr.d suft'j.cie_nt sureties, or a solve nt r i j� s i i r ,2 i C e� e. o m T) a ny .j autl,�orized. to trane!act i0usiness J-11 the Ft�gte of Toxas I nonditLonf-0 that the driver of such earriac--e i,,.Till T -J th— Tully carr,.,, and deliver all q()(,,ds intriisted to hire, at the estab- jAshed rates, ana that he 1pd.1,l corm -)Ty wit -'a all the ordinances of the Cit.1', crid the general 1,aws of this -,tate c-nneerning -nubl.in carriages and hae.17s and otlier vphi-cles, which bond S.",AaTl. be a,�-,�roved b-; the (,',;-t7 -orovided t1hat thp nwner of more than one 9-ach vehi.eln -ma:Five bond, in ar7, amount neeessa2y to cover all his vehicles at said rate; provided, fu.rther, that �-!hen the nu­2bev of vehicles is more than ten and less than ti.-,,erty, said, bord shall be in the Pu -i of Five Thm)sana 5 0 r) 0 . 00.) Dollars, and -'when made' to cover 'U%7e.Ay vehicles or more, said bond shall be in the sim of on Thousand (:`;I_o,000.00) Do-_IILP,rs. The, said bond be su.0. u,)on in the name of the -oparty 7.n4-areOl b*�7 n breach therenf, and it shall not bp,* void i_-Lnon one recovery, but may be sued. or from ti -i -c to time, uIlti-I the whole --Lrqou--nt of the enal try is recovered; and if j. 'I be D hack, as herein f, -,c the lio.eiise is Ciesi-i.ed, then the a-nn,7.1.cfl! shall execute a bond confaitioned that the holder of such license shp.0-1 well --.-nd 'rjjjj7 T -_y -0 the Ci t7 of Beau.-�cmt, for the boj�efit of evpry in.4iired, c -rimer c -C property dp.mayed, other than the licensee cr his ei�-oloye.q 0-oe-rating such hp -C.,!", tIrro-ag)-i the negli-ent operation of such bact?'7, by the licensee r his 1- 0 770. (n., , or well nnd triil.,� nazi 6j_-rect-1.7T to pr" 40 (�.11C.i b1i C' f'rc,T -on,�Son, or �,,rsoi7s in -urecl In oerso'1 or i,ronerty, ally �inotlX]t nr � �11ntS �-f mc,nptr Haat nl.-,:.' be �.ti�-C�.eG. by 6_,: me rt c,_f' I- n - co'.7.-(`t r, f (',or^_nete,1^it luri sr] l (',t"i_o_Y1 :ai r pt ?l7 r} J v l i censee on acro-Lmt of PnV in 11)rv; not exceeding for 'hoc�il.y in iury to any pile rerscn 't' -.e 'Sum of F .ve, Thousand Dcl-'.ars3 or the ,sni-: of inn Thousand Dollars for persons inured �n any one accident or occasion, and not e---Geeding the slam of one i'ho .,_ r }�d r-,Tl.a'rs for direct Vinci mmaterialc,-a. mges to us ., a__ re,sul_tin.�- from any one accident or occasion. The 6 bor_d or policy shall' Prov; d.e that each such cause of action s>1a.11. m)r*rive in case cf death of the :i.n jttr.ed rers-�n, for the bene f�_t of the hoixs and l.ep•a.l r.erreserta.tives of such ,person, and that suG}' bund or opl.i G`` q�all be si,,b e ct to c ucceso,ive re Cove-!'7_C'S did r� 11p t'.re tune `h•a t, St1G}, 11C)nCl Oi" nnl.icyf -shall Kiit-inu.e. i.!'1 e.ffect. Sccl;ion � T=ie Assessor a! d Cells ctor shall heerp a. reco.rO '.n 1.irh1-ci, _he Shall eater the nai�ies of all n,"ner ' of ha:c":s or carriages and the ni nber a^nd date of each license, a.nd shall furnish the m ner thereof a number fo.-r. the vehicle li-ccr seen.. (b) It shall be unl mi ful for any hack or car.ria;e to be o,peratleft upon any street in the City of Beaumont lidless such. ,, ehi_cle hat. co.ns.,oi.cuou.slyr fixed the -,eon the l.i.cense n;iraber Herein nrovidad for. (c) Hae -'^.s Operated betweon roi.nts in the City of ?�eauraen ly t anc7 ,perp is rn�tsi dP o f ,sa; d cit =, and whose chief 'hu.sitiess 1s thr} ca.r-2'1n 10; c) --P ')r sserl.?'ers be+�ee?l Slt( pin?.ntS 2h.al_l have. on t to froP.t --nd of Such 1 \ vehicle; , in lette�,,s not less than fr;urincres in height,, a sian briefly but clearly c?efining the reL:te and the c arre for transporting pa se—ngers betvrcen the Citi of Beaumont and bac nts of S i_ d c i t,v . I' :.' h ,' 11 be 17 t.": �- Fi ;T "�11,. f ,, a n,T, ,al':L"ve i non the Streets' of ti 1.S Cites; any Kaci: operat-frig bett'ieccn pG7.nts within the Citi Of e,,uir^cnt ai'id pouts outside of s2n.0 ci 'y, unless thal'o 1,; cola -0-JeuOusly fixe6 on tile, front, o' S'i^r, hacl,r asi`'n as herein .required. Section 6. (^•) l_�1C? 0'."T`7er of ev?i'ZT .'n:� .i'�t iP fl `_ C C� ?�ew'ei r] Shall to the City .. ssesSor arc. ccli_^ctc r ()-F t)�p Cit;- � Rq a1,r1t cr 1-1cen s -Fen Of ^.i*,_`']er of ever' Shall, r,, -i to the Ci ty- ESessor. and Collector of the Cite of Beaiamoni; an annumi \,license fee r f one ( ;,1.00) Secti.cn ��.a. lice.nse Guo- above ��)rnP1C4Ed -for S:n�711. ritn from jj t'ne first dc�y of J�r_i_i,,r.�r to t.'ne .3lst. clay of Decc—nbe:K, of ee.e'r_ I v ,Seetion 3. In case Of save of ��,ny licensed vehicle hereunder, the 17.conse :a, be tra,nsf_er�'e,0 to the purchaser by the liCensec ?:181.'_]12 ' an t -o -o .ichtion therefor to tho -�sr anal Collector and 911c' rlL,'Che, se:C Canry)l,.-i.nz: with tl,,.e provisions I of this ordinance as i.;i cgse 0_f_ an. oric'i.r-,,a C�•tiG_,, / the -,'] igen t Cf.0a!l Sr :SCP ?l_re?d�J T ,ai.O by 1;rP { r'nrlSee, 6. Section 9. every vehic to named in -this chap tics Shall have plainly indica'.-ted on .-bhe glass of its 14Li ps the number of its li:,•ense, and the fib��res of such nur_ibers shall not be less than one .and one-h_-lf and not Tlore than two inches in \ height. \ Section 10. It shall be unlawful to operf-te any hack or carril-ge which is in an uns`.fe or unsanitlry condition upon or over any street in the City o f BeauLlont. Section 11. The oz, ner or driver of any hac::r_ shall be at 'Liberty to refuse to carry an invalid, even upon tender of his legal fare, rho se ap_Dewr-nce shall justify hi -m in believing the disease or siclness from which such invalid is suffering to be infectious or contagious, and should such owner or driver, at any ti ie, Have any reason to believe that he l -f -'s inad- vortcntly driven a -person suffering froga such disoase or sickness he shall forthwith re-ocrt the fact to the Health Officer, with a view of ha ging his vehicle disinfected; and at the sa---ac time shall make kno;;'n -Le address to ,711ich he drove such i.nvL--lid. Section 12. The driver of any c.:rri .ge cr hack when unef:Toloyed., shall, on deriand, go to any place in the inhabited -part of the city, L,nd t_icre lor:..d. his vehicle, and shall not rei'usc 'to c`:rry such load to any other glace in the city to which he may bL reouired to go, u-pon his legal fare being teno_ercd hi -in. Section 1-0. 4 full load for a carriage s1a-11 not el-ceed twelve that hundred pounds in woight; provideaZthe above sh,,:-11 not �._�,�1y to household furni-Lure, pianos or i • rf0 Section 1�s. The prices or rates to be charged by the owners, lessees, drivers. or operators of drays, wagons, trucks and other vehicles covered hereby,. carrying. or baggage far hire, within the limits of the, City of Beaumont, shall not exceed those in the following schedule, viz: For a load c onve ed t any .place v,ithin one iuile, e 'teats; for a load nvcyed to any .place exceeding one mile, -,a4-- of cents per h -mile andel^` cents�C�_ z miles - 1-4v 6.v •tie. �•.c+ f, 'For a load of house-urnitu-re on t-ro-horse true or wagon, within two miles, as ee__.ent. For one piano or "orgy wit; in two miles, as ,per agree:n nt. " -For one trunk vi thin cite mile, �� e cents; `5�n -n r� n man rl n n r h l F4 1^ r A mile as- her- in used " i � defined o be s ix-tecn squares by the most direct route.- .' The driver• shall load and unload all f_ , etc., hC.uled,• and shall -.load -and unlo&' �a;� trunks, and place them. where desired in the house " or buil;_-_ing where delivery is made. Section 15. Any owner, lessee,driver or proprietor of any of the 'vehicles named, licensed as -required herein, who shall refuse to carry within the said city, the baggagc, goods, or mercly.ndise for any p'crson-when. a-0plied to for that, ose;`", o having, under- taken to convey such baggage, goods or merchan'di'se, or- othO:-_ thing shall' omit or neglect to do so, or shall state to, ask, take or extort, rom any person desiring to have, or having had, conveyed to any 1:)1ace in said city such baggage, goods or merchandise, or other thing, as the price or nate of fare for such 'convcyance, any greater price or rate of fare than that herein established-, shall. be deemed guilty of an offense hereunder: Srcti on 16. 71,cct e'Very MTmer, l.esse_.e, driver or rme.--^ator of __n—,T of the vehicles before n,—pr', s},9i l_ be entitled to be -m id the ler-al rate of c omnensat, or provided in t.i.s o.rM n.ance, irnm.^di.atel.v anon cartiY1Tr or trans orta.tion of any article or th.inm; e-nd it n,ay he for a��77 such owner, lessee, '.river or orer^t•or of art 77 c,uch vehicle to reta.ry_n any €irticl.e or thine so carries or trans±�or.tec by hii-I, zor which he is not so 1 airy. the legal T) -rice or rate, anti 1, maid . 11. di. �mu.tes or cli sn.mreements ass to the di. stance or rates of cor rensati on between oti:Tners, drivers, lessees cr opera.tors of slzch vehicles a.n.o. -er ions eIIy�1.o Ti.n then,-,, sha.l.l be determined b -- the Chief of :Police, or the -person at the ?police Station in charge thereof in the absence of the Chief o.f. Police, and i;� the ev.ent' that -�;,e decisionn is against the Terson employing such vehicle, he shall pay the rates or prices Lor Ypau.lin- same to destination, and if in his :Favor the article or things shall be hauled to destination withoilt other char>F'e than the charge decided by the Chief of -°o ].ice to be the nro ne r ch a.r,!:r e fc.)r the original hau-lin. , as 1�rovided for herein, ��ection l7; The c:ra rge for the ses'vi_ce of haclvs wi.thi.n the City of Beau.Inont, for t.ransro.rti nF� passengers, shall not e__cPen. those stated. irl tr-e TolloTi nr=' sc'ned,I.le, vi.; . Provided that for children, not exceeding-, tirro .in number, under five years of a`e, accommanied by an adult, no charge shall be made. Day r<<tes (betvieen 5: no ..`.� Ids and 12 I', iclni.2�rt) bIT the trim- on.e r_.il_e ox' less, one -oassenger, 5' cents; Pach additional nassenp•Pr in the same -part -q to the same des-- 35 cents; each additional mile or less, one rjassen ;e r, 05 cents; each additional passer ger in. the same nasty to the same destination, 15 cents. Night rates, (between 12:00 lAidn-ight and 5:00 A. Li. -bv. the. trip- one mile or Jess, one passenger, 75 cents; each additional passenger in the. carie party to the same destinatI on, 50 cents; each additional rale or less, one passenger, 35 cents; each additional- pas-sngetn.-the same party to the same destination, 25 cents. By the dour.- First hour, one.- or more passengers, . y -�., _. _ _-_ ti r� . 1�1 . cul ^ 1.11 g' L l t _ . 4��3 00 When -vehicles are not engaged by the hour, trip rates shall be charged. When: charges for a trip or triT)s exceed rates per hour, .charges shat l be laid by the hour. Th 'ver of a publ•,, vehicle who May be xe ti to trave"- y the most dir, t ro e or m e, to make rest onse to s lnay make alp a di tional c ge of 2 tnere.fo r. i L - � -^ n Y1 '� P fi •i'1'fT `1'i n— '�— �. s 7 � r ri. The driver of such vehicle shall_ be entitled to make a -charge of* nat exceeding 50 cents for each trunk,; ancJ each pa-ssengdr :shall be entitled to }.lave- conve-red, without charge, s-L�K r valise or other small 1:)acka`fes as may be carried by hand. The' driver shall load and lualoadAP "_;"�Ltf F&9e, and check same, if requested to do so.,. without additional charge. A mile, as herein used,. is defined to be sixteen scuares'by the most direct route'. Section IS'. af- Every hack shall have' permanently/fixed to the in- terior thereof, in a -conspicuous place, a receptacle that shall contain at .all times a card so situated that i t can be read by the passengers 4Vi thout being rethoved, upon which shall. 10. be or ntcd in plain type, not leas than ten-aoint size, the preceding, section entitled "Charges for Sc-rvice"; and nt - ber of driver's license, and the n` -me of the o-vmer of vehicle, c nd the nme o1 the driver; and no other c` -rd, papers or thing whatcvur, shall bc: cc.r-ried in such re,-�cptaQ°le. Said cards shall be -ore, .rod and furnished by tho City Clerk on wT�yolic�.tion, without cost to The owner of any licensed vehicle, cl.nd it sh:..11 be unla,'lul, both in the o,,mer of s= -id_ vehicle L'.nd the driver thereof, .Lo o-;oer...te said vehicle :..i thout said c:...r d is visible; nd it ch�:,11 be a scparate offense to so oocrate SL:-icl ha -k fo-r cc: ch clay or -.r t of a (lL.y said is so o:)cratc:d, and it shell be u scparate oLfense, both in the oviner of the so.id vehicle and in the dr Ivor Cher cof . Sec tion 19. Any person wflo shall, c,l cre -(dIQ schedule o1 ch-- ge is osted in the vehicle, as required by this article , re- fuc,e to ;pay the lc"c-1 fare, T2s prescribecl under the, provisions of this ordinancc, -%-i ere there ham:; been no gree, ent for a les:1 anount, :for a vehicle that he has hired, sh, 11, uoon conviction thereof, be deer:jod guilty of an offense hereunder; provided that the -payment, of 'tee fare has been demanded, --.nd the = ttcution of the -,�asscnger called to the :)osteo suh,�.dule of ch .rgcs. Section 20. If any otivi7c:r, driver, les;;r.,c or operator of any hack s1 -L--.11 rof-asc to convey -t the rwte hcr cin -orovided, or shall de?nL�nd. or roceive an in exce. s of -die la4'�iv1 l as rovidec, ullocr t11- �r0visi ns of tris ordinance, he shall be deemed guilty of c.n of_�ensc, hereunder. ifction 21.. T' act,', owner, lessee, driver or operator off' a,n�f rit the vend cle a named herein shall. agree, before beinm e_ iooar--^d, to acce?Dt less than the -e� n.l fora, he sr2f'!I riot a tervrards deman6- more thar . the ren nunt n.greecl a pan. 0eeti on 22. It shall- be u1:l.avvful for any pe -con or pe1'sons, ij1 sel.iciti for ?assengers or .ba ,_'ale for an;� ho tel or other n?, reouesting any -)eraon or persons ,to become oasscng;ers, or for the c2_''ria. e of any i,' Of nn an`% e- -lBele to hire, for nIt,o an hotel., ra!1.1.ro•-,cl c e_no t or o ther )I--ce 1; ii:lain or i.','1 -hout said city;, to use any to-aC., boisterol?S or vnciferou-s' 1-anr'rapre, or to sneak loadl y, boisterously or vociferously, or to er_�•ag e in any hagf;lin.g or hecklirr�7'of an -,v person or •rer .ons f'or such purpose, or to seine arab hold of any baggage or other thing held or c!irrieu by any person or Tiersons so solicited, unless called to or requested so to do by such person or pee. ,ons cerryin ,,icl bag` -age or tither taing, or to do or say any other thing in sli.ch way or manner to embar;: a,ss or annoy, or ca.lcu].a, t eO. to emb.-crass or annoy any such person or -persons; and it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to solicit for -passion. ers or baerra�•e :or a,ny hotel or other .;17ace, or tc solic:_t or call to or rerruest -1-1,77 per: on or ner sons "to become. passe.ngr;r's; or for the ( carriage of any, baC,, .ge in or an?1-d-ole Tor hire or to Piiy hotel-,. .railroad clenot or r '�!-t ce IFV I ! n.] n Cr it ! U"ho ut U c i t,1 , within n any 1�as en- er Clerot or u-r)on Pn'y "t" E'S perif?L r Aeootu i)1_n.t-form, Fironn(le or _e,1 r of -Ir 77 ^ni 1Caaf1 G�,1:l�l�,n,j''L�?'lf ^i1Ci1 »ercall 7 i o ­pn p Inn, o -r �.)`c�,�''f-c �''E5. - c4 'L"`-� r, ;; 7c l_ �3'rll`).1! and l.ii >'3;. lai his "For Uj r o" s i n to tho3 ';)iLKis v:l.ow` , rl *1 V w�C3i''t;:l. Vii}".i rseJa it f:71`:ull bo nlnrlulr :.i= x. >rnj person or porwono to E IPM'k O.Y.' cf-111 out in n .t.E'UA :i': "Pock" NwriaC Q%" zu, AM"Aw'i "Basis it;2<3gCTa o" , "Automobile", " ervi co {;n rir o Or "Hot" " ti' 6 A aI.y pasoenger Ctt3pat groundw or upon any p a.wail i � er depot platform, gX'$1!!_('t %,x ),??;'f3f1Uns of PQ :l':i.ilrovo 6'_0,_t17an' or ll..'tl.C1 ::.CN ;'lLfE?4'!alk a a• .t. •'� off, street -in �::'ont o nu;;?�.ti;��';Ii}=;ox Lt�%ot t3:f. nny railroud Gi?7ii;`%".i,',, in U0 City ; .t' .i ie;tamint. �^�t', shell A urtInw ul for uny Mc:h on cn?'1• nge, hf_a v(. inaJ. ltcr :.tiTi iced, to occupy u R y Moot ox, p i' itl oi, of _-_n1, :s Lrac F) in 'mho Cit; of .l-ieaunoY7tt duzing tin Xy Dr nipt, whont a• •I'i y� en `bed u;.on t?:t'<i'.?ndn ;i.?'; tho l-'I..nn of its -Irrwa, or to ;,;top, iii ter opyinior of such NO or upon p r y S ,t; r e n t 0Y portion ha eoudlder; :t1' C zo o *-C in :; ; . i c i C'3.. 'Y• ` 't'T� 6 i. �.� o l iCi'i:in r .r"; 'ging for of r .aeivi , b"t_i& Y"L'?': 2; Or 01 M ;:tet,?'' --r, 000 of 001101ing, tv:a} ti:t11, Ar or wE3l v i'•t. 37;'r:..:c` .,, "Ick Xtt3t MUM Y ed7r;k>:=eo a or.`. nn ewrnnd ;1._t`? the .i � n 7-.n t . Winess, w MbrOOMMI t i.re t'.once,d.and, blit. Lh! o '4,', I`7 e r a-' opyinior of such NO or oarringe 6hril t {'. C. '4. mod of burinann E?1t..i,,.'1lf..Y.E. tr}7%tt upon -t;3: pt2blic s'{;2'C)v`G;; or ,.31_siC; ,f:y ° ,rim 1A.z3J ro', i ` ti r , ;, a� 1i: LO Ci}.,oY'Y.i, � '=.i3.C•Cr }J._.r�.}:, C'2' t3q' 1ir+.po; ?ai'ov:ittod, f""ther, that any O 1100- sud hook or carriage k.: may`. oto p along U l? t.�..i" 7 o r ii o !7 o _i' i i i 11i i i� r: o '�. oavenue "-' �: t }, i. _ _ v �' ra.d .;.t,e3.-1t to anywilway depot KIM lidis oi vi, ! at the 3,] _: C11. the stl.•.tival or df':??£:.i"':,tl±_ . of pvod C3it, C3.' trains, for tho s}U3°•°`O`• O of UI'; E on. 0V dISCt)6;.i'906 ;:n'..t::E;::; ors or b a:.;'taaga, but no . uh back o1" C`...;i3-T.'.1 c o iai:-`il..L stop faz ouch t;=•,usa, or any other t?ur ;t; _.,, ._ V on; i.,i'.ti! •.t l: ,•:r e for .t.iT_'t, i.. POW06 t,.'1:'11 L. a3 Tel.tn"Lwa and no ':such Ac5.kti, ax C:b;-i'I'.1.:1ju shall .:tcy o ?AA M A W ''1,.on tent o± Zi.Cky o'trb;w Mewed len ek or E.= ._. _ ?_'Xge ::at ^li,`t 5ueh 3'_ i Way depot, and 1;1i.Ch ,an A& ARCO, MOW 1h i..11 SUCh 1100=ed MRS 02 0.::_:."Y1, G t i.re t'.once,d.and, S""11 :Iv le .+.. t MCC p_' d 010ax for the 00 il•i. he goIiLjr- !i,l pabl is o tt'11a r Wn ,`-.;uch l3': con nod 11 Cih i.Cja o ha eoudlder; provided, howaver, any ouch hack or aurzi,e may utop nt nny place pOrma:n,:! bin Undo.t 0X -, if Ln traffic Q..'d inrnaeu C:.nd Y'oguin iono, um long 2n YI IneY '[� bqG1 G7 `•t. X'sF?c°Cjsiw,'`9ry for tho ??Litpole og o•_MM; br dl c u1g ng i3.`•iusen4;E' 2, Might or b art'rttlt= o , but no lC]►' g r ; 'ind :n."oW G s , .'i,'t;:rtha r , tl"cn V t"t:}, i''.,' Section shQII not be c;onst;ru d aS ;'aravoI?t'tn„ vnah vahicleu from utoptling. ".warn req inad to tip so by nny "'1{.;C:itI.P,nt or conditions which ren y rend a4i t ima' a o3 bla for much vehicle h ,fro aced ., - L Section 25. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of an offense and upon conviction thereof ,shall be .fined in., any. slim -not to :-ex- ceed one hundred dollars for each and every offense, and in addition thereto the Judge of the Corporation Court may revoke or suspend the license held by such person, if such license be obtained under the provisions of this ordinance.., Section 26. l " That if any part of this ordinance is, or should be held to be invalid for any reason',' then that fact shall ka not invalidate the entire ordinance, but the balance thereof shall remain in full force and effect. This ordinance shall take effect from and after the- " r date of its passage. 3 -P -c 7 This ordinance was this day passed by the affirmative vote of all members. of the Commission. ATTEST: CITY CLERK.- �J �