HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 66-AFILED TE�S LAY J G. 5U TSN,. MY SECRETARY.' SS's; '' ' ' Al�' 0RD­I19A.BC E ' Entitled an 'ordinance authorizing the 'issuance, ,of. bonds. for the purpose of acquiring, and„ improving lands - for public, parks, either" within the limits, of the City of BeaumoYit or without the. . limits of the City of Beaumont, and- providing -.for the levyi4g _ and. collecting of a tax to pay the interest and create. a. sinking ., fund, for. the redempti on of said. bonds. ; Whereas, at an, election Yield for the purpose on the20th ; - day of Dee mbe,r, A.D., 1911; a majority ,of 'the."qualifie:d voters; wro .are property- tag payers of. the City .,of Beaumont•, Texas, voting at said election,' sustained ,the' proposition t.o iasue th'e bonds hereinafter described,, by'..a vote.-Of � .°for the. issuance of said bonds to a vote of '/o against the issuance of s'a,id bonds,, . There-.'-. . fore,' : . BE. IT. ]ORDATrJED BY 'THE CITY COUNCIL OF T�;'CITY' OF BEAUMONT o Section to That there shall be �is,sued by.L.the: City', o,f.Beaumont,. Texas the bonds of said arty to . be e'alied 'City 'of Beaumont RArk Bonds", for the .purpose of borrowing'money upon -the credit. of this. city,, such money' to.' be.' psed `in acq-i.iring and -improving lands :for public parks, within the limits: -of the City of Beaumont,. :either. or without' the limits of the City . of Beaumont. - �5 Section' 2. 1 Said bond,s.,shall be numbered from one'.to sixty inclusiveV., .. � -and .shall .be of the denomination :of. One. Thousand ('�1,000.00j } 111 < V Dollars, each, � aggregating the, sum of, Sixty : Thousand 460, 000.'00) Dollars, and sha1.1 be payable in lawful money ,of the Unit ed States of America. Section .3. Said bondsshall: be dated the first day of 1912,,. and shalh become dub and payable' . forty years frog ::t.,heir. date, but the right is hereby -reserved...,by the City of Beaumont to redeem said. bonds or ,any': number thereof at any time after twenty years :from their date:` ,A' Section 4. Said shall bear interest from their-date. at the rate 'of five, per cent' (5�):,-per annuYn, interest payable. semi- annually on the first day of and .:.the first, -day,. of . of . each year, according to the tenor o� hQ,�in:,,, ter.est coupons thereto 'attached* ORD, �4A Section 5. Principal and interest on said bonds shall be payable on..pr.esentation and, surrender of -bonds or proper coupon at the office of Che City Treasurer of the City of Beaumont -or at the Chase National Bank . of New York City, N.Y.; at the option of the holder. .Section 6. Said bonds, shall be signed by the Mayor, .c.ounter-signed by .the City 6ecsretary and registered, by .the City Treasurer, and Oe' ' seal of. the City; shall be impressed -upon. each, one of them. Section 7. The; fac-simile signature of the ' Mayor_ and City Secretary shall be lithographed on the coupons. Section .8. It is. further ordained by the City Council 'that to pay the interest ' said bonds and create 'a sinking mound sufficient to .discharge them atmaturity -a tax of two cents, eight and eight tenths mills ( .0288) on each :one hundred dollars valuation , of.. al 1' taxable .propeerty in'`said City' of Beaumont shall. be annually levied on said, property and .s-hal1 be', annually assessed and collected until such bonds and interest are paid, and''said tax .of t.ft': cents, eight and .eight tenths mills,,'( .0288) on the one hundred dollars, out of a tax of fifty -tiro, (.42) cents' on'each one hundred dollars property valuation.l-ovied to..create the interest and sink- ing fund t.o pay the out. sta,nding.-bonded indebtedness . of this city by this- c oune il' on the 2nd 'day of May, A.D• , 19111 ( the ordinance making said levy being 'of record on; page 120; Book 3.,..I of the Minutes of this council) is hereby appropriated and set aside to pay the interest and create mthe necessary sinking fund for the current year, and sluil-, be assessed and collected and so applied, andsaid tax, or so 'much thereof as may, be necessary is hereby levied for'e&6h year hereafter while' said bonds, or any number thereof, are .out.standing,. and' the same shall be annually assessed and: -collected and' applied to the purposes named. Section 9:, It is further ordained that the Mayor be authoria ed and he is hereby directed to have prepared sixty bonds of the, city of, Beaumont of the. denomination. .of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars each, as above described;' and that the Mayor b e 'a:uthori'zea to take and have charge "of said b'ond.s pending their investigation by the'.Attor- hey General of the Stat•eo -.F- Texas, and upon their approval and re-. gistration, he shall proceed to sell same 'at not .less than their face value at public or, private: sale , and the proceeds of such sale shall be deposited: with the CityTreasurer, of the City- of.. . Beaumont', and it is hereby made'the duty of the Mayor to provide ..tha t said.bonds shall be, delivered to .the purchaser in.the City of Beaumont , and payment for sane shall also be .mar_ de in the City. of Beaumont. ; Passed on this the day of /t l cud A. D.� .Approved by the Mayor on this the `J/ da � A.D., 1912, Attest Maffat Git y Secretary. No Text Beaumont A Texas, Jan. 2, 191?. To the Icon. Mayor and City Council, Beaiunont ,. Texas. Gentlemen: - '47e, your Board of Public 'N6rks-, to whom was refe-rred the attached ordinance enteit.tPd an ordinance authorizing the issuance of bonds to bF known as Park Bondy, beg to report that -we hove carefully e amin6d same, and recommend that -it be adopted ana -e-sled. Resr:e ctfu11y submitted, d B01-1 b c works. f\ A N O R D I N A N C E Entitled an ordinance amending an" ordinance entitled an ordinance regulating dairy farms and- _- _ dair.ies and the -sale and. -distribution of cream within the City of Beaumont, passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor on the. 3rd day of October, A.D., 1911. BE IT ORDAINED BY"THE CITY COUNCIL -OF THE ,'CITY OF BEAUMONT: Section l.-. - That section -13' of an - .ordinance -en titled an ordinance regulating dairy farms and' dairies and the sale and distribution of cream t,,ri thin the Ci-ty of Beaumont, passed by the City Council of t1 -,e City of Beaumont and approved by the Mayor on the 3rd -day of October, A. D-. , 1911 be amended so as to hereafter read as follows; " "Section 13. Crew shall contain -not less than eighteen (18) per cent .of butter fat." Section -2. .All ordinances- arid, parts of ordinances in con- flict -with this -ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3. .� Owing to -the low -standard for cream heretofore, adopt ed by ,the City of Beaumont creates. an emergency for the passage of this ordinance, and the rule requiring ordinances to be= -read at, three regular meetings be and -the same are hereby suspended and this ordinance shall be in force and effect from and. after its passage and lawful publications i pa.:sed, this. the of A. Do 1912*. Attest -- �Tl�✓ --- C - Secretary. No Text CE,IMFICAT31 OF PUBLICATION. TI STAT.r _F TJ RIAS, COUNTY OF JEFFHRSON Business 1'ianager of the Journal Publishing Corapany, publishers of a daily newspaper in the city of Beaumont, Texas, do hereby certify that the attach- ed Ordinance regulation dailr-;r farms and dairies , vias published one time, on to -wit the 23rd day of March, A.D., 1912. JOUR PER _\Sworn- to and subscribed( before rae, this the ` lam of A.D. , 1912. NOTARY I)TJ7,LIB, J7+,FP RSON CO., 'XAS. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. THE STATE OF TEXAS, ) C OUPT'Y , OF I,�y9P�e) Businessanaer of the Journal Publishing Cor�Pf,ny, publish ins—of a daily news -paper in the city of Beaumont, Texas, do hereby certify that the attached. Ordinance reducing the width of the roa.divay on Broadway street from Pearl Street to First Street, was published. one time, on to - with the 23rd day of March, A.D., 1912. J� ING C011TANY, w n to 'anti subscribed before me, thi.5 the (lay A.D. 1912. -NOTARY PUBLIC JhFI+F�T?S01d 0., EXAAS.