HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 144 FFI ORDINANCE NO. '- ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 63-37, PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON THE 2ND DAY OF JULY, 1963, CODIFIED AS SECTIONS 12-19 AND 12-20 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS, BY INCREAS- ING THE CLASSIFIED POSITIONS IN THE POLICE DEPART- MENT AND FIRE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS: Section 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 63-37, passed by the City Council on the 2nd day of July, 1963, which has been codified as Section 12-19 of the Code of Ordinances of Beaumont, Texas, be, and the same is hereby, amended so that the'said Section 1 shall read as follows : "All positions in the Police Department of The City of Beaumont, Texas, are hereby classified into the following grades, each grade having duties of sub- stantially similar authority, importance, and'respon- sibility: (1) Grade I. There shall be ninety-three (93) posi- tions in Grade I, said positions to include Patrolmen and Technicians in Identification Bureau. The base pay of all officers in this grade shall be Four Hundred Five Dollars and Sixteen Cents ($405.16) per month. (2) Grade II. There shall be thirty-five (35) positions in Grade II, said positions to in- clude Sergeants, Detectives, Dispatchers, and Assistant Superintendent of Identification Bureau. The base pay of all officers in this Grade shall be Four Hundred Fifty Dollars and Sixty-six Cents ($450.66) per month. (3) Grade III. There shall be three (3) positions in Grade III, said positions to include Lieu- tenant, Juvenile Officer, and Superintendent of Identification Bureau. The base pay of all of- fi.cers,in this grade shall be Four Hundred Eighty- seven Dollars and Fifty Cents ($487.50) per month. (4) Grade IV. There shall be five (5) positions in Grade IV, said positions to include Captains. The base pay of all officers in this grade shall be Five Hundred Thirty-five Dollars and Sixteen Cents ($535.16) per month. (5) Grade V. There shall be two (2) positions in Grade V, said positions to include Inspectors. The base pay of all officers in this grade shall be Six Hundred Thirty-nine Dollars and Sixteen Cents ($639.16) per month. I'd V 0 (6) Grade VI. There shall be one (1) position in Grade VI, said position being Assistant Chief of Police. The base pay_ of the officer in this grade shall be Seven Hundred Thirty-six Dollars and Sixty-six Cents ($736.66) per month." Section. 2. That Section 2,.�of Ordinance No. 63-37, which has been codi- fied as Section 12-20 of the Code of .Ordinances of Beaumont, Texas, be, and the same is hereby, amended so that the said Section 2 shall read as follows: 1TAll positions in the Fire Department of The City of Beaumont, Texas, are hereby classified into the fol- lowing grades, each grade having duties of substan- tially similar authority, importance and responsibility: (1) Grade I. There shall be seventy-eight (78) posi- tions in Grade I, said positions to include Pipe - men and I.addermen . The base pay of all firemen-:.. in this grade shall be Four Hundred Five Dollars and Sixteen Cents ($405.16) per month. (2) Grade II. There shall be fifty-two (52) poli -- tions in Grade II, said positions to include Drivers and Assistant to Fire Marshal. The base pay of all firemen in this grade shall be Four Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($425.00) per month. (3) Grade III. There shall be thirty-four (34) posi- tions in Grade III, said positions to include Captains, Fire Marshal, Dispatchers, and Mechanics. The base pay of all firemen in this grade shall be Your Hundred Fifty Dollars ($450.00) per month. (4) Grade IV. There shall be seven (7) positions in Grade IV, said positions to include Battalion Chiefs and Chief Fire Alarm Dispatcher. The base pay of all firemen in this grade shall be Four Hundred Seventy-five Dollars ($475.00) per month. (5) Grade V. There shall be three (3) positions in Grade V, said positions to include District Chiefs. The base pay of all firemen in this grade shall be Five Hundred Tw6nty-three Dollars ($523.00) per month. (6) Grade VI. There shall be one (1) position in Grade VI, said position being Drillmaster. The base pay of the fireman in this grade shall be Six Hundred Eleven ($611.00) Dollars per month. (7) Grade VII. There shall be one (1) position in Grade VII, said position being Assistant Chief. The base pay of the fireman in this grade shall be Six Hundred Seventy-one Dollars and Sixty-six Cents ($671.66) per month." �f`'. � r^ ��'"r ¢ o . � Section 3. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be sever- able, and if any section, clause, phrase, word, or sentence of this ordinance shall for any reason be held invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining sec- - tion, clause, phrase, word, or sentence of this ordinance, but they shall remain in effect, it being the legislative intent that this ordinance shall stand notwithstanding invalidity of any part. PASSED by the City. Council this qday of A. D. 1964. No Text GA (6)' Grade,Vl_. There shall be one (1) position in Grade VT, said 'position being Assistant chief of Police.'' The base pay of.the.officer-in this grade shall.' beThirty.,-sixSeven Hundred Dollars . and Sixty-six Cents ($736'.66) per .znonf;h. 81 Section u. That Section 2';: -of Ordinance No. 63-37., which has been codi- fied as Section, 12-2G of the Code of Ordinances .of Beaumont, Teras, be, and the same is hereby, amended, so. that the . said .Section. 2 shall read as follows: "All positions in the Fire, Department of The City. of Beaumont, Texas; are `h'ereby classified into the fol- low:Lng 'grades,. each. grade, having .duties of 'substan- .tially similar authority, importance and responsibility.-.' (1) Cr'a�de 11. M' re, shall be seventy-eight (78) Posi- 'tions in Grade 1, said positions -to include Pipe - men and Laddermen. '. The base: -pray of all. firemen-.: in this grade -shall -be Four Hundred'Five Dollars . and Sixteen...Cents. ( °x405.16) ' per month. (2) Grade II., There shall be, fifty-two.(52) posI tions in Grade II, said positions to include Drivers and Assistant to Fire.Marshal. The'base pay of all firemen in this grade shall be Four Hundred Twer�ty�five Dollars.($425.00) per month. (3) Grade'Ill. 'There'shall be thirty-four (34).posi-. tions :in Grade III,•said positions to include. Captains, Fire Marshal, Dispatchers;. and Mechanics. The base pray of all firemen in this ,rade shall be Four Hundred Fifty Dollars '($450.00) per .month. (4) Grade IV. ". " There shall be seven M., positions in Gracie IV, said positions to include F3attalion, Chiefs and, Chief Fire. Alarm. Dispatcher. The base,pay of all. fir. emen,'in .this U1 acts shall tie Four hundred ". Se venty-five ' Dollars ($475 : per" mbnth'. Grade, V'... There .shall be -three ( 3) 'posittion in Grasse . V, :.said . pos-itions .to include -District Chiefs. The base pay of all'" firemen in this grade ,shall be Fl_,ve I- Widred ' T`J6nty- three 'Dollar's .($ 523 . Gu) ..per montiz . Grade VI . There shall be ''one (1')- �.posi.'tion in Grade _ Vl y said :pasitior_ 'being --Drillmaster .. 'Thebase payy Of, the fireman. iir'' thl s,grade shall` be -'Six .Hundred .. Eleven . ( $611.00) Dolla'a s per montr . -(7) Orade -Vll .° There ,shall be :. (1) position in Grade V1:3, 'spacl pos=tlori dieing'Assistant. Chief -The base pay of , the fireman in this grade, shall be " Six-Hundred.:Seventy-one Dollars and Sixty-six . Cents ($671_66) -,per month.tt No Text ENTITLED'AN MDINANCL AU TH Oftl ZING' A14D DIRECTINIG 7NMI ISSUAl'ME. OF A T3211E OF THE, CITY 01" BLAIT1,10,17TI 1EXASi UNDER THE PROI,"ISIONS OF ME ."BOND AND WA11RAIDTiT LAW OF 19-31", MING !"'F"TICLE 21J'363a. OF THE RtVI SLD CIVIL STATUTES OF TEXAS3 AND ALL MMEND ENT8 THERET02 F0,31 Till; M-11RIPO-s"", Or." P,,111,1-10, P,"UR:T Or, 111F, COSJV OF FAVING WASHINGTON BOULEVARD AND GLADYS'STREET IN ME CITY OF BEAM,10NTTA TEXAS., SAID 4ti)111RIA 'g T .1 TO BE DATED JULY 7, 10j64 AND, TO MkTURB- OF, I)ECU,4BETl J., 19661 AND IBEAR,01,770* INTE11- LIST AT TIMBE PER -CM,11"L' 0�c_lj) 11B.'R, 1PR11" SCRM,>� INC, THE FOlia"! OF SAID WAM".ANTo PROVIDINVO FOR TIM, LEVYING AND COUBC'1�11,,--G OF NLCEISSI�?ZY T(:, PAY T112 INTEi-ILLIST AND CREATL A SINKI111G! MIND'TO PAY.THE MIRINCIPAL OF SAID 1JARR,4NT M -113M IT •<i ;.i AUTINXII ZING AND DIRECTING TRE - MAYOR AND ME. CITY CLERK -TO EXECUTE, SAID .VIARRNNT AND INPRU37SS THE CQRP01�2.TE 13i,L OF THx" CITY OV'.BEADMONT TIMMON.9 AIM DO ALL -0111111,R 1INGS jj-ECr-jSs,1Vzy IN CONilC- TION WIT!'I'DELIVERRY T1A1u1;_1?._L'0F,; FOP, 11M. CUSTODY OF SAID- VIAR"NT - PENDING ITS ,I)ELMRY; Alzil) ltl�-PBALIMG ALL 01RDIMANCES AND PMRMS� Or CaDINANCESE IN C 0.111 � L I CT HERE'Urit; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. - BE IT ORDA121ED 111' '11,'L CXTY-(7r- BEAUMONT A S r 4� , TEXX Section 1 Thatt The City of Beammont, _a --,hall isue a wa S I rrant a n 116relafter described for -and o1i bo -half -6f, and vt-.�on the c'_redit of,, 0 The City of Demwio'ntj Texas, as Twenty Thousand 0, o0c. 00) amount ot" t -,0c% Washington. 1310ulevqr4i. nmd 4"."lazlyo irravito said to be payabli,- to the o r'd r 'of Thcmcon, Inc. Inc- papt r i�,m nt of t1ne price of !c,wuhtington Boulevard and Gladys Street.,. s aume to be dated jt'131 .'%; 1964 .'-inld shall :1."at1we al -4 1)a Payable On cm before ev aia warrat'rrt 6,11a I bear- the vnto,ilk three. P Cent- M10' rzer annizzi. on a id Warrant- shd1lptkyable' tzlo=n ue o f the. -aarruiTt, to the nl-_'fice of tho Divoctor of Pi_nnrice of T'jo -ity c)f Section '"Is That the said 1W arrant shall be in the followin forri 71UNITED STATE'S OF A-11EPRICA COUNTY �)p JEFFERSON TsOUL,L;VARD 1`ND �'.L,.alAss7 ni s i:a5� 5.'Lial�airl ..4i.ti .NT IvENM4 ALL Pil= BY TLIDESF P,"U"'SIMTS s That The -City of Doau- rjont;, of Je ferson County; . Tuxa s, znider and by virtTue of a vale a contract, acknowled es itacif Justly inLlebtad to aria ereby?- :i."es to pay to 'Trotti C, .`. hofa on, Inc. TWENTY Tit,X AI'1D DCL'E,A W ($ 2Q p 0.00 i CLQ) in lawful money of td -ie I iiite d States of .1tierica on or before the 1st stay of December# 1966, with interest thealeoa from the date hereof until paid, at they vat+e cit:' three per cent (3%) per annum; and the Director of Finance of The City of Beaumont, Texas, is here- by authorized, • 9rdered and directod to pay to the order of Troth. �$ Thomson, Inc. on or before the IG -b day of December, 1966, . the mate of mat iu ity off= .. this .warrant, the siim of Twenty Thousand ($10,$000.00) Dollars, arld :shall PAY the int:e re€ t due: thereon on or befor=e the Gal: -.0 (Iate. cL,o"udx principal and'F:-;1'tc: °cat Of W113 'warrant are payable at the Office e,j-1 -clle Pirta1ce of The City of r -a -Lin cont, Texan; and Tile citry of tie&^.L'' oyl+'old t1tid, firmly bound, and its full faith aarka eVoUit *AI taxable:veal gild persoual, props-rty 'Gh-uzei-a avo hero'by j-)1(. �a (�cd :Cz-) 4r'l%u iirAoL-jrt �t.�.�_�!•cl'i i.,+ of .-I C. princiPa I and interest of this warrant as it aaattwos. lai�;3is warrant iS issued j:vr the ptu. pose of paying part of the construction price of pazvinc. boulevard and Gladys Street for ` 11C CAY 0i bea,ti lQntpi U11deP a coil r act wit!'. U ThOrABOn, Iac:. This wary=aab is issued lAnde ` k1nu,•i'� by ViXt -LIC OIL' VaO Coi28l:lT.i:7.?tion and 2. saws of the State of Teras and the Charter of The City of-Beaumont, and in strict conformity with Article 2368a,,• and the amendments. thereto,. of the:.. Revised' Civil" Statutes of T.oxas. 'it -is h6reby cern- fled and recited that the issuance of this warrant is 'duty authorizod by law, *wsuant to anordiriande: pA ,Bed by the City Council of The City of Beaumont,: Texas.,'. on the : 7thday of July, 19'6 ,. fait ins .hereby certified.., recited and de3e3arred Haat the issu- ance . of-this' warrrant is duly authorized ley ' law and, That all, -act's b . conditions .and things required. to : be done - precedent to and .in the issuance of this warrant,-have been properiy, done, :have" happe-n+ed and been performed : in regular and due.: time, -form., and - mznner as required by law; that sufficient and propex provisions for the levying and c011ection. of- in ad valorem tax have been made, w1tich, when collected, shall be "appropriated e-tclusively to tho payment of this.warrant and tyre inter, east .0 o same j,Ano that the - total indebtedn' ess of The City of Beaumont, including the entire warrant,. does riot , exceod any cora- . stitutionil,or .statutory limitation. "It is hereby sresr ited, certifiers, and de6lairre d that the-addi- tional al tea; levied and mad® :necessary to be .levied in order to pro'i de for, the interest' and. principal of., this. warranat, ' together w .th the rate of tax existing at the time, of issuance of this warrant,, is with-- in, the liaeitat ions of-the the Constitution. anti Laws. ®f the State of Texas and the Charter of . The:1- . City. of'y.Neaumont "Th6 data. of this -warrant.. in Conformity with the .ordinance above moritio ae€ 'is July. 7.x' 1964#1 «in wi-66ess'- whereof tixe City Council of '- The.. City .of Beaumont, -Texas, has caused the corp©rato seal of The" City-, of Boaumont to be affixed h6reto and liars carers this warrant to ` b'e 'signed b'' its Mayor and .countersigned . and attezted by.,:Lts ' City' Clerk; as of the 7th day of ,JiLly t .1964. . T"Mayoi- of The City of Beaumont, . TejEa►a. nAttest. v tvCity.. Clerk of The City . i>f Beaumont, Texas . r: .♦ . SM'tion 3. That for the purpose of paying the interest on said Paving e arrant and to create a sink -in fuzid to pay the principal on said warrant when the sape matures, a sufficient tax on each One Hundred 0100.00) Dollar valuation c -A ail yaxaa►ble property in The C-.; Z;y of Beranaoarc, Texas, shall be annually l eviie d on said property and, annu- ally Assessed and collected and .applied to Mile purpose nwne#d. Section 4. That :;aid warrant shall be �it��ed by they Mayor amd counter- siGned by .the City Clerk of she City of noauanant, Aeras, and the corporate seal of The City of R.e4atzr:iont, Texas, shall be impressed upon said warrant. slat Vho . Cit;,r r of ,Tiae Gity of .B+er3tamorrL is I)erolOy al iv- 0c'vradc"i vC1i' 'i;? z �la�,ri'aix ias yu?eca y .`'S•5�1`02 ly f,`.x-oci��.It ed as '::c: einabovc3 provide d, to keep the said -warrant ia, h ic; custvLly to be delivered by ''y Kar-l`b(;Gr to Trotti & � oLrnison s.ac. diem it is necessary to pay Tl otts & Thor,`so t, Inc. vurclor 1-Zo torms of the conL a.ct for the paving of waas:e. mn ,ton Doulevar d, andi Gladys Street. The Xaayor and the City Cl.erik are authorized and d.iracted to do any and all things neces- Gary and convenient to e'c W ect Uali vel�y of said warrant to T'-otti. fr T iamsoaia! Inc. All ordin. acc-:.i taexd parts o- (32,nliI2£L71G`es and all rea,-tl2tlt3.C1Z1.�f. and parts of reso uti.oa a� ad_"r..th provisions of this £)L'd±.n"Zk,"ce are here'Ly r L`se<:in e d mad rope,"•ca'f ed in so fad.' as sante -.!ay conflict herewith.; and it is f..t thor proviOcd that if Away portion of this ordinasice ,aball be docslarc;d invalid., Baia invalidity shall in no way affect- t¢IE: x'c tiai. + i n ; valid portlons thereof. . P lS ED by -tdao e , tY Cowlci.l. i"is 7t 3 cl ay oz �3uly, , Vit. . a�L , - Mayor -