HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 60 GGOF ORDINANCES OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS, AND IN PARTICULAR THE BOUNDARIES OF THE ZONING DISTRICTS AS INDICATED UPON THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS, BY CHANGING THE CLASSIFICATION OF FOUR '(4) TRACTS OF LAND, IN THE CITY OF BEAUMONT, JEFFERSON COUNTY, TEXAS, AS DESCRIBED HEREIN, PRESENTLY ZONED "R--21;.`..TO "C-ltt, 1tR-21t TO ITC -21t, ttR-3't TO ItC-21t, AND TTR-Itt TO ItC-2tr� RESPECTIVELY; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS: Section 1. That Chapter 42 of the Code of Ordinances of Beaumont, Texas, and in particular the boundaries of the zoning districts as indicated upon the Zoning Map of The City of Beaumont, referred to in Section 42-9 thereof, is hereby amended by changing the zoning classification of the following described tract of land, presently zoned ITR -11t,, Single -Family Dwelling District, to TtC-ltT, Neighborhood Commercial District, to wit: 1TTRACT NO. 1: ItBEING a triangular portion of Lot 1, Block 2, Dowlen Manor Addition, Unit 1, City of Beaumont, Texas; said triangle being the Southwesternmost part of said Lot 1 fronting 105 feet on the East side of Dowlen Road, and having a perpendicular depth of 145.22 feet, and having a third side along the South boundary of Dowlen Manor Unit 1 of 179.2 feet, and being 0.175 acre of land in size, more or less; and containing one --half of the width of bounding street . It and by changing the zoning classification of the following described tract of land, presently zoned 'TR -21t, Two -Family and Multiple -- Dwelling District, to TtC-211, Central Commercial District, to wit: TtTRACT NO. 2 ttBEING a 14.596 acre tract of land in the Noah Tevis League, City of Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas; having for its East boundary the centerline of Oxford Street (a 50 feet wide street), the East boundary being approximately 1,459 feet long; having for its North boundary the North line of South Street, the North boundary being 452.65 feet; having for its West boundary the West line of the 100 feet wide right -.of - way of the B. S. L. and W. Railway (Missouri Pacific) the West boundary being approximately 1,465 feet long; V and having for its South boundary the South line of the 60 feet wide Smart Street, the South boundary being approximately 355 feet long.1t and by changing the zoning classification of the following described tract of land, presently zoned ttR-ate, Modified Two -Family and Multiple -Dwelling District, to "C-2tt, Central Commercial District to wit. , "TRACT NO. 3: "BEING a triangular portion of Lot 14, Block 10, Lamar Addition to the City of Beaumont, Texas; said triangle being the Southwestern part of Lot 14 fronting 41.6 feet on North side of Georgia Avenue, and being feet in depth along the common line of Lots 14and �15, and having a third side of 66.8 feet, and being 0.025 acre of land in size, more or less; and containing one-half of the width of bounding street . tt and by changing the zoning classification of the following described tract of land presently zoned "R -17t, Single -Family Dwelling District to 'tC-2tt, Central Commercial District, to wit: ' "TRACT NO. 4 - " BEING portions of Blocks 23, 24 and 28 of College Extension Addition in the David Brown Survey, City Acres Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas, and being all of Lots 7,8,9 and 10 of said Block 23 and being all of Lots 7,8 and 9 and the East 130 feet portion of Lots 4,5 and 6 of said Block 28 and being the triangular shaped piece of land in said Block 2 the Westerly side of the 4 which lies on Santa taming the bounding railroadriehRailroad and con-- widths of street right-ofg of -way and certain described as follows: -way, all more particularly "BEGINNING at a point in the South line of Lot 6 28, College Acres :Extension Block al the North line of the 60 feet swide Robertsso being in A said point being located East a distance of200ufeetd from the East line of Eleventh Street; 'tTHENCE North along the line 200 feet from and parallel to the East line of Eleventh Street for a distance of 340 feet to a point in the centerline of the 60 feet wide Cartwright Avenue or Cartwright Ditch right-of-way; "THENCE East along the centerline of the Cartwright Avenue or Cartwright Ditch right-of-way for a distance of 1,202-43 feet to a point in, the sterly of -way line of the 100 feet wide Santa tFeaRailroad1ght- (A.T. & S. F.) right -of way; "THENCE in a Southwesterly direction along the southeast line of the Santa Fe Railroad for a distance of feet to a point for corner in the East line of Ninth70 Street; "THENCE North along the East line of Ninth Street for a distance of 408.58 feet to a point in the North line of Roberts Avenue; tITHENCE West along the North line of the 60 feet wide Roberts ,venue for a distance of 520 feet to the place of beginning; containing in area 9.922 acres of land, more or less . 4e and the official Zoning Map of The City of Beaumont is hereby amended to reflect such changes. Section 2. That in all other respects the use of the property herein. - above described shall be subject to all of the applicable regulations contained in Chapter 42 of the Code of Ordinances of Beaumont, Texas, adopted August 19, 1958, effective October 19, 1958, as amended. Section 3. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable, and that if the validity of the zoning af- fecting f.-fecting any portion of the property described hereinabove shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of the property described herein. Section 4. That any person or corporation violating any of the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalties provided for in the said Chapter 42 of the Code of Ordinances of Beaumont, Texas. PASSED by the City Council thisLk ay of&C 1965. -- Mayor -- V"I %J&N..V.L11jj1 Ill., J.;, -JA"X %"J6-. Aim- vW _%,%L. VW"� OF ORDINANCES Or, BEAUMONT, TEXAS., AND IN PARTICULAR THE BOUNDARIES OF THE ZONING DISTRICTS AS INDICATED UPON THB ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF BEAUMOIns TEXAS., BY CHANGING, THE CLASSIFICATION OF FOUR (4) TRACTS OF LIM IN THE CITY OF BEATBIONTs JET F&RISON COUNT" Ys TEXAS, AS DESCRIBED H&REIN., PRESENTLY ZONBD 11R-211..,TO 11C-11ts "R-211 TO "C-V 1 17 R-3v* TO "C-2.11.1L AND ITR-VT TO SJC_ 2ft RESPECTIVELY; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND PROVIDING A PENALTY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF BEATMONT., TEXAS: Section 1. That Chapter 42 of the Code of Ordinances of Beaumont., Texas$ and in particular the boundaries of the zoning districts as indicated upon the Zoning Map of The Ci,"Dy of Beaumont., referred to in Section 42-9 thereof, is hereby amended by changing the zoning classification of the follol"Ing described tract of land., presently zoned top, -Ill$ Single -Family Dwelling District., to, ItC-1119 Neighborhood Commercial Districts to wit: "TRACT NO. 1: "BEING a triangular portion of Lot I,,. Block 2, Dowlen Manor Additions Unit 1, City of Beaumont -.j Texas* said trii-angle, being the Southwesternmost part ,cif said Lot I fronting 105 feet on the East side of Doi -ilea Road, and having a perpendicular depth of 145.22 feet., and having a third side along the South boundary of Dowlen Manor Unit 1 of 179.2 feet, and being 0.175 acre of land in size$ more or less; and containing; one-half of the width of bounding street." and by changing the zoning classification of the follo-wing described tract of land, presently zoned 'Two -Family and Multiple - Dwelling Districts to 11C-2tv:, C6ntral Coumier-cial Districts to wit.- 11MACT. NO. 20- 11BEING a 14,596 acre tract of land in the Noah Tevis League$ City of Beaumont?,., Jefferson County, Texas; having for its East boundary the centerline of Oxford Street (a 50 feet tvide street), the East boundary being aPPVoximatelY 1,459 feet long; having for its North boundary the North line of South Street, the North boundary being 452-65 feet; having for its West boundary the West line of the 100 feet amide right-of- way of the B. S'. L. and W. Railwcay (Missouri Pacific) the West boundary being approxi miately 1, 46.5 feet long; tract of 1and,. I resently zoned rIk-3'e Modif e' d Tvio-Family and Asad,tx le-.Dvielling-'District..` tPo. vlt-ire, Cehtr4l Conunercial District, to ITi > e E1 TC a trio glilar -po! r';a ci a of, of 14, Block 1 , Lmiar Addition to the City of Beauntont 9 Texas; . said tr angle being the Southwestern part of Lot 14 fronting 4:1..6 feet on North side of Georgia. Aveaue, and being 52.3. feet in depth''along' Cher codon line :of� Lot�a 1 and l5$ and having a third side of 66.8 feet, and being 0 X325 acre of land .a s . e, sore gar 'less; end 'oontaiaaa.n cine -half of the width of bounding street." and, by changing toe zoning classification €af the: following described tract of , lan'.pries ntly .tbned ssR-1�, S rigs e-Faia�:1y morel Brag District,, to 3 ,C- 2119. Contra .I Commercial bistribt,, to sprit '41TRACT NO., -4: TtBEING portioneof 'Block's 23, 24 a'nd 28 of College Acres Extension Addition. iii 'the DavId ' BrdW' n- '.Survey, 'City of Beaumont, Jefferson County, Twexas, and . being all . of Lots 7P80 9 a,nd 10 of said Block 23 and being all of Lots 7.,S and 9. and the East 130 feet portion of Lets 4, 5 and 6 of said Block 28 and being. the tr angol6ri shaped, piece of land in maid Block 24 which lies on the "Werster-ly 'sido o f the Santa' Fe Railroad and con-- tainin€, the oun.ding railroad right-of-way and certain. widths of street right -of -gray, all more p6rticularl' described as follows: "BEGIN'NIN'G at a point in the South line of Lot 6,. ;lock 28, college Acres Exton'sio i, said point also being in the Morth line of the 60 feet wide Roberts Avenue and saki '�aoint bei''g located East ' distance of 200 feet from the East line of Eleventh ,Street "TIMMS. North along the line 200 feet from and parallel to -the East line of Eleventh Street for a distanee of - 340 fee's, to a point in the cionterline of the 60 feet • . wide ta:rtwright Avenue. or Cartwright Ditch right -of -way; - "THENCE Fast along the : cen4erl ine of the Cartwright Avenue or Cartwriht- batch right -df -way . fdr a distance 4?f 1,202.43 .feet to a point in the. Southeasterly r ght-m of-way line; of the 10Q :feet wide. Sante Fe Railroad (A.T. S. F.) right: -of' way; "THENCE in a outhtvesterly direction along the: Southeast line -of the Santa Fe Railroad for a distance of .' 998 .-70 feet to a point for corner in the East l ine: of Ninth streets' "THENCE North along the East line of Ninth Street for a distance of 408.58 feet to a point 'in the North line of Roberts Avenue; 596T go App,03 Sm mj,�J` A -aq TL14 €' 03 q. q svi jo, qoaueuTp4o jQ ap®D oq4 go Z 17 ,aa,4dvqo -pTes eq -,i u T. aoj popTAoid 30IMmad -pa elqq-'_b' -paCqns eq -E u '40 -s*uo-cs,-rAO-xd 4 T e tiv- 00 RuT -Pao ST Puy' SMJ04 aq� 30 Ailfg-,DUT14UTOTA uOT,4vaod:zoo ao, uoea;ad lug '-4 v q, I U01 oxg� go aoueleq: aq,4 oz :go ..VuT .UT;Daqtj ppqTaosap u Gq'4 JO .m40u TTuqs 'Us 'Qq'4 PTT--OAu-F aq oq peavToop Gq 7[Tequ QAOqguTOJOq POUJOsOP-� - a0d, ad 4q4 jo U0. od -3t? BuTu6z: 04'4'30, S4TPTTUA- O'q� 4T '4uql,'' Pue '�q'off. pou'.1a . 9p Gq T-Eeqs 00uuuTPaG s T q4 JO si'OTsT�Wad We sm-TGqL Qql. '4'0ql ROTT�as '49q,6--joo OAT qO J- T qLsnft'v PO4dopla *POPuPoe s,10..`8S6T,;6,T -30 c.8-56T.�;.6 CSL-xa,t s-4-%,pwnL-oq:..jo sponcArcp4o_ go. spoo,,*q-4. X'O Z t" Ap4dt�tIUT POuTu4uOO suOTqLvTn.V6-' QTqwoTTdd,r Gxl-4 30: T19 0'4 400 cizis 6q'TTvxls P9q-FfOs;9P QAOqu -UT.eaeq 4Z-4jedoad -;atj4- 36 osii aq,4 sqLOOdsaa Jott-40. Tjv- X=T 4eq ;E sovuyaulo tions "po'Ejad 0,4 papuitme 4qa,4,a WsT WOTMOUO'Du OlOsPPV Z. '�T?TJJ-q4 jo, A,4T.3 byl go dulN Tu', cPuTrl, 30 -19040u. U66.6, IVO-lu UT BuTt"TV'WOO. !V;tl.T.UUTP;Dq. 40 eouTd on,4 q-4.,4aoj 07,S .3-p po �MqST-p V JO3 ;D,nUOA:V vazaqoX angst4;ao- j 09 c)qq go auTT q,4joX 61q,4L Nuotle 490m, aoxaHlu