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ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 42 OF THE CODE -OF ORDINANCES OF B-EAUMONT, TEXAS, AND IN PARTICULAR THE BOUNDARIES OF THE ZONING DISTRICTS AS INDICATED UPON THE ZONING MAP OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS, BY CHANGING THE CLASSIFICATION OF TWO TRACTS OF LAND, HEREIN DES- CRIBED AS TRACT I AND TRACT II, WEST OF U.S. HIGH- WAY 69, 96 AND 287, AND EAST OF OLD VOTH ROAD, NORTHWEST CORNER BEING 200 FEET SOUTH OF BYTHEWOOD ROAD, IN THE CITY OF BEAUMONT� JEFFERSON COUNTY, TEXAS, AS DESCRIBED HEREIN, PRESENTLY ZONED ??R -l" AND t'Rl-Alt, TO 11C-111; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY: AND PROVIDING A PENALTY, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF BEA.UMONT, TEXAS: Section l: That Chapter 42 of the Code of Ordinances of Beaumont, Texas, and in particular the'boundaries of the zoning districts as indicated upon the Zoning Map of -The City of Beaumont, refer- red to in Section -42-0 thereof,,is hereby amended by changing the zoning classification of the following described tracts of land,.presently zoned 17R-111,.Single-Family Dwelling District, and 11R1 -Alt, .Single -Family. Residential District, to "C-111, Neigh. - boyhood Commercial District, to wit: TRACT 1. Being a tract of land out of the 'W. B., Dyches League in Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: ALL of the said Emery Best tract as re- flected on map adopted by Ord. #64-29, enacted August 11, 1964, recorded in Vol. 10, Minutes of Ordinances of the City of Beaumont,, Texas, pages 231-234,.save and except that portion of.said tract heretofore zoned C-2 by Ord. #64-.29, enacted August 11, 1964, recorded in Vol. 10, Minutes of Ordinances of,the City,of Beaumont, Texas, pages 231-234, said tract being comprised of 7.991 acres .of.land;, more or less.: TRACT II. Being a tract of land out of the W. B. Dyches League in Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: FOR locative corner begin at an old iron pipe found from which a 12,.inch Pine marked X bears North 6.5° East .5.6 feet and a double post Oak marked with a diamond bears South 69° East 19 feet.; said iron pipe locating the Southwest ,corner of the J.G. Barry property and the Northwest corner of the Hillie Caswell.'.tract of land and being in .the East right=-of- way line of the now abandoned S. P. Railroad right- of-way; TI-FENGE South 89, 071 West 50.44 feet to a galvanized iron pipe placed in the center -line of the now abandoned Southern Pacific Railroad right- . of -way for the Southwest and beginning corner of the tract of.land herein.described; THENCE North 8° 341 West with the center- line of the now abandoned 'railroad right-of-way 371.98 feet to an iron pipe locating the Southwest corner of the Emery Best tract of land .and the North- west.corner of this tract of land.; THENCE North'891�071 East 379.74 feet to an iron stake in the Westmost right -of --way line of U. S. Highway No. 69; sometimes also known. as the -East Texas Freeway; THENCE South 110 041 East 387.03 feet to a galvanized iron.pipe for corner; THENCE'North 891 071.West 398.62 feet to the place of beginning containing 3.127 acres of_.land more or less, and one-half of the abutting street right- of-way. and the official Zoning Map ,of The,City of Beaumont"is hereby amended to reflect.such changes. Section 2. That in all other respects the use of the property herein- above described shall be subject to all of the applicable regu- lations contained in Chapter 42 of.the Code of Ordinances of Beaumont, Texas,..adopted august 19, 1958., -.effective October 19, 1958, as amended. Section 3. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable., -,and that if the validity•of the zoning affecting any ._portion .of the.. property. described hereinabove shall.be declared to be,invalid, the.same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of the property described herein. Section A. That any person or corporation violating any of the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalties provided for in the said Chapter ¢2 of The Code of Ordinances of Beaumont, Texas J cL, PASSED by the City Council this day of October, 19660 ORDINANCE -'NO* ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE, AMENDING • CHAPTER 42 OF THE CODE 'OF ORDINANCES- OF 'BEAUTHONT.,: TEXAS, •AND IN PARTICULAR' THE BOUN.W`i TES OF THE' ZONING . DISTR ICTS ,. AS INDICATED UPON THE ZONING 1%Vi ' OF ` qiE, CODE OF ORDINANCES OF. `BEAU.MONT TE_XA3', ' BY CHANGING THE CLASSIFICATION OF .TW.0 TRACTS OF LAND., �iEREIN s�ES CRIBED AS TRACT. I AND TRACT I1., NEST OF U.S. HIGH_ IVAX _69, '96 AND 287, AND EAST OF. OLD -VOTH ROAD, rdORTHi�EST .CORNER BEING"..200 FEET. SOUTH OF BYTIIEWOOD ROAD..- IN THE CITY .OF BE?iUMONT., JEFF ERSON ,COUNTY, TEXAS, AS DESCRIBED IIEREINT PRESENTLY ZONED ttR-Itt AND StR17ATI., TO. -11C. -l:5 .AHD' PROVIDING FOR SEVER.ABiLITY: AND PROVIDING ViiPENALTY. . . -E .IT . ORDAINED D ICY HE CITY. OF 'BEAMIONT, ,:TEXAS: , SC, eCti.oil . That Chapter 42 :of .the Ceade of Ordi nanees,.'of Beaumont, Texaco, ane in.'parti cular _the boundaries . of the' zonin districts- as indicated 'upon -the'. Zoning Map of The :City of Beaumont.., refer red to in" Section 42-O:.thereof, is hereby amended by changing _ - the ,zoning classification of the following, described tracts of land, presently zoned !!R711t;; . Single-Fami.ly'.Dwelling Distract, and tlRl-At', Single -Family Residential .DiUtr,ict,' ,to "C-l!t, Neagh- borhood Commercial District; to 'wit --- TkACT• I.' Being ,a tract . of land out ' of 'tile W. B. Dyches League an Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas, . and being more particularly described as -:follows. -t ALL. of the said' Emery Best tract flected -o%x reap adopted by Ord. #64-2,9'.. enacted August ll,; 1964,. recorded in Vol..10.0 Minutes or" Ordinances of the City of' Bea tont; T6xas,, pages. 2^51-234 , save' and.; exceFOt that', portion, of , gaid. tract heretofore` zoned C_:2 by ;-Or'd..- #64-29, enacted. August ll, I964j recorded in_Vol. 10, Kinutes of Ordinances ,of the City of .Beatam,ont i Texas',.. pages. 231-23$., ,aid tract being comprised of %.991 acres., of land., more, -or less...!; ` TF%JiCT_ ii_. Being a tract of -1a d,': oiit . of the iV. B llyches. Lea ae "in Beaumont; 'Jeff erson-=Cowity, -Texas, and b'eilig more par t4 cularly described as follow -A FOR locatives. corner beggin at an old iron pipe found'from which a.12 inch Pine marked X bears :.North 650 East. 5,6 feet ands a :double 'post Oak marked with a diamond 'bears" South 690 East , 19 , deet; said iron pipe locating the Southwest corner of the J.C. Barry property and-the'Northwest corner of the Hillie Caswell tract of .land and being in the Fast right-of- way line',of the now abandoned S. P. Railroad right- of-way; THENCE South 890 071 rest 50.44 feet to a galvanized iron wipe plaeed in the center -line of the now -abandoned Southern`Pacific Railroad right- o£-way•for the.Southwest and beginning corner of the tract -of .land herein described' THENCE North - 8 ° 34 t West with the center- line of the now•abandone-d railroad right-of-way 371.98 feet to an iron pipe locating the Southwest corner of the Emery Best -tract ofland and the North- west.corner of this -,tract. of land; THENCE North 89° 070 East 379..74. feet .to an iron stake in the Westmost right-of-way lane of U. - S.- Highway No. 69; S-0meti.mes also known as the East Texas*Freeway; THENCE. South 11° 04; East 387,03 feet to 'a galvanized iron pipe for corner;, THENCE North 89° 07#'West 398.62 feet to the Place of -beginning" containing '3:27 acres 'of land" more or less, and one-half of the abutting street right- of-way. and the official Zonang Map of The City of Beaumont is hereby amended .to reflect such changes. Section 2. That in all .other'respectis the'use of the property herein- above described shall � b'e subject to all of the applicable re ;u- lations contained in Chapter 42. -of the Code.of Ordinances of Beaumont, Texas, adopted August 19; 1958, effective October 1.9, 1958, as amended, That the terms and• :p`rovisions,, of this ordinance 'shall be I. deemed to be severable,;.and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the property described hereinabbve shall be declared to be 3xivalid; the 'same • shall -not 'af'f'ect the validity of the zoning of the balance of the property described herein.- - No Text