HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 07-034 ORDINANCE NO. 07-034 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A NON-PROFIT VETERANS ORGANIZATION CHAPTER MEETING PLACE IN AN RCR (RESIDENTIAL CONSERVATION AND REVITALIZATION) DISTRICT LOCATED AT 2115 MCFADDIN IN THE CITY OF BEAUMONT, JEFFERSON COUNTY, TEXAS. WHEREAS,the City Council forthe City of Beaumont desires to issue a specific use Permit to Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 292, to allow a non-profit veterans organization chapter meeting place in an RCR (Residential Conservation and Revitalization) District, for property located at 2115 McFaddin, being the E Y2 of Lot 10 and Lots 11-12, Block 16, McFaddin Second Addition, City of Beaumont, Texas, containing 0.417 acres, more or less, as shown on Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto.; and, WHEREAS,the City Council is of the opinion that the issuance of such specific use permit is in the best interest of the City of Beaumont and its citizens, subject to the hereinafter described conditions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF BEAUMONT: Section 1. That a specific use permit to allow a non-profit veterans organization chapter meeting place in an RCR(Residential Conservation and Revitalization)District,for property located at 2115 McFaddin, being the E Y2 of Lot 10 and Lots 11-12, Block 16, McFaddin Second Addition,City of Beaumont,Texas,containing 0.417 acres, more or less,as shown on Exhibits "A" and "B" and made a part hereof for all purposes, is hereby granted to Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 292, its legal representatives, successors and assigns, subject to the following condition: • Modification to the landscaping requirements for the parking lot (no 6' landscape strip along the parking lot frontage). Section 2. That the specific use permit herein granted is expressly issued for and in accordance with each particular and detail of the site plan attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof for all purposes. Section 3. Notwithstanding the site plan attached hereto,the use of the property herein above described shall be in all other respects subject to all of the applicable regulations contained in Chapter 30 of the Code of Ordinances of Beaumont, Texas, as amended. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Beaumont this the 27th day of March, 2007. Mayor Guy N. Goodson - °, 1 IN File 186166=P: Request for a specific use permit to allow a non-profit veterans organization N chapter meeting place in an RCR(Residential Conservation and Revitalization) District Location: 2115 McFaddin Applicant: Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 292 by =Feet. Legend ® Subject NORTH ST C MCFADDIN AVE a C- CALDER AVE a EXHIBIT `A' Found Lot 9--- 00 5X8' Rod Lot 10 P at S 8957'40" W 2540' West half of Lot 10 tr° (west 25.00) S:a N 00'06"54" W 140.21' Found (North 140.00) Set copped 1/2' Rod 112'Rod 'Ace"; Surveyors" ,exxo slorw9e ast half of Lot 10 holt parking ' -Lot-10 -�- -�_ S -- - r� Lof 1I----- \ -- -------- -- . Q v, Lqt 1 1 0 a 1� Z n +••0 C­ Ar! ; A tw a C�Q+.,O cov'd cat 21 6" 20.1 Y It U b -- ---- of 12 --- - -"----------------------------- 4--, rA MMTRALLR PARK office building � � Lot le nusM CAN ST AaE dh concrete slob, y SnN CM Sspholt perking I O 8.5' 20.2' I H " SIGN a �� 0 •cov'r�n FLAGPOLE PO to • R � Found cone wa 1/2' Rod - � 'b ors Sou .f0 th 1 ' Found (Assbmed Bearing 8 is - South 740.00) 111' Rod N y • ,% t>A 0 O 5th Street Surveyom Note(s): 0 GREEN TREES/SHRUBS • (60' R.104.) (1) Set 112'hron Rod with yellow plastic cap stamped 'Access Surveyors'where RED 6 SCREENING FENCE • noted. Cd RED/BLUE&SCREENING FENCE ( 2) 171s subdivision plat of McFaddih U BLUE DOT FLAG POLE Second Addltidrdepicted no b"HA9 rn reference• so on assumed basis was cqS 'C token along the west right-of•.way line of 5th Street.. +-+ ,_., �— (3) There exists power linee along and in O SCALE 1 20' the west right-of-way line of 5th Street Cd and the south right.-of-way.line of ,y McFaddin Avenue not shown hereon. O .co CLIENT d, Tu Da7y, MORA G.F. NO. - 766C T0: Anh Tu tang, MOPA, Chicago Title, & Southeast Texas Title Company: 1, Joe A. Mattox, fexos Registered.Professional Land Surveyor No. 5535, do'hereby certify that I hgve made a _ survey on the ground of the,prgperty /sgely doedribed hereon, that the survey is ;:omtct, and that there dre no 41screpdncies or cont", Wwrtdges in boundaries, encroachments, protrusions, or bvertapping of Improvements, or �+siibt� vNNty lines br roads ¢r Obcs, except or shown hsioori, and that said property has access to-and from a dedieate3 Nic rvodwaj4 unkss dthetwise,shown hereon. Survey doted Jtmt+ 22, 2604 .Tale Subject.tract being IOCdtedot r21 t3 y/�Faddln fsvetlug. Beau,mnhf Tsxoe,701 and being descnted as =•Edsd �t y o[ Lnf 10 and q(( o/ Ldta 11 A 12. ffock 1S of filrfaddln and. �tion recorded in Volume, t P�,OA32-64 01 the MCP Records of Jetf MOn County, Texas. Subject tradt is Docated in:Food.Zones X Community Ponsl No.: 48-457.001A•C y (FIRM Dated: August 06, 2002) z *:rhE FO•�r 303 Be BouYl•Fdudh'sba.t aM�t,Tami 77701 + *. 7stepbone (489)•tJ..ifft.+tS1¢Fox•838 6:111 -J0E 4.'MATTOX.. Hyh,6it73bitW.crorn ��. - +•ddR+% to?N� !sro:mo !7'��ES51� q, u n "090F4 ° Rsgtsr red FMosolondl ti igo'surwowr No. Exhibit B IF