HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 06-186 RESOLUTION NO. 06-186 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT: THAT the City Manager is hereby authorized to execute the renewal of a three (3) year Lease Agreement with Madeline L. Walker for EMS Medic No. 5 facilities located at 6452 Concord, at a monthly rental fee of $1,320, for a total of $47,520 for the three (3) year period. The lease agreement is substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Beaumont this the 201h day of June, 2006. Mp���, l i' 11 Mayor Guy N. Goodson - i W Jum 10 06.09:06a Scott Walker 713-627-3847 p.2 JUN-Ua-2UU6 hKl U5.UU ?M UITY UE' 8ERUnUN'I' NUKCH, FAX N0, 4096803747 P. 02 Twsday,June tie,20084:13 PM Scott Wslka 713-027-M47 p.01 Fayard & Associates realty 40* ?EXs Assa moo cr IALV T msl COMMERCIAL LEASE U39 of TMIS FORM ON PER 5M W40 AgEWpT MEM@P 6 OF Is riOT WThppiFD. Taft 21-'0111141113 NL Par=Aob beserld2a EL HSL EpragptphDacrlotlon )eQ„ 1. Pantos 22. Holdover 11 2 23. Landlord's Llan S Secuttty ln+terest 11 2. Leased Premleea 2 24. Aeelpnment and Subietling 11 3. Terns 2 25. Reklcallon 11 A. Tarns 26. Subordination 11 B. Delay of Occupancy 27. Estoppel Certificates 12 4. Rent and Expenses 3 26, Casualty Lose 12 A. Bass Monthly Rent 29, Condemmettlon 12 S. First Full Month's Rent 30. Attonsy s Fees 12 C. Prorated Rent J1. Repraaontatlona 13 O. Additional Rant 32. Brokers 13 E. Place of P'aymsnt dd F. Method of P*ayrnent 33 a 13 34., Addends 14 D. Leta Chatgerc 35. Special Provlslons 14 H. Returned Cheeks 36. Agreement of the Partles 14 S. Security Deposit 4 6. Taxes 4 7. Wlldes 4 ADNDA A RX141i2131 r &LLLAMjAzjbj 8. Insurance 6 S, Use and Hours 6 Exhn*ft2 m L"at Dexcrrpfloa 10. Legal Compliance a 1W Exhibit(Mee De.etoemeat gift Pl.n 11, Signs 7 ❑ CortvOecclal Lease Addendurn for Brokoft Fes 12, Access By Landlotd 7 ❑ Co.nnie6:W Lease Expense Reimbursemerd 13, Mow,4n Condition 7 Addendum 14. Move-Out Condition 7 O Commercial Lease Addendum for Extension 15. Maintenance arA Repairs 8 Option A Cleaning O Commercial Lease Addendum for Percentage B. Conditions Caused by a Patty . . Rert C, Repair&Mairtbananee Responsibility O Commerelat Lease Parking Addendum D, Repair Persons O Comrrterclal Landlord's Rules and Regulations E. HVAC Service Contract ❑ Commerclall Lease 0waranty F. C0mrmn Areas O Cowe etctal Lease Rlght of First Refusal a. Notke of Repairs Addendum H. Failure to Repair 0 Conm�srclal Lease Addendum for Optional 16. Altersttons 9 Spaos 17. Liens 9 ❑ Commercial Leasehold Construction Addendum 15. Liability. 10 C 19. Indemnity 1 C O 20. Default n 21. Abandantntant.Interruption of Utillies. Removal of Property S Lookout 10 (TAP-2101)6.7.02 IrVeled fol ldawmcalon by Ten"rw•j Ana Landlol Page 1 of 16 Pr "oO b ReaW One aeMwe.P.O.So 2111,AvwlW TX 7910!.(100)347.0217 rl""40 LY sa** a:C"40"M CMQC►ak EXHIBIT `A' Jun 13 06 07:11a Scott Walker 713-627-3847 p.2 JUN-A-2006 05:00 PM CITY OF BEAUMONT PURCH. FAX NO. 4098803747 P. 03 Tuesday,Burn go,20081:19 PM Soon Walker T19-827-84T 0.02 40V Time Amximcv m Rs.Tmg" COMMER AL LEASE USE PWSONSWNn AKE NOT M64MA9 OF INC ILKAV ISS4GA ON pC RCALTOREe19 NOT AVrI40R2ED. o7►a���slaal4a,.a►a1�11011K1 Ina.7D02 1. PARTIES: The parties to this lees&are: Tenant~ Ckv ot9ea�uvst Tasati and Landlord: U- sl.. vottar by IS00191IN WA112 ;and 2. LEASED PREMISES: A. Landlord leases to Tenant the following described real property, known as tho °lensed premises," along WRh all Ke Improverr+ente(Ch&ok only ono,bax):. . _ (A5 (1) Mutt ole-Tone t fonerty:Sulte or Unit Nun*4r 6462 _contaM11119 apprOximatsly 910 aquare fief of rentable area in Concord S Year oMiae Park (building name) at 6492 Comeard Read,Dominant,To-sail ( County),h191,4s) In H1leaugat (city)... (County), Texas,which Is Iegslly described an aftachad Exhibit "A' or as follows: p (2) Sine-Tenant PromMi' The real property at: _ (address) In (city) (county).Texas,which Is legally described an attached Exhibit or as fotows: B. If Patagraph 2A(1)applies: (1) "Property" means the building or complex In whlch the leaved premises are kxWted, inctuslve of arty common Kress,detvea,parking areas,and walks;and (2) the parties agree that the rentable.area of the leased prornlses may not equal the actual or useable area within the leased prernhms and may include an alocatlon of cammon areas_In the Property. 3. TERM: A. 1=:The term of this lease Is 36 months and 0 commencing on: Jak 1.1006 (Commencement Date)and onding an Jane 3D.2U44 (Expiration Date). tl' `ror PARAG'RAP{ .1. (TAR-2101)6-7-02 InrWied for jdffitdc*Wtl byTsn■nts: end LendlorQ%z1-z1 Page 2 of 13 Prbdnoad by Ft4*OM&&Are.P.D.Box ZM.AAwwk TX 79145.(rat)W4;1? by Jun 10 06�09:06a Scott Walker 713-627-3847 p.4 JUN-M-?M FK1 U5"U1 FM UITY OF HERUMUM, TUKCH. FAX 110. 4098803747 P. 04 ?u*sday,June 08,2006 4;13 PM Scutt Walker 713382741)47 P,03 commercial Lease concerning:6492 Coaeotd Read, HeaWaoitit.Ts�u1b T77Uli B. belay of Occuoar,av: If Tarrant Is unable tv occupy the leased premises on the Commencemaru Date because of construction on the leased premises to be completed by Landlord that is not suWantialfy complete or a prior tenant's holding ovet of the leased prerniess. Landbrd will not be liable to Tenant lot such delay and this lease Will renaln entorceable. In the want of such a delay,the Commencement Date wiU aut nut tally be extended to the date Tenant is able to occupy the Property and the Expiration Data wll also be,extended by a like number of days, $o that the lon9M of this lease remains unchanged. If Tenant Is unable to occupy the leaned premiees after the 80' day alter the Comnancement Date because of oon*uction on the leased prvarnises to be completed by Landlord that Is not substsndaly templets or a prior tenant's holding over of dw leased preWsts, Tenant may terminate this Wass by giving written notice to Landlord before the leased premiss becoffo available to be occupied by Tenant and Landlord will refund to Tenant any amourda paid to Landlord by Tenant. This Paragraph 313 dues not apply to any delay In oacupancy caused by eleanine or repalm. C. Unless the Parties agree.otherwiw. Tenant is responsible for obtaining a cartificate of occupancy for the NAsed premises U regWred try a governmental body. 4. RENT AND EXPENSES, A. Rasa Monthly Rent On or t afore the first day of each imah during this lease. Tenant will pay Landlord base monthly rent as described on attached Extl* or=follows, from 3nhL2006 toJdtw3a.20M $1.320.0017erlldAKS from to $ from to $ from to from to �► B. First Full Months Rent The first full base ngnthly rent Is due on or before leN I.low C, Pr ratRerrt; If the Commencement Date is on a day other then the fast day of a month. Tenant will pay landlord as prorated rent, on amount equal to the base rnonthly rent multiplied by the following fraction: lbw number of days from the.Commencement Date to the first day of the following month divided by the number of days In the month In which this I94so_.commences. The prorated rent is due an at before the Conrrnenc*nwrd Oat*. D. Additional Ranr In addition to the base:monthly rent and prorated rent, Tenant will pay Landlord all other anmunts.as provided by the attached(Check all that apply): Q (1) Commercial Expense Rei tbureemant Addendum Q (2) Carnrwrolal Percentage Rent Addendum Cl (3) Comewrefel Parking Addendum Q (4) All amounts payable under the applicable addenda are des trted to be "rent" for the purposes of this tease. E, paaco of Eumant; Torurnt will roost all amounts duo Landlord under this lease to the Mowing parson at the place stated or to such other penar>t or place as Landlord may later designate in writing, Nance;tune""r..Wortebr.*/a<K.rr Warl"r Addreae:3Q0 Newcastle (TAR.21o1)6•T-02 InlQ cud for ide tlrlcoson by Tenarft: And Landlo[�/ � Pays of 1S Pr4"44 by RdMy COO%w e,P.C.60 TA L A MtW,TX 711105.(tea)3a.w;1T war"br.UMwow M40.:0a M*COawfdOd oaW Jun 10 06 09:07a Scott Walker 713-627-3847 p.5 JUN-Utl-euub MK US;U? rrl UI.1.Y ur bmulluPrl. YUKCN, FRX NU. 41JI288U314( P. 05 Tuesday,June 08,2M$4;13 PM Scott Walker T13'=-M7 p44 commercbf Lease ccnceirong:don.C=tard RONd. &M Man T•sne 77?d9 P. jne of�a_nt Tenant ffma pay all rent tlmaty wittlout demand. deducdon, or offset, except as permkWO by law or this lease, it Tenant fails to firmly pay any anwunts duo under this lease or if any Check of Tenant Is returned to Landlord, ,by the Institution on which k was drawn. Landlord alter provtding written notico to Tenart may require Tenant to pay subsequent amounts that become due under this Imase in owtiled rands.This paragraph does not Omit Landlord from seeking other renlocks finder this Lome for Tenant's failure to mace tknsly payrneMas with good lands. G. Lets C_ h r Landlord does not actuah recohm a rent.par__�lmmnt.at the designated:.:ptace of payment 30 AY wkhl ,-after the date It Is duo,Tenant will pay landlord a late charge equal to SOA of the amount ue. at this paragraph, the rtlaallbox Is not the agent for receipt for Landlord. The late charge Is a cost associated with the coltecan of rant and Landiord's acceptance of a late charge does not waive Landlord'*right to exerelso rernedlea under Paragraph 20. H. Rater an d Chaska;Tenant wig pay$Nome (not to exGood S25) for such chock Tenant tenders to Landlord which to returned toy the instftutton on which it Is drawn for any reason, plus any late charges until Landlord recelves payment. IL SECURITY 001POSIT., A. Upon execution of this hoses.Tenant will paVS New to LaarAlord as a security deposit. _ - f3, Landlord may sappy the osautlty depoolt to any amount* owed by Tenant under this lease. N iAndlord applies any part of the seoairky deposit during any time this lease Is In effect to atrlounts owed by Tenant, Tenant rnust, within 10 days alter.recolpt of nct ce_trom Jandlord, restorw to security deposit to the amotant stated. C. After Tenant surrenders tho leawod promises to Landlord and provides Landlord written notice of Tenants forwardbng a addiesa,tand1wd will, not la%r than the Itne required by 50.605, Texas Ptopeny Code, refund the security deposit bass any amounts applied toward amounts owed by Tenant or other charges authorizod by this Now. The, parties aurae that Landlord acts in good faith d Landlord accounts foe the security deposhwkhlnthe' Urns stated. 4. TAXIS: Unlesa ottwrwiee agreed by We parties, Landlord will pay all real praperty.ad valorem tuxes assessed agalraat the based premises. T. MIL.ITIM. y, A. The patty designated below wiN pay for the fotlawing utNlty charges to the based premises and any connodlan charges for the utilMas.(CMckall tttArapp(yj (1) Water L�d®141d ❑- (2? Sewer a M ❑ (3) Electric D fD ❑ (4) Gas ❑ 3�1 (5) Telephone ❑ ❑ {Gj Ttash(om) ❑ G] (7) Cable 0 0 V (a) 14uftat Waste ❑ ❑ - b (8) Alt other utilities 0 ❑ O (TAn-2101)8.7.02 MRlated for identlal dwi by Tenenm: end landlerd:,Z.--/ ! Page 4 of 15 pndueed wy lUdy Ong B�IN+nt9.Q as b111.haeb,TK 1o10S,11pi»1i�oZt7, rcataaurap,rwtirnoaea^eea m:cwcaaol6asut Jun 10 06 09:07a Scott Walker 713-627-3847 p.6 JUN-Uh-?UUb FRI U5,U`Z I'll CITY OF HEAMON'T FURCH, FAX NO, 4098803747 P. 06 Tueedsy,June 00,2000 4,13 PM Scott Walker 713.427.3547 p.p$ Carnmerclal Lane concemrrg:6M otcordHead. B4*un*M Teas•777(* B. The party responsible for the charges urger Paragraph 7A will pay the charges directly to the utility service provider. The responsible party may select the utility service provider except that If Tenant seleott► the provider any access or allegations to the Property or teased prenOes necessary for the tltQitles may be made only with Landlard's prior consent, which Landlord will W unreasonably withhold. R Landlord incurs any liability for 40ty or connection charges for which Tenant is rospornibie to pay a►nd Landlord pays such arnow. Tenant will In rodlately upon written nodco from Landlord reimburse Landlord such amount. C. dl131& Tenant should delamin* I all necessary utilities are avallable to the leased premises and are adequate for Tenant's Intended use. D. Mks►-Hairs HVAC chwma- 'HVAC services" means the utility expenses to heat and cool the leased promisee.(CNeck one box only.) E O (1) Landlord Is obligated to provide the HVAC services to the leased premises only during the Property's operating hours specified under Psmgraph,gC. / (2) Landlord will provide the HVAC services to the*leased-`premises during the. operating hours Specified under Paragraph 8C for no addhbnai char / services to the leased prerMses during other hours for an additional cha per �1 hoyr. Tsnant.will pay Landlord the ehmrgee and h mrnediateli upon receipt ors' "T Landlord's Involve. Hourly ch gad an a half-hour bads, Any pi"' I hour will be rounded'u hour. Tenant will comply with Landlord's procedures to make a request O (3) Tenant will pay for the HVAC G*rvfoes under this lease. Tenant is Self Insured for all general and automobile- liability claims %+ 9. INSVRANCE:and has no fire and extended coverage insurance on the leased premises or th ,c ntenta, be t Te n , effect lrotn an Ensurer oudwilted to operate!n Texas: (1) public Ilablllty Insurance in an amount not less than$1,0M.000.00 on an ocourrerx e ba ruing Landlord as an additional Insured and (2) personal property damage Insurance.for Tenant's business opemllona and c on the leased L premises In an amount sufficient to replace such condo s aster a casualty I B. Before the Catnmanoonwt Date, Tt-( ' 'rmist provide Landlo 1th a copy, of the Insurance certificates evfidendng the requlred odverage, p the inswa overage changes:'In any roamer or degree at any tune this lease Is In eft et,Tenant musk n or than 10 days after ttie change, provide Landlord a copy of an Insurance certificate avidenci change. C. If Tenant fails to maintain the required ins nce in full force and o fect at ail tirms, this lease is in efhct,Landlord may. (1) Purchase lncur■nce that will vide Landlord the cants coverage ac the rea(uked Insurance and Tenant must r'"O iatel - mburse landlord for such-expenat:or (2) exardse Landlord' adles under Paragraph 20. D. Unto" the agree otherwise, Loniloid will. lot Landlords expense, mainti in in full force and slfest.Ir1 I nce_for.tinr:And.extertsllafrowr'age.,in an a.npuntto_eowc thr+ ressane* replacomant cost of lrrptovernents of the Property and` publk Iladltty insurance In an a rrvd'rut that Landlord 06M o"d opial op. a, (TAR-210110.7-02 Inibied 1br Identak*Wn byTenenb: end Lendiord! `� Papa 7 or 15 Pndw�1y RMN Oil z�rew P,O:i�r tip.MnIA�.Tx T910S (106)11262 q sio�N�ey:ia+wwY+aerbd.mc to:coo�utoErctt•+d; Jury 10 06-09:08a Scott Walker 713-627-3847 p.7 JUN-09-200 5 FRI 05;03 PH CITY OF BEAUMONT PURCH, FAX NO. 4098803747 P. 07 Tvesday,June 06,7008 4;13 PM B00%Walker 713627-U47 R08 Cammercialteess concerning;6M C4mcwdRoad„j &�ivawst,T•xe•7770! E. . contonts that is caused by Tenant.Tenser;use of the.leased 1pfq nerits made by or for Tenant, Tenant wf11.for each year , pay Landbrd the increase fmmedlately after Landlord a noreami.Any charge to Tenant under this Paragraph 8D will be 6, USE AND HOURS: A. Tenant may ua tie teased promises for the following purpose and no other:Issm eaer141edicul sorvtas SitatMa(Sbi1b] B. Urttess otherwise specified In this lease, Tenant will opomW and conduct Its lousiness in the leased premises during business hovm,that are typical of the industry in which Tenant represents It operates. Tenant may operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week for the 36 month lease term C. The Property walttt kw operating hours of(speco ho&o,drays of week and!ur�cluslve of excluslae of vAwkwrds and holld aye)•de*9,H.e%lv.*) ' C 111, LEGAL COMPLIANCE: A Tenant may not use or perwk any part of tho loasad promises to bo used for: (1) any Goth ft which Is a nutaanrx or Is oNenalve,noisy,or dangerous'. (2) any aativky that Interferes with any other tenant's normal business operations or Landlord'e rnanagernent of the Property: (3) any activity that violates any applicable law, regulation, wring ordirmnee, restrictive covenant, goverrueen 1 order, owners' association rules, tenants' association rules, Landlord's rules of reguhtions,or this lease; . (4) any hazardous activity that would raqulrs any Insurance pramium an the Property or tensed prernfses to Increase or that would void any such insuranpe; I '" M any activity that violets any appllcatft-federal,atdti, or`local law, Includfng but snot limited to those laws related to air quality, water quality, hazardous 'naterisle, wastewater, waste disposal, air emissions.or other envlronnerttal waders: (6) the permanent or tsnlporary storage of any hwardous arterial;or (7) B, "Hazardous matarlat' means any pollutant, toxic subala�cp„N.baacu rds waste, krardaus material. hazardous subnttance, solverrL or 611 as. !ietlned by any lederal, state, or iocai..erMronmental taw, ------------- requiation,ordinance,or rulwexisting as of rtes date of this tease or later enacted, C. Landlord does not represent or warrant that the IrorlGed,premises or Property oonf orm to applicable restrictions, zoning ordinances, setbaok.Jlnes. parking requkernw ts, Impirvious:.ground cover ratio rliqulrarmiants and-otheir matters that-may relate-to--Tenant's-Intended-rte. Tenant--must-satlW- ft564 that th���ed pro wises rnav bo used as Tanarrt intends by Indepandentii emostialdn^ all matters IShOod to this use of the leased premises or Prooeriv. Tonaryt aaraes that it Is not remna on anv the leased eg1trri m or Pr=204 (TAR•2101 l 0-7.02 lrtRb d for IdeizW efts by Temple; and Lend Page 6 01 It Pna+eN►y Rr.a are 9alN�iiR P a N+�ZK0.a�adr.Txrr�os(iga}34.o2sa.:., .. Pw►IaNOy.see•vnexr mq•'www W.c:4w•%74 02ce Fat Jun 10 06, 09:09a Scott Walker 713-627-3847 p.8 JUN-1.1H-61J6 H1 ub:w NI1 ui'ry Uh HIsA1,1110mr �FURQH. FAX N0. 4098803747 P, 08 Tuesday,JAne 0e,2008 413 PM " Scott Walker 715.627-38x7• p.07 Commotool lease conceranq:64152 CmKord2tea lr AnearouL Tess 777011 11.SIGNS, A Tenant may not post or paint any signs at, on. or about the leased promises or Property without LandWd's written consent. landlord may remove any unauthorized sign, and Tenant will ptomptly reimburse Landlord for its cost to rermve any unauthodlaed sign. B. Any authorised sign must comply with J laws. rostActions.zoning ordinances, and any 8overnit>sntal order relating to signs on the leased promises or Property. Landlord may temporarily remove any authorized sign to complete ropsirs or alterations to the leased pretdses or the Property. C. By providing written notice to Tenant before this lease into: Landlord may require Tenant, upon move- out and at Tenant's expense,to term".v thcut damage.to the Property or leased premises, any or all signs that wets placed on>he Property of teased promises by or at the request of Tenant. Any signs that Landlord.does not require Tenant to remove and that are figures, became the property of the Landlord and must be surrendered to Landlord at the time this have ends. 14.ACCESS BY LANDLORD: ` A Otaing Tanant'ss normal business hours Landlord may enter I* leased promises for any reasonable purpose, Including but not IlInt od to purposes for repairs, maintenance, alterations, and showing-the leased premises to prospective tenants at purc%asers. Landlord may aeeass trla leased prernisos after Tenant's naTmnt business hours M:(1)erftAs,made with Tenant's permission; or (2)entry Is necessary to complete emergency repairs. Lartidiord wHl not unreasonably interfere with Tenant's business . operations when accessing the leased premises. B. During the last o days of this lease, Landlord nay ptses a"For Lease' or.slniie rly worded sign In the leased prorrives. 13. MOMN=NDlT*N: Tenant has imgmc%d the leaved pren+isss and accepts R In its present (as-is) condition unless expressly noted ptherwlas_Ji Alhis lease, Lane dbrd grid- Mnt hw! mtds n"xwm or lWad&Irrantlas as to Jbg cakelition or oai'nkoid Use of the iMed oremi6ogQr moi;Iiilfty. 14.MOVE-OUT CONIXTION AND FORFEITURE OF TENANT'S PERSONAL PROPERTY: A. At the tints this!ease ends, Team will surrender the leased premises In the same condition as when recelved, except for normal wear and tear.Tenant NAN cleave the leased premises In a clean condition tree of all trash,debris,personal property,:haaalydous materials,and environinentai cohiarninants. S. If Tenant leaves any personal property In the leased prsmtsee after Tenant surrenders possession of the leased pietnlees. Landlord tray: (t).requke Tenant; at Tenants expense, to`remove the personal property by proAdinp written notice to Tenant, or (2) retain such personal property as fotfel%d property to Landlord, C. "Surrender- meara vacating the leased premises and returning a" keys .and Access devk ets to Landlord. "Normal wear and tear" means detodamItion that occur: without negligence, carelessness, acddent,a atlllse. • D. By provkdng%k tten notice to Tenant b6fale s lease ends. Landlord may raqulre Tenant, upon move- 61A and At Tenant's-4)"n".to rentova;'wmogt damage to-the--Property of leased premises_. arvy or. all flxtutes that were placed on the Property or leased premises by or at the request of Tenant. Any fixtures that Landiard does not require Tenant to remove become the property of the Landlord and must ion currentdered to l..endord.at the time thil.;laave seals:: w -.: (VAN-21011&742 Ir%tkl4d ref Ideriftollat,byTsrwnta; and Lendb� Pape T of 15 PnJ�ra41y 141rC'QIM BrYfur.P.Q ant LNf.amri.Til TGiOf,(iao]3,!2.0217 .. sroiu.errfKaewsxr!srar5ooe e:ee.araomurot Jun 10 06'09:10a Scott Walker 713-627-3847 p,9 JUN-09-206 FNI U5:U4 YM CITY OF UEAUMONT PURCH, FAX N0, 4098803747 P, 09 Tuesday,June 08,2008 418 PM Scott Walker 713-827-3847 PA Commarelat tease concemrng:602 camewdjt.oedr Besuraoat Teens 7770% — 16. MAINTENW402 AND REPAIRS: A QnNngi Tenant must keep the leased premises clean and salnitary and prot"y dispose of all garbage In appropriate teceptacles. 0"a.an*rd N Tenant wIA provide, at Its expense, janitorlal services to the leased premises thafare cystotnary and ordinary for the Property type. B. Repaks at Condkio sC r by a Party:Each party must promptly repair a condttlort in road of repair that is,caused, either b4actionally or nsgligerrtly, by that party.,vr that pasty's guests, patrons. Invitees, oontractars or perrnitted suMar,eMs. C. R! and M k ftnanov Sea nsiWilb; Except as provided by Paragraph 158. the party designated belaw, at IW expense, Is raeponalMe to elalydain and repair the following opeelliod Items in the leased promises. The Wwlfwd Nerve; molt be rrwlntalned in clean and good operable condition, 9 a goverrtnwr1al regulation or order regl res.a modification to any of the specifrad dens, rite party dealgnated to maktsaln the ttern must corflplaae and pay the expense of tfts modrrcation. The SPOCM64 Items indude and relats only, to real property h the leased promises. Tenant Is.responsible for the repair and maintenanee of its personal property.(Chack'a/l that apply.) jy8 Landlord I!rmnt (1) Foundation.exterior walls,roof,and atht' trudal coronont (2) Giasis and windows O is O ❑ ® ❑ (3) Fire protection equiptinent and fire sprinkler'systems ❑ (4) Exterlar & overhead doara. Including olooure devioea, inokling, ❑ ® ❑ Wks.and hardware (5) Grounds nuintenance. inciuding�landacapin9 And =ground ❑ ❑ sprinidem (6) Interior doors, IncludkV ciosure devkes. frames, making. locks. ❑ � ❑ and hardware (7) Parking areas and walks ❑ ❑ (8) Piurnbing systems. drainage systems, electrical systems. ballast ❑ ❑ and lamp replacernant, and mechanical syvtoms. except those speeMeally deApated otherwise (9) Heating VenlMon and Air Conditicning (HVAC)systems ❑ ® Q (10) Signs send lightins: (a) Pylon Q (b) Facia 0 O (d) Dooftuft _ r; Q ❑ (11) EAwminatlon and peat control.exckldina wood-dastroying insects (12) Storage yards and storage buildings ❑ Ila 0 (13) Woo"ostraying hued treatnent and repatm (14) Cranes and related systems �'` Yj ® ' ❑ Q (j ❑ ❑ (17) All other horns and sy0ame, ❑ ❑ i9 D. 82pgir Pereans;Ropoire mot be eom pleted by trained,quialifw4.and insured repair persona. (TA .20116-7.02 Mdtlaled for kleoiftstlon byTenarft: end tardbrd:�.: �v Pays 8 of 15 Pi*U@O ey RadV Gee 3A w k F.0L No 21x9.Amwae.TX 791 H.(0051300,2717 . --• aro�YfN e!:scaa watt ckb.S^Aa. III:rau+c,1 od.a�u� Jun 10 06'09:10a Scott Walker 713-627-3847 p.10 JUN-UU-dUUb M Ub:U4 Yrl U VI Y Ulh UtRUflUN'l t'UKUM. hRx NU. 9UU8?3U3(41 K ]U Tudraday,Juno 00,2008 d:`$PM Saattwilker 71346174947 P•� Commercial Lease concerrina 640 ComardRomL Datatent Texxs77703 E. HVAC servloe copes: If Tenant maintains the HVAC system under Paragraph 43C(S), Tenant 0 its Q is not squired to maintain. at its expense. a regularly scheduled naintanance and service contract for the HVAC system, The malrttenamee and service contract must be purchased from a HVAC maintenance company that regularly provides such contracts to slmilaf propertles. K Tenant falls to maintain a required HVAC maintenance and senvrce coftbad In offect at all times during this lease, Landlord may do so and charge Tenant the expense of such a maintenance and service oontract or exercise Landlorfe remedies under Paragraph 20. F. QgMMn Arnaw. Landlord will maintain any common areas in the Property In a manner as Landlord determines to be In the best Interest of the Property, Landlord will maintain any elevator and signs in the common area. Landlord may ehanide,the slam, 'dimension, and location of any common areas, provided that ranch change does not;matorldily 1tr poi Tonent'e use and oocooe M the I" Od promises, Tenant has the non-exclustve Itoom to was the common areas In compitance with Landi ens rules and restrlcllone. Tenant may not solicit any hushu" In the eotrimon areas or interfors with any other person's tlgM to use the common stags.TMs paragraph does not apply It Paragraph 2A(2)applies. Q. Notice of Ftsoairs:Tenant must promptly notiry Landlord of any itsm that is in need of repair and that is Landlord's responsibility to ropalr.Ali requests tar repairs to Landlord must be In writing, H, Fallurs to Rea ir: Landlord nest make a repair for which Landlord Is responctbla,within a reasonable period of One afar Tenant provides Landlord wrllten natloe of the nNded repair..:tf Tenant kits to repair or maintain an kmm for which Tenant 19 responsible within 10 days after Landlord provides Tenant writtian notice of the needed ropelr or maintenance. Larhdbrd may: (1) repair or rmintatn the iron, without liability for arty damage of loss to Tenant, and Toment rixot Irvi4diately ralmburse Landlord for the eoatto repair of rtraintelm.at(2)extretse Landlord's remedies under Paragraph 20. is.ALTERATIONS: A. Tonant may rcpt altar,improve.of add to the Property or the loawd prondsoc wK ho4t Landlord's written consent. Landlord WIN not unreascnably,twl hhold consent for the Tenant to. rM6, reasonable man- atructural allDaiattions,modlAcations:it Improve,Ments to the leased premises. B. Tenant may not alter any locks or any seomtity devices on the Property or the leased promises witlhcA Landlord's consent N Landknd autherhss the ehanglr4, addloon, or rekeying,,pf.;*ny locks or other security deWces,Tenant n>ust Imrrhmela0ety deliver the new Key`s and'acce�s do*os,to Landlord. C. K a goveminentai order requires alteration.or:modification to the Ieased premises, tthv party obligated to maintain and'-repair the Item m be mocoea or altered as designated in Paragraph 15 WIN. at Its mpense,modify or alter the cam In compllance with the order. D. Any alterations, improvements, fixtures-or additions to-ttla•Property of l eased pt'ettwses insta w by either parry during the term of this lease will become Landlord's property and muef: be sufrondered to Landlord at the time this lease ends, except for those Mures Landlord requires"Tenant to remove under Paragraph 11 of t-4 or It the parties agar-o otherwise in writing. 17. UENS- Tenant may not do anything that will. cruse the title of the Property or ISM40 "Mme's to be encumbered kh any way.V Tenant caueas a I er>to be flied against the Property of Isaased prermless,.Tenant wNi with-to 2Q da�.af bra[-recalpt of Landlorq`c=dvr rid: (1)pay the lien and have the.lists released of record; or (2)take action a discharge tl,n,ilen. Tenaryt wU prwide Lartididrd a c6py of any rofee"Tenant obtains pursuant to tads perogro;M. (TAR.21011 6.7.02 10ftled rot Idelwncatlon by TenarAa: and Lerxtlor� Pape 9 of 13 Pad-6d ry Mir Om?NMUe.P.0.wr M.MV86,T17910%(9de)300217 mow by.agar W*&o•pc�.ode m cour+d adds•rraA: Jun 10 06 09:11a Scott Walker 713-627-3847 p.11 JUM-09-2006 FRI 0505 Pit CITY OF BEAUMONT PURCH, FAX NO. 4098803747 P. 11 Tuesday,June CA 2M 4:13 PM Scott Walker Tt3�7.384T ;00 Commercial Lease voncernlre,!u1U Coscad fload. t nywat Tessa 7MV 111.1-MMILITY: Tithe ext�ffftd by law. Landlord Is NOT MgoWblo to Tent ar Tenant's erniiotiee4 Patrons_guests_or invitees for amt d n,a I i •{as-or Igues.to�rso n of.giRift caused by. A. an act arflr na"a of; Tenant 1 sneaCS ene ; Tename asst Tenants erml yfor,, TenwWo neurons:Tenants IMtho,ggjj if gjbeL tanagi,4n ft Proceity. B. tlre,food.water leaks, lee.snow,hall winds explosion smoke riot strike Interruption of w0liVes L theft buralam- robbsy. assitt. vandahm. other uasrsons. environmental cortaminaft gr other occurrences or sum It lei 19. INDEMNsTY: E`_p YAI LndamnU and held the other na tr, h_omllgag (rgtn any g[opeft dma&e nerna,I,injury_ suh_ actions liabilMea dkamages�aofanalrs or service to tilt, leased ptQ `"ate or Prone or amr other loss caused negijgen y of otherw by�t pAjy or that a y's emdoyees, ens.4uasts.or invifft to the extent allowed by law. 20.DEFAULT: A. K Landlord facia to comply wilh thk lease within 30 days after Tenant notifies landlord of Lrandiord's failure to comply, Landlord will be In default and Tenaltt, may,seek any. remedy provided by law. If, however, Landiord'e non-oempllence reasonably r"lrea more than 30 days to cure, Landlord will not be in default if fitie curs it commenced within the 30-day period and is dilgenlly pursued. 8. If Landlord does not actually recollwat the pla`ce,de9lsnated for payment any rent due under this lease 30 ays within toot it is duo.Tenant will be In default. F Tenant fails to co"ly with this Ivaso for any ;L *Vm reason w{thln 10 days after Landlord nottles Tenant of Its fawure to cornply,,.Tenant wilt be in default, -- /��/G, If Tenant Is in detauR ' MWdN i - Landlord will attempt to mkipw any damage or lose caused by Tenant's breach by uaing oonmercially reasonable means.If Tenant is In defai4k,Tenant w#1 be liable for-, /, (1) anylastrenk (2) , and- . I (3q faepalte t6 the teased premises for uea beyond nornal wear and tear; (4) ; / (,ri) � ;-end-- (� lot ft (7) cost to remove any fresh, debris, personal prope!tty, hazardous materials ..or environmental Co19endnants WR by Tenant or T.w' mnt'a employees,"patrons, gueeta, or Inwhass in the based g pluses or Property; -frropartyz� ... C9) any other recaveryto which Landlord may be entitled under this lease or under law. 24.ABANDONhENT, -NMRRUPT--ION OF-UT'ILTIES, REMOVAL- -OF PROPERTY.---AND LOCKOUT: Chapter 93 of the Texas Property Code governs the rights and obligations of the panties with regard to: (a) ebandsnment of the leased premises; (b) Interruption of tfiftles; (c) removal of Tenant's property; and (d) 'look-out?'of Tenant. r TAR-2101I 6.7.02 Inklniedlbt klentl(Iea1b11 by Tsnenp; and landb(d. (✓' Page 10 at 13 F"40id by AeNy One derw►e.P.Q BUM.Arwtle.TX 711".(roil 34L 02.11 .�., i f .. �.04�.19�!1cMr(Yt0 f4it!6.:!VS a=:SMfG9+d O�Ce ll.d' Jun 10 06 09;12a Scott Walker 713-627-3847 p.12 JUM-09-2006 FR1 05.06 PM CITY OF BEAUMONT PURCH. FAX NO. 4098BO3747 P. 12 Tuesday,June 00,2000 4:13 PM Scott%dk r,713-G27-$647 p.11 Comm erclal Lease concertmg$4.42 Caac—wi R%4, Aanneat Tom 77708 l 3 j •. . .. . zz. MOLDOWRr If Tenant tally to vacate the leased prentbes*I the time this tease ends, Tenant wMt become a tenant-at-wilE and trust vacato the leased promises immediately upon receipt of demand from Landlord. No holding over by Tenant, with or wbw the consort of Landlord, will odend tNs lease. Tonarl will IndrmnUy Landlord and any pmapectivve tenants lot any and all damages caused by the homover. Rent for any holdover period will bed- (ttw base monthly re ' o the extent: allowed T aw. 23. , S wt wr.�„I,�4..,1 wJL,wJ �ll.w ":mow`i r Iri�u��� _I��ill I T -y � ••� � f./�� w 24, A8816"PIT AND 3UBL@TT1N0: Londlofa' my assign this lease to any subsequent owner of the Property. Tsnari may not aaai9a this Isasa or sublet any part of the leased premises without Landlord's written consent.M asslanmbnt of this tease or subletting of me leased.premises WM " Landlord's written consent Is vaWabfe by Landlord. If Tenant assigns this lease 'at sublets arty part of the leased pramtses. Tenant well remain liable for all of Tenant's'obligations under this lease rogardiesa If Ow assignment or sublease Is made wfbt or without the consort of Landlord. 25.RELOCATION; 0 A. 9y providing Tenant with not leas than 90 days advanced written notice. Landlord may require Tenant to relooato to another loostlon let the prop4rty; proyaded that the other Weston le equal In etas or larger than the leased promises then occupied `by Tenant and contains similar •leasohold improvements. Landlord will pay Tenant's reasonable out-of-pocket maNdM expenses for nwvina to the other location. "Noving-expern"' "Mang reasonable oxpensas payaole to,proroestenni movers, uA tty eornpanles Mr connection and disconnection faes, wiring companiss for connecting end dkeonrtacting Tenant's office equipment required by fire relocation. and printing companies for reprinting Tenant's "tkmwry and business cards. A relocation of Tenant will riot change or offset any other provision of this lease.that Is then in effect.;including rent and roirnbuisarrtant amounts,except that the dermtip6on,of the suite or unit number w6i autanuttealty W amended, 10 B. Landlord may not require Tenant to relocate to anvtimLloostion In the Property without Tenant's prior consent. 26.SUROFMIATION: A. This lease and Tenant's leasOhold intereit'ato and will be subject,subordinate,and Inferior to: ne (1) any Ilan, sncurnbtae, or around lease raw or hereafter plaroed on thi leased premises or the Property that Landlord wAlvritas; (2) all advances rnada under any such Gin,encumbr>R",•orpround lease: (3) the Interest payable an any such ran or incumbrance; (4)-anyand-all-rsnewais and-extanslonc of-any such Ilan,ancurnbrartce,or ground leigq; (5) any restrictive covenant afhetting the leaned prsmisss arthe Property;and " -�'., (6) the rights of any owners'association atfeeting the leased premises or Property. 0. Tenant rnuvOon..demand, lexseuti a"aubnrdt !ion; .pgornrn"t, and non-disturbsrtte agrowrant !fiat Landlord mr.request the!Tenant*moouts, provided that ooh egreerneM Is Inido.on the oondiden that this lease and Tenant's 69ftts under this lease are recognised by the rren-Colder. .. Pa 11 of Is (TAA-2101)e-T-02 Malwl for IdenWitg ion byTananf;* avid Lando fie P"4498a w R.w aw awltw..P.O.arc 2W.RnoW.Tx 79106,rag►34ZIZ1r s Jun 10 06' 09:13a Scott Walker 713-627-3847 p,13 ,iUH-09-2006 FR 1 05:06 PM C I . CF BEAUMONT PURCH, FAX N0. 4093803747 P. 13 Tuesday,June 00,2008 4,13 PM Scutt Waller 713-627-3847 0.12 Commercial Lease conceininff 6462 CoaeO'd rd Rvawneat TwM%777(13 27. 415TOPP81_CLRTIPICATEa: VNdn 10 days edter receipt of a writion request from Landlord, Tenant will execute autd 4orwerto Landlord an estappelcettifwate that idontifias: A any breach of the leaaw, B. the then cuirent tent payment and rant schedule; ' C. the date Qw-niA roM paymentis due: D. any advance lent Pay!,lanh; E. the amount of the secwKy deposit: F. any claims for any offsets; G. the then Current trarrn of the Faso: H. any renewal coons; I. Tenant a possession and acceptance of the leaved premises and improvements: J. any ownerahlp lyderest by Tenant;and K. any other Irearntatlon reasonably requested in the certificate. 48.CASUALTY LOSS: A Tenant must irranadiately notify Landlord of any cmuelty loss In the leased premises. VWthin 20 days alter rewtpt of Tenar is nollce of a casualty loan, Landlord will notify Terurnt if the Teased pramises are less than or rrore than 5096 unusable. on a per square •foot'baste, and It Landlord,can iubstantialty restore the leased premises within'120 days alter Tenant notifies Landlord of the casua ley lass. B. N the (eased premises are lees than SQ%'unusable and Landlord can subvtanttally restore the leased premisas Aft o 120 days after Tenant n6tfiss Landlofd of the caaugky, Landlord wilt restore the leased premises to substantkrlly, &A same condition as before the Casualty. If Landlord falls to substan"ly restore within the time required,Tenard may terminate this lease. C. It the teased premises are more than 50% unusable and Landlord can substantiality restore the [eased preniess wWn 120 days alter Tenant notifies Landlord of the casualty. Landlord may: (1) tetrnlnata this lease:of (2) restore the Mased pramkss to substantlMiy the lama condt0w as before the casuatw- if Landlord chooses to restore and doss not substantially restore the leased promises within the lime required.Tenant may terminate this lease. D. If Landlord rtofts Tenant that Landlord cannot subst+iitttially restore the leased promises within 120 days alter Tenant notifies Landlord of the casualty loss, 4andtotd trey: (1) ehdose.not to restore and terminate Ihis lease; of (2) chow* to rettoro, nobly Tenant of thQ o _, tad tine to ratoro. and give Tenant the option to terminate this lease by notNyirlg Landlord within- I ys. 6. If this lease does not tlemrrtate loeoeuee of a oaeualty Ice%, rent will be reduced froin tha dat• Tenomt notifies Landtofd of the eawaltty loss to ttia•date the laaissd prembee are substaltdkily restored by an amount propdrtlorlate to the extern the feased'premises ale unusable. 29. CONDEMNATION: if alter a conderrnatlon or purchase In lieu at condemnation the teased Premlaes are totally unusable for the purposes stated In this lease. this lease.W teanklats. If after.a condemnation or purchae<e_in tk+k of cgndt m ion the Nased,premises or Pro oy1;Ire partially un,,usahtr+ for tAie purposes of this lease, this lease will continue and rent will be re cad an ammount oltlonata to the-extent the Prof leased prernlen are unusable. Any condsirrmdon award of proceeds in lieu of eandemnallan are the property of Landlord and Tenant has no chim to such proceeds or award. Tenant mpV46ek compensation from tie condetrtrlir>g out orlN for Ito moving expenses and damages lo Terlaltit's personal property. - - .%. __ a0. :' Ps 12otts Sol 40 the krofteelle-, -damd—"d {TAR-210116.7-62 Initlrlied for klantffk.tlon by T.rvsnts<=._.end Landlord:� � Pi�Iv��d1yltsWV 0m W.M1&P.Q.9a%141V.Audio.TX 7119S.(oar)=rulT rc*VW#d Yye saw seeker QQW-O" m:addenN OmH►fin Jun 10 06 09;14a Scott Walker 713-627-3847 p.14 JUN-09-2006 FRI 05:07 PH CITY OF BEALMONT PURCH, FAX N0. 4098803747 P. 14 Tusidey, June 09,2009 6:11 PM Scan Walker.713-e2T-3947 P.13 Commercial Leave canceminy 64.41 Caacord 11062, Bwameat,TvMa 7778# 31. RMPaeSENTATratva: Tenanft.stalenMrft`tn this lease and tirry'application for rental are material r%presentations relied upon by Landlotd. Each patty signing this tease reptesents that he or she is of legal age to order into a binding oonhact and Is authorlaed to sign the tease. If Tenant makes any Hwepresentation in this lease of In any appllcatlon for rental.Tenant is In defauk.Landlord is not aware of any matetial defed on She Property that would affect the heakh and satfety of an ordinary person or any onvlronmerntal hazard on or affecting the Property that woUd affect the hoathh or safety of an ordinary person,except: 32,BROKERS: v A. The brokers to this lease are: Nn, Ferdtd 11t Adsaclaea It�d31c. QiE1477 coopersarg era4 sr Mahe Nato. Principel,Sroker Ltcenee M. 3610 1Wwendle VeudWa.Tom,77027 Address Address 713 627.9141 711627.3847 Phone Fax Phony Fax _ r:rrs1kw3470tdhcZk*b .net E-msi E'm�'1 Cooperating Broker represents Tenant. Principal Broker:(Chook o IY orie'box) 0 represents Landlord only. I]represents Tenant only. ❑is an intermediary between La6dlord%rata Tenant. S. Fees: Q (1) Principal Broker's fag wit to paid according to,(Check only W*box), D (a) a sopara%written commlasbn agreanWt bet000i Pclnc'IPW 95roker and, O Landord ❑Toners. O (b3 the attached Addendum for Broker's Fee Q (2) Cooperating Broker's foe will be paid according to.f ohwck only one box). a (a) a sspaerarte wrt on commission agreement between Cooperatfttg Broker and U Principal Broker O Landlord ❑Tenant. ® (b) the attached Addendumfor Broker's Fee. 33.ADMNDA: Inearporstad Into this lease are..the addenda, exhbibs and other Har111ation marked In the Addenda.tad.ExEalbk section of me Table of Go-g onts. If Landlord's Rules aMd Regulations are made part re of this loaee, T■nent ages to canTly,w*h the RuWa and R664141119ne as Wtdtord May, at its d4crration, amend front tarns b tine. k a '� (TAR-21011)6.7-02 aRRte(ed 1br Iderbleatton byTwerft end a.endtor __!1 r Pape 13 of 13 PrdMutA MY RN1y Om BeMwr�,P.Lt 8er 2164.NarIM,TX)otos,{406)317reZ17 Jun 13 06 07:11a Scott Walker 713-627-3847 p.3 4UN-UU-eUUb M US:Ur Vn Ul'rr Uh tihHUnUN-j- VUFUH. M NU. 4U98803747 P, 15 Tuesday, June K20004,t3PM SaattWalk+er7IM27.9847 p.14 commorclal Lease cancesning 64SZ Concord Heanaorst.ISM 7"08 34, NOTICZ31. All notlaes under this lease nu$t be In wrlong and are effeetive when hand-delivered, sent by mail, or sent by facsimile tralnsrnission to: Tenant at the leased premises, endSCApyto: •�t�Hs� Clh►�laawterr Ci'>~y _f Beaumont, Address:P.O.Box 3827 NSUM <n TX 17704 Phone: Fax: ----- Landbrd at: Address;Aled liu9 L Wolkw eJo Scott WoMr•2610 NowcavOl.Haartoa.TS 77037 Phone:'11,3 627.401 FSX:113 637-3847 and a copy to', Address:Nom& Phone: Fax: 36. SPECIAL PROVISIONS: M � 35,1 Tenant may terminate this lease by living Landlord six (6) months advance written notice of its- desire to terminate. 36.AGREEMENT OF PARTIES: A. Ermine Acueerunt: Thin lease contains the entire agreement between Landlord,and Tenant and may not be changed except by written agreeniont. B. jlndlM Effect: This lease Is binding upon and inure$ to the boneflt of the PaMes and thelr respeethre heirs,executors,adrrllnistraters,successors,and permitted assigns. C. joint and 5 jgW, All Tenarntc are lointiy and severally lhtbis fot all provisions of this lease. Arty act or notice to.or refund to,or signature of, any one or more of the Tenants regarding any term of this lease, its renewal. or Its torminatlon Is binding on all Tenants. O. Controlling : The laws of the State of Texas govern OW interpraMlon, performance, and enforcement of this laws. AR-2101?6-7-02 ki tlaled fot Idej*fka►tbn bV T®neft: and LandDoW.. � Pap 14 at 10 Proarcd kY R1M1t Om admo,PRO$o 24M.arMw,TX Tero9.(490 3*21T rea2bJ y, wetwtlL tY on�a?a►!6 e4 c o"69 005"nn Jun 10 06 09:15a Scott Walker 713-627-3847 p.16 JUN-09-2006 FRI 05:08 PM CITY OF BEAUMONT PURGH, FAX NO. 4098803747 P. 16 'Tuesday,June oe,20M 4-13 PM acanWaiker 713.027-3647 PAS Commerclal loses concemina:6452 Coaeord Ran& Beawaeaf,rions 777116 E. enable lak=2: If any clause In Ihte lease Is found InVmlld ar`unetnvrveabie'loy a vourt of law, the remainder of this lease will not be affected and all othet provisions of this lease will femain valid and enforceable. F, Waiver; Landtwd's delay, waiver, or non-enforcement of acceloration. conttactual'or statutory lien, rental clue date, or any.other right v4I not be deemd a wattm of any other or 30neggent breach by Tenant or any other term in.this lease. G. Qulot Eniovrtwnt Provided that Tenant is not In default of this lease, Landlord covenants that Tanant will eNay possession and use of the leased premises free,frorn mterial Irttaferenos. H. Fame It Landlord's perf'ornanos af,s.term to this lease b delayed by strike, lock-*%A,aha t ee of material, povemrnental mobil ion, riot,.flood, or any cause outside Landlord's control, the On% for Landlord's performance will be abated until after the delay, I. IIL>t1E: Tlrrw Is ottho essence.The partles requlra strict compliance with the threes tor. performance. Brokers are not qualified to render legal advice, property inspections, surveys, engineering studies, environmental assaaments, tax advk% or compliance inspections. The pardes should seek experts to render such sarvleas. READ THIS LEASE CAREFULLY. it you do not undwatand.the effinet of this Lease,consult your attorney BEFORE signing. C{fir or BesureastTenon Modolta L W adaer by Rcatt �r Tenant ;� ,! .. ,. Landlord Date '• � WALLZER 0 Al P1kftd Notna gf B.aluaw Tozae ►dented Nods AbdsNse L•`Yalksr :.Sicotti�einr-- U1e Tltls Tenant Lansford �Y By -- - pape Date 1011aw ham• PIIIKW Name 64M Cenoord Road. Beawnaut Telax Tklt. "M ('Ta11-2101)0-7.02 Dope is of lS M6&x&4 ey IIa*0m 1k w�,PQ 86K 240,kromb.7 K Mft(i7i►=42+0217 ' ' t'CwL�iby.SCre W�YP IQtiM:nK�G tY.C�IOe`0(d Ol6C�t1,► Jun 10 06 09:15a Scott Walker 713-627-3847 p.17 JUW09-2006 FRI 05:08 PH CITY OF BEAMONT PURCH, FAX NO. 4098803747 P. 17 Jun 05 06 10:55a Saalt Welker 713-627.3847 p.17 J m-w-El b mu foss m !rr y w !laid um MUM. ML 14U, 4tiMOU S 1%1 EXIMM A, PROPMRTY LEGAL DSStRTON • WcA770N: omzomw CoNCOpD RD. ' IZ60W DESCkiIlMI C. 1'L AS I'TA 193 D 4%=THOS SPEAK AHST 50 LOCATION: -WO CONCORD RD..HPJ UMONT.T3G 77703 Lm,GAL DESCxwno,,m PL.am TR 193C Tmos s AR ASST 50.531 SIC LOCATMIN: •6410 CONCORD RD. Ur"DES M: rL riA[TR 193Ci'1I;w 8;i1' mx ASST so.569 AC Jun 10 06'09:16a Scott Walker 713-627-3847 p.18 JUN-UJ-?UUb PKl Ub',UU F11 UITY Uh bhRUIIUIJI PURCH• FAX NU, 4U988113(4 f P• 18 Jun 05 06 14:65a Soott ws1wr 713-6273647 p•16 JUN-01-2008 THU 11:34 All CITY OF 8t~AUt11Kr FURCIL FAX Nu. 01NdEi0NU P. td .. j EXHIBIT B fir I VY! -Ak w t • , • 1� v h a F o qvvw14DL,one= Cqi t!! !il'Zvt Ll:Kx tai lsltL/t! Jun 10 06 09:16a Scott Walker 713-627-3847 p.19 +JUN-M-ZUUb t•It! U!):Uy Yrl i;1'1'Y UIr 8hAUHUN'I',tUKCH FAX- NO. 4098803747 P, 19 Jun 05 06 10'Wa Scott Wainer 7134273847 PAS Fayard & Associates Realty MMAZASSOCLMOK CORWLTOP-SP COMMERCIAL L.EASEAODENDUM FOR BROKEWS FEE Uft OF TN9 PUN N MRt♦OMR vw0 All!NOT YRM(liAi OFTM!IM(AS AMMAYIOM Of ft"TWO w MOT MHM MINI 4wawMT8V1*4"%V*M Mk*%InsDom r -- ADMDUM TO VVE CONORCIAL LEASE 139VWEM THE UNDER5I011E0 LANDLORD AND TENANT CONCERNING THE L a"ED PREMISES AT 5453 Ca, ea"Road. 3"MMMU Taw ""It a L&Mrva Fees: All ieesing ices are earned when the above refemced Iowa is executad. (1) ble"Wn t.Walker t ' twil pair fMnr*al Broker a leasfrtg fee caloWated grid payable as fdkww O (a) % of all bass riwnthty rants to be paid far.;"term of the bane patyabls as"Iowa' one- half of such aRtwunt at the tbrns Landlofd and Tartar't�er aAs the lease and the rent*ider'an ttte date the lease convmnoes. r C (b) r %of ag base monthly rents to'be.pall for the term of the base payable as fallamm S_c*k W*Wmr ins Ucm=d Twm R"1 Eie4 Sala=Ao welded tsrZg3 d e;rlsS0dM"Redly Na commusiaal wia be Dodd wader the!craw of this trartssetiea — (2) Norfle sum pay Cooperating Broker at leasing fee calculated autd payable as folaws; 0 (a) 96 of all bass wort* rerun tae paid for" term of the tease'-paYsWG as-Mows: one- half of such amount at the ti*ie t.andkxd and Tenant eMcL"ttta tease-and the remaiftder an the date the lease com a lam. U (b) _%Of ail base mortlltky rerft-tv be paid f4 ft:glen*of the lease•patabla•as follows: m (C) Dorf$ g. Raeawal and Em-arzron EM, k Lw4tord;.apd'Tanard aLftmaWer* 0360d, MOON, the tease, ;,pr' ittdudng a new lease for more, less, or dWererit space In the Property or in any after property awned, cash led, at fYtattaged by Landlord, the brokers will be paid that fees set fofth hetaw. The fees wlu be earned and payable when 1ha extension, renegedt expan.ston or now lease to '6 acuted or cortsrtenoee, whichever is settler. (11 - will pay Pdncipedd Bicker a mriewal fee of: (a) o Y.of all bass matthly rents to be peed far.the temt of the eAWnsiion,.ran wg,exfsansuon, Or new lease. 0 (b) CrAW21 CM 6.7•-02 1 4, %r Uer4%vWAOa bV Tenam-. and t dlo Pape 1 of 2 Nadraa rr n..y a+e SofMa,r,P•a aK Z,�A�+.rra.Txlt1 OS�leosi i�b4277 - . L. br..wea=k rainaa=fi m cerwwl aliGa. • a Jun 10 06 09:17a Scott Walker 713-627-3847 p.20 JUN-UJ-ZUUb MI Ub:IU I'l'l UI'I'Y OF tt flUrIUN'l' FUKUH, MX MU, 4UU88U3(41 Y. 20 Jun 05 06 10.56a SooltI waur : t" 713-n7-847- P20 Addendum fvr Stokers Pee conoerNns 6M Coaeord RodB. Bewnoot,7 efs;s 7—M-' (z) wilt pay Cooperading Broker a terrerwal fee d: Cl (a) ___..__% of A base monthly rents to be paid for the term of the etertsion, rer wal, etapanstotl, or new lease. Q (b) C~ Fees in the Event of a Sale: If,during any tare the lone Is is effect or during any turn®Tenant voa.Vies Ito leased preretisss; hdLxft." mdenst",,rpr^", or 93parako. Tenant apran to purchase the leased prerriset;or Property by oral or with-an oigroanvwd or optim brcioers wAl be pad the addtdonW fees set forth bekw.The.additional fees va be eamed at lire tuna L.wxlaq=d acrd Tensnt ender kto,an agreement for ft's sate.purchase. or cpaon for the iea.5ed premises or Property. and we-payable at the time the sale or purchase closes.` _ ` (1) t eAfte IL.wenter VM pay Principal iWoker an additional fee of, B (e} Q 96 of tfra sales price for the purdvanee. O (b) (2) NQM E wiu pay cooperating Broker an addWKww fee of t9 (e) Q_..-„!%of the sales price for the piurdu se. C1 (b) - - D, fit:al fees under this addendum are payaw in #IffMa Ccu.nty,,Texas. E. eagM's fuses y Landlard, Tenant, or any..#s!oker is a prav%lk 7g party in•any•legat pcoceedr%6 brought as a result of a dispute under this addendum or any trarmaetton related to or eonterrp4ated by this addendum, such paw will be ;entitled to recover-tro<rt;t1>e non-prareiling patties au ousts of such pcaoeading, proiudgnatent tntereet;and reasonable attorney's fees: iLo F. SPeriatt_Pravisior►s: } WALTER City e(Bearmaae Texas S F, L Walker Seoft lrrheM-- Terom L'. t.annalord . ! cG f�'(7 Data Tenant tandfa�d s -aate orate NONE _ f' Fovwd&A»aetsta Rat CoopencMng tlron�r Ptlncipat 8 ' DOD awe (�IW- IM 6.74= Page 2 of 2 r�aa,.r+e er PeMr uw sotwa�as eeR wo,Atrres,Txmos, '-► rywmbv v:$=a wares wavam a) Camd MO NA Jun 10 06 09:18a Scott Walker . u 713-627-3847 p.21 JUN-U9-2E306 FRI 05*1U Pn CITY OF KAt1M M' }UROH, FAX NO. 4USB UT( ( Y, 21 Jun 05 08 10:57a Scoot WalkaT 713827-3947 p21 General Power.of Attorney (with Durable Pro '"'Ian) MARTMMT—CW0 MINIUM—HOUSE " NOTICE:THIS 6 AN IMPORTANT DOCUMENT BEFORE SIGNING THIS DOCLIWENX YOU SHOULD KNOW THESE IMPORTANT FACM THE PURPOSE OF IM POVIfER OF AaTORNEY tS TO GIVE THE PERSON wHaM You DESIGNATE.(YOUR`AGENV) SmAD Pa mRsTO HARDLE YOUR PROPERLY.wHIr-R,MAY INCLUDE POWERS TD PLEDGE.SELL OR OTHERWISE DISPOSE OF ANY REAL OR PERSONAL PROPER"YWIT%=ADVANCE NOTICE TO YOU OR APPROVAL BY M`t0U MAY SPEM THAT THESE POWERS WILL EX=EVEN AfM YOU BECaMR DISA81.E0.94CAPACITATED CR If1COMPET'ENT:TM DOCUMENT DOES NOT A UYHORZE ANYONE TO MAKE MEDICAL OR OTHER HFAVT1 CARE USC1SIONS FOR YOU,lF THERE IS ANYTHING A30VT THIS FORM THAT YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND,YOU SHOULD ASK A LAWYER 1D EXPLAIN IT 713 YOU.YOU MAY REYOKETNIS POWER OF ffTORNEY IF YOU LATER WISH TO DO SO. TO ALL PERSONS.be It known lbot I,. of ;.rte, d ':-,� •T �t - .> the unsigned Prinopal,do t*Wiy riche and grant a serval power of attamey to and do thereupon onnstiurtr and apparrtsatd individual as m/ataomeyin•faethgent If my Agent is unable,ter serve for any reason,t designate of ,as r y svo m*r Agent. 11311 attnmeyirrfaNagart shall aft in my name..place and stead in any way which I myself could der,R►were personally Present. with respectto the j*I&Ang maters,to the eAa m that I am penni Wd bf4%vti to as through an agent:, (N*TlCE:The Prinripel ratmwrtte his or her initials In dicnorrespond N I:Wkspace 4a box belawwjt respell to each of the wbdivislans(A)through(0)below fat which the Pdncipal wants m give the agent audwtt.if the blank space W6n a 1309 foe any Fartiwlar subdivision is NOT initialed.NO AUTHORITY WILL BE GRAfMD for matters that are included in that subdMsian. Cruz out each power withheld.} ( 1 tA} Real estate Iransattions Cal T"ble Wtsonat propeliy;tra'*ctions , (Cl Band,sMie and cacen+odity trarisaciions I (D) Banking ttamcilans (E) Business aperatlaguamcdons t ✓1 (F) Insurance transadons ( } (G) Cft to charities,and individuals mhar than AToonrej-*FatVhQMtt (tftrustdeerrrs are inwlval aot�aaniegrennss are aeasdt an atrwnelAJ S �/• 1 (H} Claims are i 1109atlon I-tcrsarral ydia0v4*s and affairs f. E l (1) Benefits from mffmry seNk.q E ] (x} ftecaids,repots and statements l ✓ 1 (Q Full and urqualfwd,aul wlq'�o my at mmy-Ortactlagent to delegate any or all ofthe foregatg pawe'rs-W any~Rof persons vuhorn rry a0wneK-In-f3ctlage11t:SW select l Z (IN Aecessto safe deposit boK(#A 1 •"� ] (N) To auttwr'ce medical and surgical proeedures (o} All at w tI►a"s , pw I «�.WIWI" e�ao�,..aaaMrra ac Jun 10 08 09:18a Scott Walker 713-627-3847 p.22 JUN-09-2006 FRI 05:11 PM CITY OF BEAMONT PURCH, FAX NO. 4098BO3747 P, 22 Jun 05 06 10:58a Soon Wslkar 713.6273847 p.22 n Y ' DumbravwOn' space[ (P) AftMeeyy slktat43ndt be of be dad by ft �e+Rl�INb or iM nca M Len the Grantor. Othw leeerc My atwmey-m-hictfairM hatrebyaeeapts this apps in"Ont 5ubjea•t0itS--wM$UWAgntesty act and'perf"'In saW 6duclary capaft oonsWent with toy best how ests best i ismethm deems advisable;and t a*m and ra*aU acts so.undertaken, TO INDUCE ANY THIRO PAM TO ACT MBMIWDER,i ltE1E8Y ACiREEl?11lT ANY 4HIR0:PAIISY'REC�ING A t?l3lX EXECUTED COPY OR.FAC5IMRE•OP TIMS•INSTRUMENT MAY AM'NEREUNQET,ANQTHtl4T-RevocimeR OR MWINATION HERWF SHALL BE INEPPECTIYEASTQSUCHTNIRD•PAM Uffi SAND%UNT1LACTUALNOTICEORKKM E04EOFSUCH REW)CAMON ORTERMM'n0N.SHALL•H1WE sE9W RECEwE0,W,SUGH THIRD PAMT%AND I.FOR MYSELF AND•FM MY HE M6 OMCU7MM LEGAL•REPRESENTAINS ANDASSIGN%HEREBY AGM R»S'LDFJidKW AND HOLD"MMI ESS ANY SUCKTHIRD PARTY MOM1W1y J1GAAIST ANY-JWDALL GWMSTA kI MAO(ARMRGAW SUCII THIRD:PARIY B''(MASON OF-SUCH THM PARTY HAVING RELED ON THE.PRtNISIONS,OFTHLS.INSTRlIfIIENT. Signed under seal this a( g25C - 51grad In-lbe Witness: Witness r. Waness: _ State of L17-5 County of. or, 06 il Na i be{are-Me.,aC C1 2dz4 L appeared h poly known to me(otproved.mme•on'thebWof p eeson•~:varm-Is.subscJtbed'tothewihin•Insnu *w and acknowlrrdged to me heat hehheft%7 smaned-04,--Saone tn,hislhet.audtbniaed•mpacity,and•theR'4y hi her slgnature on the Insttumem the petson..art*entity upon behalf-of which the.perstxr acted.executed the'lnsuumen't: WLTNIESS my hand and aNdal seal. Affront ICnorm duced f0 '> Type e7 ELII�AIgErehR tee — {Sean 3 Cv��erllar'at Expl�a • .• Nlatr a< 2OOE .M. ..e..� a aas,sr a.sti.�►u: mss-rw,ova