HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN MAY 17 1994 REGULAR SESSION CITY COUNCIL - CITY OF BEAUMONT HELD MAY 17, 1994 - 1:30 P.M. BE IT REMEMBERED that the City Council of the City of Beaumont, Texas, met in regular session this the 17th day of May 1994, with the following present: HONORABLE: Evelyn M. Lord Mayor Guy N. Goodson Mayor Pro Tem Councilman, Ward II Andrew P. Cokinos Councilman At Large Brian R. Alter Councilman At Large Lulu L. Smith Councilman, Ward I John Davis Councilman, Ward III David W. Moore Councilman, Ward IV Ray A. Riley City Manager Lane Nichols City Attorney Rosemarie Chiappetta City Clerk -000- The Invocation was given by the Reverend G. W. Daniels, Sunlight Baptist Church. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Roberto Flores, Sr. -000- Mayor Lord: Before we get the show on the road, I would like to say just a very few words, if I may. First of all, I want to thank everyone for being here for David, and for me and for all of us up here in Council. It means a great deal to see a good turnout like this and the interest being manifested. I 'd certainly be remiss if I went out of office without thanking my Council. Andrew is very special with the people, and he's always there and has that touch. If you ever need him, Andrew is there, and that's meant a lot to Council and to the City. Guy has probably been one of the best Mayor Pro Tems that a girl, or that a man, ever could have. . .I could depend on him. He was there. It was just great to know that if I couldn't make something, that Guy, my Mayor Pro Tem would be there. -119- May 17, 1994 Lu, Lu is a stalwart. She is an outstanding example of integrity, and honesty and courage, and I look up to her very, very much. Brian, you're fantastic! This is the guy that keeps us all straight with the numbers. Some of us are people persons, and I tell you, Brian is an awfully good numbers person, and he didn't let us make mistakes. And, if we have balanced budgets, not only do you thank Mr. Riley, but you certainly thank Brian Alter. John has got a lot of promise. He's had a good year. He's fantastic. I 'm very happy to have him on Council. He's been a very good team member. David's been my friend for a long, long time, and nothing could please me more than to be (Someone from the back of the filled Council Chamber called out to those in the lobby of City Hall to be "quiet, please. ) could be here today. I hope you don't mean me! (laughter) I figure I 've got about five more minutes to be mayor, so, I 'm just going to use that prerogative. As I was saying, David has been my friend for a long, long time, and, as you know, we ran against one another. We were friends before we did that. We stayed friends while we did that, and we've been friends ever since, and that means a great deal. And, I know your going into wonderfully competent hands, and you're going to have a fantastic couple of years ahead, and maybe more than that, David, and I wish you every best. Lane and Ray, couldn't have a better support team than what I 've had, Tu and Barbara down there and all of our City staff. You know, when I came into office I said a couple of things--that I wanted to be considered the volunteer mayor, and I think I 've done that. I 've tried to live up to being involved in our community, and I 'm looking forward to being even more involved in our community on a volunteer basis. Now, the nice part about what I can do next is that if I don't feel like getting out of bed in the morning, maybe I don't have to, but here I 've always had to, and I 've enjoyed doing it. One of the other things that I said when I came into office that we were going to be family, and we are family. We're family on Council. We're family in City Hall, and we're family in the city through all of our neighborhoods and everything else, and I know that the next mayor is going to enhance that even more. We're very, very much family. So, I will say to you all, thank you for all the laughs. I guess I said that. I said I was going to laugh a lot and cry a little bit, and I 've done both, but I 've done a lot more laughing because I 've been a lot more happy than I have been sad. So, thanks for the memories and everything wonderful! And, now (applause and standing ovation) we will go ahead. -000- Ordinance No. 94-26 canvassing the returns of the mayoral election held -120- May 17, 1994 Saturday, May 7, 1994, resulting in a recount of the returns conducted May 11, 1994, finding 6,583 votes for Brian Alter, 2 , 647 votes for Tom Jackson and 9,319 votes for David W. Moore, thereby, electing David W. Moore to the office of mayor, was considered: ORDINANCE NO. 94-26 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE CANVASSING THE RETURNS FOR THE OFFICE OF MAYOR OF THE GENERAL ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF BEAUMONT ON THE 7TH DAY OF MAY, 1994; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND PROVIDING FOR REPEAL. Ordinance No. 94-26 was approved on a motion made by Councilman Cokinos and seconded by Councilman Alter. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- Mayor Lord welcomed Maurice Meyers, Jim McNicholas, and Jimmy Cokinos, former mayors, other dignitaries, friends and family members of David W. Moore, Andrew P. Cokinos and Becky Ames and called upon U. S. District Judge Joe Fisher to administer the Oaths of Office to the new mayor and at-large councilmembers. Judge Fisher first asked family members of Mr. Cokinos and Mrs. 'Ames to join them, and then he individually administered the Oath of Office to them. Next, Judge Fisher asked Mrs. Moore and their two sons to join Mr. Moore. Before Judge Fisher administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Moore, he commented that the oath seemed to be "an afterthought" compared to the prayer of anointing by the Reverend Daniels in the invocation, when he beseeched God to bestow the humility of Moses, the patience of Job, the wisdom of Solomon and the love of Jesus upon David Moore as he enters his term of office as mayor for the City of Beaumont. Judge Fisher told Mr. Moore that he knew of his love and interest for Beaumont and predicted he would be a wonderful mayor. Judge Fisher then administered the Oath of Office of mayor of Beaumont to Mr. Moore Mayor Moore: First thing I 'd like to do is say thank you to all of you and state that I 'm not going to be the first person to speak. What I 'd like to do at this particular point and time is have the new Council people, at-large, Becky Ames, and where'd Andrew go? (Councilman Cokinos responded) . . .Before I do that, let us do one thing, first. I would like to acknowledge two wonderful people that I 've had the opportunity to serve on Council with for a number of years. One who I 've known in excess of ten years, and gentleman that I 've served the last four with. And, if I can get these two little men to assist me (gesturing to his two sons) . This lady I 've worked with, I 've held her when she's cried,-- -121- May 17, 1994 in 1984. She brought me on to Council, along with a few other wise men, in 183, and it's been a wonderful working experience as she stated early on. I can think of nothing more fitting today, than to share this moment with my sons and Evelyn, and let her know how much this community has really appreciated her, how much we love her. But, most importantly, she says she wanted to be the mayor of volunteerism, and how we're not going to let her go. She made the statement that she would be able to sleep late some mornings. I know her phone number! (Mayor Moore's sons each presented a large bouquet of roses to Mayor Lord and the audience applauded. ) Mayor Lord: Thank you, David. Mayor Moore: Brian, Brian, I can say the last four years working with you has been great. You have some strengths that you bring to this Council, and you've never been bashful about sharing them. That I can appreciate, but most importantly, I 'm sure all the citizens of Beaumont appreciate the fact that during this race, we kept it one flight above. We never got into personalities. We never got into race. We stuck with the issued. And, I saw Tom Jackson here a little bit earlier, and he may be, there he is. I 'd like to say to both of these gentlemen, that it was an honor being in a race with you. It is refreshing to have a race where the citizens of Beaumont can wake up the next morning and feel good about their choices and feel good about the options. But, most importantly, I 've enjoyed the four years with you. It has been a tremendous working relation. I know that you will stay active in this community. I ' ll look forward to continue working with you, Brian. (Applause) And now, on behalf of this City Council, we want you to go taking with you all the wonderful memories and the fact that your service is still greatly needed in our community and a small token of this Council 's appreciation. (Mayor Moore's sons presented Mr. Alter with a gift of four crystal glasses embossed with the City's seal. ) Mr. Alter: Thank you very much. I appreciate that. Mayor Moore: Now, at this time, Becky. Councilman Ames: Gosh, how can I follow that! I 'd like to thank all of you for voting on May 7th and for being here today. This is an exciting day for me, but it couldn't have happened without the help of my family and friends, -122- May 17, 1994 whom many of them are here today. Thank you so much. Also, I 'd like to thank Mayor Lord and Councilman Alter for your time, commitment and everything that you've done for this community. Congratulations to Mayor Moore and Councilman Cokinos. I pledge my support to you, as I do all of Council. I look forward to working with all of you. I 'd like to thank the citizens of Beaumont for giving me the privilege of being here, to serve our community, to have a voice, to listen and to accomplish your goals through Council. Thank you very much. I 'm really glad to be here. I appreciate all of your support. Thank you. Mayor Moore: Andrew. Councilman Cokinos: Thank you, Mayor. The people have spoken. The election is over. I wish to thank all the citizens who voted in this election, for their interest and concern for Beaumont's future. I am deeply grateful for all those who supported me for my fifth consecutive two-year term, and I will put forth every effort to live up to their expectation. A new era has begun in Beaumont. I want to congratulate David Moore, who is now our new mayor. With this election, I see a new spirit coming forth. Mayor Moore is our new leader and with all of Beaumont working together, we're bound to succeed. May the 7th will go down in history as the date Beaumont took another giant step on the road back to good government and economic prosperity. My hope is for the City Council to have an open government and keep our people informed. I regret that Brian Alter will no longer be a member of the City Council, but I know that he will be cheering us on, and I 'm sure we can count on his support. I welcome our new City Councilman-at-large member, Becky Ames. Not only will it add additional beauty (laughter) . . .but I am confident that you'll contribute fresh ideas and offer fresh approach to find solutions to our problem. Again, thank you, thank you very much for your support and your confidence. Mayor Moore: There is so much that I would like to say. A lot has already been stated, and due to the conditions, I will greatly abbreviate what my remarks would have been today. I would start off by saying that I look forward to working with this Council, and I come here and I stand before you, possibly with only one regret, one regret through the whole process, and those of you who know me, know that would be that my father's not here with me today. But, there is one great thing about this day, I have so many friends and family members with me. I have a number of people in here, and I will make this comment, they will be able to relate to it, and many may not, but I heard someone make it many, many years ago, and I 'd like to say, that' s my statement! That statement is, the eagle has landed! When I look back at Maury Meyers, -123- May 17, 1994 cause he made that statement, and I told him, I don't know, several weeks ago, I said you made a statement a long time ago, I 'm going to use one day, and I said when I use it, I 'm going to look back at you. That's always been very important to me, but if I were to say that, and some of my friends, closer friends, they'd probably relate that more to a landing. They say when an airplane lands, it's a controlled crash. So, here it is! Many questions have been put before me the last several weeks, and I 'd like to put a few things in perspective. The question's always been, how does it feel to be the first African-American mayor in the City of Beaumont, and my response to that is, I 'm proud of my heritage. I 'm proud for my parents and my family, but I 'm just so excited that I was elected mayor of all the people of Beaumont. Ten years ago, in fact, ten years almost seven months to the day, I joined this Council of hard workers, and one that's still here with us, and that being, Evelyn, and when I stood before the citizens, I looked toward unity. For folks, when I look out into this audience today, it is so different from what it was ten years ago when I took the Oath of Office, and to that I thank God, and I thank all of you. We have grown so much as a community. We've reached another milestone. We have nothing but progress ahead of us. I guess the least of the thoughts in terms of being here today is that I may share another distinction. I stated being African-American, I stated possibly being the youngest, and probably one of the largest, but I 'm going to work on that! I mean I 've had more teachers that taught me from the first grade up say, you're going to lose that weight! I 'm going to lose it! I 've been coached through this process. But you know, I 'd like to take just a little bit, and paraphrase very shortly. . .a couple of phrases that we use by Henry Ford. And, he said coming together is the beginning, and that' s all of you here today. We have come together for a new beginning. Not that the past and where we've come is bad, but it is a new beginning. And, we come with new vigor, we come with new energy, and we come with a new attitude and wonderful opportunities. It says keeping together is progress, and that's when I look at this Council, because the one thing the mayors before me done so well, they kept us a team. The cohesiveness was always there, and it strengthened our ability to make things happen in this community. We could resolve our differences, we could work through the process, we could respect the wishes of our constituents, but at the same time, we respected each other. I think that makes a team. The third thing Henry Ford said, he said, working together is success, and that challenge is before all of us. We have the opportunity to work together and be as successful as we choose to be. Evelyn has already went through this Council talking about the strengths that each member brings to the table. I won't do that again, but I will say to Becky Ames, we look forward to your spirit on this Council, and we look forward to the contribution that you're going to make. We've all kind of found a niche in terms of what we try to do well, but hopefully, you will come in and be another very valuable component of the system that must work for Beaumont to grow. I won't get into in-point visions, but most you know what mine is, it's a community that I can share with my sons and my wife and your children -124- May 17, 1994 and your grandchildren, where we can be proud of this community, day in and day out. And, we can all be ambassadors if we leave our city, people want to come back and be part of it. That's the Beaumont I know we can build, and that's the Beaumont that i really want to be a part of. A lot has happened today. A lot has happened in the last several weeks, and I think we have all grown. I know I have over the last ten years. I was about 235 pounds when I started! Evelyn made reference to the fact of humor. Humor is very, very important. In Council, I hope we never take ourselves so seriously we can't laugh at ourselves. I 'll add some of the things we're going to do. Evelyn was a mayor of volunteerism. I want to be a mayor with an action team! I want to be a mayor of action. I want to be the catalyst that can bring about the necessary changes for our community to continue to grow, to continue to develop and be one that we can all be proud of. Now, I must be considerate of those who are out in the lobby area who could not get in, but I would be remiss if I did not tell you that I don't know what the future holds for us, but I do know who knows what the future holds for US. And, in knowing that, I will simply say, come go with all of us and share the vision for Beaumont. There is so much to do. Let's not take the things we don't like and view them as problems. Let's look at them as opportunities and challenges that we can all work through. Today, as we're in this room very, very close together, look at the person on both sides of you. Hopefully, you do not know that individual, but as we walk out of this room today in a small reception, get to know that individual, because this is where we start. There is no great magic. I brought all the wisdom together. He talked about Solomon, he talked about the patience of Job, Reverend Daniels, thank you for that anointment, and Judge Fisher, thank you for declaring it, but this is where it starts. There are many, many great minds in here and many, many friends, and I can't name them all, because all of you are my friends now. This community's probably one of the most exciting places I 've ever been, but let me say this before I stop, I am so thankful to my mother. And, if you all would just allow her to stand, let her stand while I say this (applause) , she has for the past 39 years put up with me. She has, on many occasions, she still feeds me. My wife says that' s bad, she can stop. But, the one thing I want to say, folks, people have asked me all along, what's been the greatest joy of this experience and this journey, and the one thing I could honestly tell you, the greatest joy I have is looking in my mother' s eyes on May the 7th and seeing the excitement in her eyes. I mean I was surrounded by great workers, and they're all in here, but to have shared that with her, I mean it just, it gave me the strength, and it gave me the vision of my, both of my parents being there, and it that was really wonderful. But, I want you to know, nobody works harder than this lady, and I love you so much, Mom. (applause) As we move to proceed, I would like at this particular point and time for the Most Reverend Joseph A. Galante, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Beaumont, to please come forward. Now, while he's coming forward, I would like for all the ministers that are present, wherever you are, to -125- May 17, 1994 please stand, if you're not already standing. And what we're going to do today is that I 've asked the Bishop to come forward and to render to us a unity prayer so that we will walk out of this Chamber together on a united road and united path. What you decide to do with it is up to you. The opportunity is yours. Bishop Joseph Galante offered a prayer of unity for Beaumont and its citizens and said, "let us be family, family that loves one another, that reaches out to one another, that supports one another, let us be a family of love of service. " Mayor Moore: Okay, we're about to walk out, and we're about to recess, but I just want those of you who are visiting for the first time here, especially my family from various parts of the Country, this is a normal Tuesday meeting for us! (laughter) But, I do want to acknowledge one other person, and I have several others and classmates, but I do have a ninety- year-old aunt that came from Louisiana today to be here with me, and just wave your hand, you don't have to stand, if you don't want to, darling. Now, if I might, Evelyn, I 'd like to give you the honor of recessing this to the lobby. Mayor Lord: Come hug me first! (Mayor Moore approached the kiosk to give Mayor Lord a hug of friendship) We are now recessed to the lobby to receive our new mayor. -000- The City Council reconvened with the following present: HONORABLE: David W. Moore Mayor Guy N. Goodson Mayor Pro Tem Councilman, Ward II Andrew P. Cokinos Councilman At Large Becky Ames Councilman At Large Lulu L. Smith Councilman, Ward I John Davis Councilman, Ward III Ray A. Riley City Manager Lane Nichols City Attorney Rosemarie Chiappetta City Clerk -000- Three Proclamations were issued: "Retired Senior Volunteer Program Day, " May 25, 1994 ; "Emergency Medical Services Week, " May 15-21, 1994; and "National Association of Insurance Women Week, " May 15-21, 1994 . -126- May 17, 1994 Citizen comment was invited on the Consent and Main Agenda items. No one wished to address these subjects. -000- A Public Hearing was opened to regarding issuance of tax-exempt revenue and refunding bonds in an amount not to exceed $2, 730, 000 by the Beaumont Housing Finance Corporation. There being no one desiring to address this subject, the Public Hearing was closed. Ordinance No. 94-27 authorizing the Beaumont Housing Finance Corporation to issue tax-exempt revenue and refunding bonds in an amount not to exceed $2,730, 000 to promote financing for low to moderate income housing was considered: ORDINANCE NO. 94-27 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE BEAUMONT HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION TO ISSUE NOT TO EXCEED $2, 730, 000 IN TAX-EXEMPT REVENUE AND REFUNDING BONDS TO PROVIDE FINANCING FOR LOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING Ordinance No. 94-27 was approved on a motion made by Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Davis. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- Ordinance No. 94-28 amending Chapter 21, Section 21-75 of the Code of Ordinances to increase the number of Grade I Police Officer positions by ten for a total of 163 positions (8 positions reflect an award by the Federal Government for a Public Housing Officer Unit funded by a grant application authorized by R-93-260 and 2 positions funded by reduction of Grade III positions as street officers) and decrease the Grade III Police Lieutenant positions by two for a total of 14 positions was considered: ORDINANCE NO. 94-28 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 21 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT TO AMEND SECTION 21-75 TO ESTABLISH GRADES, CLASSIFICATIONS AND POSITIONS IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL. Ordinance No. 94-28 was approved on a motion made by Councilman Cokinos and seconded by Councilman Davis. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -127- May 17, 1994 Minutes of the regular City Council session held May 10, 1994 were approved on a motion made by Councilman Cokinos and seconded by Councilman Smith. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- Councilman Smith commented that today has been a very momentous occasion, congratulated Mayor Moore, said she looks forward to working with him as mayor in the coming years and complimented the inaugural ceremony. Mayor Pro Tem. Goodson told Mayor Moore that since his first appointment to fill an unexpired term of a Councilman, just a Mayor Moore was for his first term on Council, he has appreciated him as a friend and leader from their first trip together at the National League of Cities Conference. He said he looks forward to great things from this Council under the leadership of Mayor Moore with the same excitement he felt serving with the previous Council. Councilman Davis added his congratulations to Mayor Moore by saying he thinks there will be new energy in Beaumont. Also, he referred to passage of the ordinance increasing positions in the Police Department and said it is important to him that more diversity is brought to the Police Department and asked Mr. Riley to convey his feelings that diversity be reflected in filling these new positions. Mayor Moore said that today has been a very joyous and special day to him and hopes this will be the beginning a great Council that can do many, many great things together. -000- Ms. Verna Fontenot, 2993 Avenue C, addressed Council on behalf of Mary Como Randall, who could not attend Council today because of illness in her family, to congratulate Mayor Moore and Councilmembers Cokinos and Ames for their election to Council. Also, Ms. Fontenot asked Council to consider Mary Como Randall to fill the position for Ward IV Councilman created by Mayor Moore's election as mayor. Mr. Henry Dannenbaum, 2880 Grand, addressed Council to congratulate the Mayor and Councilmembers-At-Large for their successful campaigns. Mrs. Marie Hubbard, 1990 Nora, addressed Council to congratulate Mayor Moore and express her pride in his election as mayor. Mr. Roderick Segura, 5335 Downs Road, addressed Council to speak about the impact that Mayor Moore has had upon his life. He said that he is a product of Mayor Moore's efforts, that he has been shaped as a young man, a Christian and a friend through Mayor Moore's Sunday School -128- May 17, 1994 class. He expressed appreciation for the Mayor's influence in his life, said their Sunday School class motto was, "we are our brother's keeper, " and feels that the message of this motto will be instituted into our city, state and nation through Mayor Moore. -000- There being no further business, the regular session of City Council was adjourned. -000- I, Rosemarie Chiappetta, City Clerk of the City of Beaumont, Texas, certify that the above is a true copy of the Minutes of the regular City Council session held May 17, 1994 . Rosemarie Chiappetta City Clerk -129- May 17, 1994