HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN OCT 06 1987 REGULAR SESSION CITY COUNCIL - CITY OF BEAUMONT HELD OCTOBER 6, 1987 - 1 :15 P.M. BE IT REMEMBERED that the City Council of the City of Beaumont, Texas, met in regular session this the 6th day of October, 1987, with the following present: HONORABLE: Maurice Meyers Mayor Bob Lee, Jr. Councilman At Large Andrew P. Cokinos Councilman At Large Lulu L. Smith Councilman, Ward I Mike Brumley Councilman, Ward II Audwin Samuel Councilman, Ward III David W. Moore Councilman, Ward IV Albert E. Haines City Manager Lane Nichols City Attorney Rosemarie Chiappetta City Clerk -000- The Invocation was given by the Reverend Richard Elwood, pastor of Saint Mark's Episcopal Church. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Martha Newton, a third grade student at All Saints Episcopal School. -000- Mayor Meyers welcomed the third grade class of All Saints Episcopal School to the City Council meeting. -000- Members of the Beaumont Independent School District, Austin Middle School, presented a Sesquicentennial Cake (a large sheet cake with a raised Texas emblem) to Mayor Meyers and City Council to express their support and involvement in the Sesquicentennial Celebration and invited them to lunch on October 9th between 11 :00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. when they will be serving a Sesquicentennial Menu. Mayor Meyers expressed gratitude for the cake and invited everyone in attendance to remain for cake during the forthcoming recessed break. -000- Mrs. Susan Spindor, Junior League President, introduced Kaye Luparello, Chairman of the Beaumont Junior League's "Frankly Speaking" fund raising event who distributed brochures to Council describing the event that will feature as guests in Beaumont, Walter Cronkite, November 5, 1987, Rocky Bleier, January 19, 1988, and Arthur L. Ulene, March 15, 1988 at the Julie Rogers Theater. Tickets are available from Junior League members. Mrs. Spindor expressed appreciations for Council's support of volunteerism. -000- -347- October 6, 1987 Mr. Jerry May, representing the Beaumont Fire Department, presented Mayor Meyers and City Council members with a Fire Department Yearbook produced especially for the Sesquicentennial Celebration. The book was funded by Fire Department personnel. The contributors were .Terry May, photography, Anne Huff, layout and illustration, and typesetting, Pat Shelton, editing, Lon Nesom, editing, and Scott Rush, computer programming and typesetting. Mr. May also announced that this is Fire Prevention Week. -000- Mr. Tom Warner, Public Works Director, and Commissioner Ed Moore, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Committee, announced the development of the "Adopt a Park" program. The first group to "Adopt a Park" is the Jefferson County Sheriff's Deputy's Association who have volunteered to take over the maintenance of the Teeple of the Brave at Pipkin Park, log the World War I and World War II artifacts, and bring in artifacts of the Korean War and the Viet Nam War. Captain Dennis White, representing the Jefferson County Sheriff's Deputy's Association, Mayor Meyers, Councilman Audwin Samuel, and Commissioner Moore signed the contract for their participation. Captain White introduced Mr. Pat Gilbert and Mrs Mildred Wright of the Jefferson County Historical Commission as members of this group. Commissioner Moore complimented the City of Beaumont for its program of volunteerism, stated that he is very concerned with the welfare of our parks and hopes that other groups and organizations will enter into the "Adopt a Park" program, and expressed a need for someone of the caliber and expertise of Maree Calcote to spearhead the program for Tyrrell Park -000- Councilman Bob Lee, Jr. and Mrs. Maree Calcote, representing the Clean Community Commission, introduced Commander Bryant, head of the ROTC program at Central High School. The Central High School ROTC has agreed to clean and maintain the area of Calder between Magnolia and Martin Luther Ring, Jr. Blvd. as part of the "Operation Clean Street" volunteer program. Mayor. Meyers, Councilman Lee, Commander Bryant, and Mrs. Calcote publicly signed the contract for their participation in this project. -000- Councilman Mike Brumley presented a Proclamation to Norman Whitaker, Director of Planning, commending his exemplary perforidance, professionalism and competence in various City positions and in coordinating, repairing, and implementing the City's physical and economic development planning process, for providing strong positive direction, preparing and updating elements of the City Council's Comprehensive Plan for the City, coordinating Downtown redevelopment planning and implementation, formulating a five-year Capital Improvements Program, preparing and administering Federal grant monies, administering the zoning ordinance, producing the Economic Summit process and serving as support staff and technical planning/development consultant to various departments and committes. -000- Five other proclamations were issued: "National Employ the Handicapped Week, " October 4-10, 1987; "Legal Secretary's Day in Court," Tuesday, October 13th; "Philippine Association of Southeast Texas Day, " October 6th; "Car Care Month,"--October; "Sesquicentennial Boss Appreciation Week," October 12-16, 1987, and "Sesquicentennial Boss Appreciation Day," Wednesday, October 14. -348- October 6, 1987 Mr. Al Pollans, Chairman of the Sesquicentennial Commission, complimented the celebration activities of the past week emphasizing that the Religious Heritage Non- denominational Service was truly a memorial experience in bringing brotherhood and fellowship to the community. The activities will continue throughout the remainder of this week with performances of the Spectacular "One-Five-Oh. " Friday, at 2:00 p.m. , the Ethnic Heritage Festival will open with a parade and fireworks show at 9:00 p.m. ; Saturday will present a full day of activities highlighted by a parade with over 150 entries and cutting of the birthday cake. -000- Mayor Meyers introduced visitors from Beaumont's sister city, Beppu, Japan, Yoichi Danjo, the general manager and managing editor of Beppu's newspaper, and Hisamo Sato and Machiko Nakajo, officials with the Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Co. who have been sharing the Sesquicentennial Celebration experiences with various citizens of Beaumont. Mayor Meyers presented Honorary Citizen Certificates and lapel Keys to the City to Hisamo Sato and Machiko Nakajo commerating their first visit to Beaumont. Assisted by Olivia Brumley, daughter of Councilman Brumley, Mayor presented each of the dignitaries a copy of Beaumont Pictorial History and a small branding iron for their desk. Mr. Danjo expressed his gratitude for Beaumont's hospitality and presented a gift of art to Beaumont for the Beppu City Room at City Hall and messages of congratulations from the President of the Sister City Committee and from the Governor Nominee of the District Rotary Club to the Mayor regarding the 150th birthday of Beaumont. Mr. Danjo said the citizens of Beppu City are anxious to hear of the Sesquicentennial Celebration of Beaumont's birthday, they would like a student exchange program, they want to continue the beautiful relationship between the two cities not only for this generation, but for the next generation, and that he personally wants his two-year old son to be an internationalist and have the honor of courage and bravery to continue this relationship and to know his father initially helped institute the program. -000- Mayor Meyers recessed this portion of the Council meeting and invited everyone to share the cake presented by the Beaumont Independent School District and a time of fellowship. -000- Mayor Meyers called the Council meeting back to order and invited citizens to comment on Items A and C of the Council Agenda. No citizens wished to comment. -000- The Consent Agenda consisting of approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of the City Council and the Town Meeting held September 29, 1987, was approved on a motion made by Councilman Moore and seconded by Councilman Brumley. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- An ordinance granting a specific use permit for a drinking place at 5905-E Phelan Boulevard was considered. -349- October 6, 1987 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE ISSUING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR A DRINKING PLACE ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5905-E PHELAN BLVD. , BEAUMONT, JEFFERSON COUNTY, TEXAS. Due to the fact that there are alternative locations where this activity could undertaken without a Specific Use Permit, because of the opposition of neighbors, and because the hours of operation would be extended much later than other establishments in the shopping center, Councilman Lee made a motion, seconded by Councilman Brumley, to deny the Specific Use Permit. Question: Ayes: All None -000- An ordinance changing the zoning in an area covered by the Wall Street/Avenue C Rezoning Study from HI , LI and GC-MD to RCR, LI and GC-MD was considered: ORDINANCE 87-75 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 30 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS, AND IN PARTICULAR THE BOUNDARIES OF THE ZONING DISTRICTS AS INDICATED UPON THE ZONING MAP OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS, BY CHANGING THE ZONING FROM HI (HEAVY INDUSTRIAL), LI (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) AND GC-MD (GENERAL COMMERCIAL- MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING) TO RCR (RESIDENTIAL CONSER- VATION AND REVITALIZATION, LI (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) AND GC-MD (GENERAL COMMERCIAL-MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING) ON PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE WALL STREET/AVENUE C REZONING STUDY, BEAUMUNT, JEFFERSON COUNTY, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL AND PROVIDING A PENALTY. The ordinance was approved on a motion made by Councilman Moore and seconded by Councilman Smith. Question: Ayes: Mayor Meyers Nayes: None Councilman Lee Councilman Cokinos Councilman Smith Councilman Brumley Councilman Moore Abstention: Councilman Samuel -000- An ordinance granting an amended Specific Use Permit to allow expansion of a social services youth residential facility at 2865 South Eighth Street and permit its use as a psychiatric hospital was considered: -350- October 6, 1987 ORDINANCE 87-76 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE ISSUING AN AMENDED SPECIFIC USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A 96-BED SOCIAL SERVICE YOUTH RESIDENTIAL FACILITY TO BE OPERATED AS A PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2865 S. 8TH STREET, BEAUMONT, JEFFERSON COUNTY, TEXAS. The ordinance was approved on a motion made by Councilman Cokinos and seconded by Councilman Moore. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- An ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for a gymnastics training center at 7821 Gladys Avenue was considered: ORDINANCE 87-77 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE ISSUING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR A GYMNASTICS TRAINING CENTER ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 7821 GLADYS AVENUE, BEAUMONT, JEFFERSON COUNTY, TEXAS. The ordinance was approved on a motion made by Councilman Brumley and seconded -by Councilman Lee. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- An ordinance expanding a Specific Use Permit for professional offices in Dowlen Plaza to include additional land uses was considered: ORDINANCE NO. 87-78 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE ISSUING Ali AMENDED SPECIFIC USE PERMIT TO EXPAND THE EXISTING SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR PROFESSIONAL OFFICES IN DCWLEN PLAZA AT DOWLEN ROAD AND WELLINGTON PLACE, BEAUMONT, JEFFERSON COUNTY, TEXAS. The ordinance was approved on a motion made by Councilman Brumley and seconded by Councilman Lee. Question: Ayes: All ?ayes: None -000- Resolution 87-211 accepting the Beaumont Marina Expansion Project - Phase I constructed by Bo-Mac Constructing, Inc. , authorizing Change Order No. 4 adding $1,252.70 for adjustments in contract estimates to reflect the actual quantities used in construction and authorizing final payment in the amount of $3,746.03 was approved on a motion made by Councilman Lee and seconded by Councilman Brumley. -000- -351- October 6, 1 987 Councilman Brumley reported the Opening Ceremony for the Sesquicentennial was very successful as well as the Religious Heritage Service, but there are many people in the city missing opportunities that won't ever come again in their lifetime by not attending the events. He was especially impressed with the closing song of the Opening Ceremony ("Love in Any Language" performed by Katie Lane) and the "Battle Hymn of Republic" performed by the Interdenominational Choir and Orchestra (conducted by Don Stabe of Cathedral in the Pines) at the Religious Heritage Service. Councilman Brumley acknowledged Councilman Lee for his hard work as Co-Chairman of the Opening Ceremony and stated that even though it was busy and a lot of hard work, the weekend was very nice and very rewarding. Councilman Lee - confirmed that there are a lot of people planning activities that are intertaining as well as educational for everyone in our City and region for no payment other than the good feeling they have for our City. Last week's "Sunday in the Park" was different than usual because of the boat races, but the format will resume next Sunday with Southwestern Bell sponsoring the event. Each Councilmember will have an opportunity for input into the finale of the "Sunday in the Park" season. Councilman Cokinos acclaimed the performance of the spectacular "Beaumont One Five Oh" as outstanding and thrilling and encouraged everyone to attend. He congratulated Delia Harrington for placing third in the contest for "First Lady. " (selling the most tickets for "Beaumont One Five Oh") Councilman Moore expressed that both he and the delegates from Beppu City enjoyed an evening at the Palace along with former Councilwoman Weisbach discussing the various cultures and the direction Beaumont is taking. He even gave them a guided tour and demonstration of his vocation. Councilman Samuel participated in "Young at Heart Day" for senior citizens and was impressed with the energy level of many of them. He stated they had a fantastic time and a nice crowd at Jefferson Theater. Councilman Smith confirmed that she is hosting a reception Friday evening, October 4th, for the Beppu City delegates with some of Zhe community leaders in business and education for input regarding activities with our sister city and stated that she, too, has enjoyed the weekend. "Sunday in the Park" will be hosted by Southwestern Bell, Uncle Sam will be present, pony rides and all the usual entArtainrment for children. Mayor Meyers reported that he had the pleasure of being with Chairman Mercer of Goodyear, their Board of Directors and some of the local executives and was happy that their view of our community is solid in their minds and is encouraged by their feeling of their facility here and the community as a whole. Mayor Meyers reiterated that everyone at the Montagne Center for the Religious Heritage Ceremony hearing the choir sing "America" and "Battle Hymn of the Republic" were emotionally touched, and there is no way to describe the feeling of that experience. Among other Councilmember's comments, Councilman Moore pointed out the age variety of the audience and the enthusiasm and confidence of the children's choir in taking a leading role. He also thanked the Beaumont Enterprise for their welcome to the Goodyear Board of Directors. Mr. Haines asked for an opportunity to also brag on the program at the Religious Heritage Ceremony and expressed pleasure in the representation of City employees in the choirs. -000- -352- October 6, 1987 Mrs. Delia Harrington, 815 Willow Street, addressed Council to express her appreciation for the opportunity to participate in the "Beaumont One Five Oh" production and for the hard work of Mr. Horner and Mr. Morgan. Mr. Henry Dannenbaum, 3305 Avenue A, addressed Council to state this 150 year celebration will live in his memory for many years, to congratulate Delia Harrington for placing 3rd in the "First Lady" contest, to express birthday wishes to Council and good luck to Norman Whitaker in his new job. -000- There being no further business, the regular session of the City Council meeting was adjourned. -000- I, Rosemarie Chiappe tta, City Clerk, of the City of Beauont, certify that the above is a true copy of the Minu t--s of the regular City Council session held October 6, 1987. Rosemarie Chiappetta, City Clerk October 6, 1987 -353- October 6, 1987